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Job Interview Tips: FAQs in Job Interview... Here are the answers!

The words while speaking should be solid, coherent, neat and sweet. These words play a key role, especially in interviews. An interview is usually a conversation between two or more people. There interviewers gather information from the candidates by asking questions.
Interview Tips

Job interview is the process by which a candidate attends an interview seeking a job. Thereby the interviewers assess whether the candidates are suitable for the job. However, no matter what questions are asked, most people are in trouble for not knowing what kind of answers to give. Here are some of the tips to be followed while attending interview.

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Job Interview Tips:

  • Keep updated resume, original certificates and photocopies ready.
  • Know as much as possible about the details of the company / organization.
  • Need to know the goals and future plans of the company.
  • You need to know the job details you want to join. Also talk to people who are doing the same job. If you have this kind of information, they will help you in the interview.
  • Wear appropriate clothing. Do not wear shiny or pretentious clothing. Wear something that is neat and clean and looks professional.
  • Arrive at least 15 - 20 minutes before the interview time.
  • Walk slowly and confidently into the interview hall.
  • Sit upright.
  • Look into the eyes and speak.
  • Make sure your facial expressions match your words.
  • Do not worry or panic. Must be confident.
  • Must be smiling rather than serious.
  • Must be curious not to be discouraged.
  • You have to be careful with the way you sit. Do not lean back well or lean forward. You need to lean forward a little as if you are showing interest.
  • The answers should be said carefully. Be able to understand the question by listening carefully. If you do not understand the question, feel free to ask the interviewer one more time.
  • Do not be in a hurry to answer questions. Before answering, summarize your thoughts.
  • The voice should not be too small or too loud when speaking. Also do not speak fast or slow.
  • Make sure your answer is correct. Make sure your answer is relevant to the question.
  • Say hello / thank you to the interviewers as they leave the interview hall.

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Some of the most frequently asked questions in the interview, their answers are given here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in Interviews

1. Introduce yourself?

Firstly, this is a very important question. Care should be taken to make a positive impression. Instead of boring the interviewer by telling the person how hard you work, talk about diverting your discussion into the depths of the interview. This sets you apart from other candidates. Tell the interviewer about your Unique Selling Proposal (USP). USP serves as a short transmission of information. That is, it explains who you are, what your strengths are, and how your strengths can be useful to the company. While the answers you give may serve as a lead for your discussion, they should not proceed as an interrogation process.

2. What do you know about our company?

The answer you give indicates the interest you have shown in getting to know that company. Provide the interviewer with affiliate and current information related to that company. You can find the answer to this question by doing research online. You can find out by looking at the About Us section on their website. The location of the company in the Google search engine, you can find out about the company by reading the blogs. Discussion boards about the company can also be found on social networking sites. Remember, you will get a good impression by taking the time to search.

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3. What are your qualifications for this job?

Answering this question by describing the qualifications embedded in the job posting for this job, you need to connect your skills and experience to them. By explaining in this way the interviewer will realize that you know the information related to this job and also that you have the required qualifications for this job.

4. What is your strength?

Tell the interviewer about the strengths and weaknesses of your job and prove it.

5. What are your weaknesses?

Be objective about your weaknesses and the efforts you are making to overcome them.

6. Do you tend to work independently? Or work with a team?

Remember. Here the interviewer wants to know if you are a team player or someone who tends to work independently. So, you have to answer that you are equally inclined to both work as a team member on the team and still as an Independent. Talk about the assignments / tasks / sports you have done. Indicate the importance of independent and teamwork.

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7. Do you take office work home with you?

Tell him that you can take it if necessary. But do not answer too long.

8. How do you deal with stress?

Say you can overcome stress depending on job conditions. Tell about physical exercise, yoga and aerobics that can relieve your stress. Also give examples of policies that you have conquered stress in recent times.

10. What kind of position do you want to be?

Tell them you will accept any level of job that suits your qualifications and experience.

11. Are you interested in a full time or part time position?

Let them know that you are more interested in the full time position and do not care about the part time.

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12. When can you start working with us?

Give them your consent to work accordingly. But make sure you know when to join the company.

13. If you are hired on a temporary basis, how long will you work with us?

Express your consent to work longer. It should be as if you left the ball in their court.

14. How much salary is expected from us?

Say a wide range instead of an exact number.

We hope these FAQs, which are frequently asked in interviews, will enhance your job interview skills. Practice answering these as well as other questions frequently. Sit down with your friend and practice for the interview. By practicing this way often you will gain enough confidence.

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Published date : 17 Feb 2022 02:04PM

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