Centre seeking force
Sakshi Education
What is the 'Physics' behind a stone tied to a string and whirled in a horizontal circle?
According to Newton's first law of motion, a body in motion should travel with uniform speed along a straight line. But here the stone is travelling along a curved path. It means a force must be acting on the stone to deviate it from a straight path. Moreover this force is acting along the radius of the circuler path towards its centre. This centre (centri) seeking (petal) Force is called 'Centripetal Force' (CPF). In case of a stone tied to a string and moving along the circumference of a horizontal a circle. The necessary centripetal force is supplied by the hand holding the string.
Similarly in case of planets revolving around the Sun, the necessary CPF is supplied by the gravitational force of attraction of the Sun. In an atom, the electrons are revolving around the nucleus of due to the CPF offered by the electrostatic force of the nucleus.
So far, it is well and good. The problem is, if only centripetal forces in action, the stones revolving in horizontal circles should fall on the heads of the persons holding them and it should be the same case with the planets and the Sun. The revolving planets shall fell in the Sun and the universe as we know it shall cease to exist. The electrons should fall into the nuclei of atorms so that atoms and that way no matter shall exist in the universe.
Were even you are, I am there
But luckily it is not happening because as soon as CPF is acting on a body, simaltameously an equal and opposite force comes into play (acts) on the same body which tends the body to fly away from the centre of the curved path. That is how the nature keeps up the symmetry of the universe!
This force is called 'centrifugal force' (CEF). The effect of this force can be experienced by passengers travelling in a bus when it is negotiating a cunved path.
The necessary CPF for a bus to move along a curved path is supplied by the frictional force between the road and tyres of the bus, and the passengers in the bus are tilting away from the centre of the curved path and felling on their co passengers sitting beside them (of course, one can take advantage due to CEF) due to CFF.
When churning the curd with a churner, the cream particles fly away from the churner is due to CFF. The churner rotates because of the frictional force between the hands of the person and the handle of the chuner.
The CFF readily comes into play whenever CPF acts an body. These two forces are equal in magnitude ((mu2/r or mrw2, where 'm' is the mess of the body, 'u' its speed on the curved path 'r' is the nedius of the curved path. is its angnlar velocity) and act an a body making circular motion in opposite .... and keep the body in ' Dynamic equilibrium'.
Interestingly, centnifugal force is a 'Pseudo force' as we cannot get any 'work' done by it. (Do you know what is work in Physics?)
What is the 'Physics' behind a stone tied to a string and whirled in a lonizontal circle?
According to Newton's first law of motion, a body in motion should travel with uniform speed along a straight line. But here the stone is travelling along a curved path. It means a force must be acting on the stone to deviate it from a straight path. Moreover this force is acting along the radius of the circuler path towards its centre. This centre (centri) seeking (petal) Force is called 'Centripetal Force' (CPF). In case of a stone tied to a stming and moving along the circumference of a horizontal a circle. The necessary centri fetal force is supplied by the hand holding the string.
Simtanty in case of planets involving amount the 'Sun' the necessary CPF is supplied by the gravitational force of altraction of the sun. The electrons are revolving around The nuclens of an atoms due to the CPF offened by the electrostatic force of the nuclens.
So fan, it is well and good. The problem is, if only centripetal forces only are acting, The stones revolving in horizontal circles should fall in the leads of The persons holding the sun so that own universe may not exist. The electrons should fall into the nucki of atorms so that atoms, that way any 'metier' in the universe may not exist.
Were even you are, i am there
But luckily it is not happening because as soon as CPF is acting an a body, simaltameously an equal and opposite force comes into play (acts) on the same body which tends the body to fly away from the centre of the curred path. That is how the nature keeps up the symmetry of the univerce!
This force is called 'centrifugal force' (CEF). The effect of this force can be expenienced by passengers travelling in a his when it is negotieting a cunved path.
The necessary CPF for a his to move along a curved path is supplied by the frictional force between the road and tyres of the his, and the passengers in the ins are tilting away from the centre of the curved path and felling an their co passengers sitting beside then (ofcomse, one can take advantage due to CEF) due to CFF.
When chuning curd with a chuner, the cream particles fly away from the chuner is due to CFF. The chuner notetes because of the frictional force between the hands of the person and the handle of the chuner.
The CFF readily comes into play whenever a cff acts an body. these two forces are equal in magnitude ((mu2/r or mrw2, where 'm' is the mess of the body, 'u' its speed on the curved path 'r' is the nedius of the curved path. is its angnlar velocity and act an a body making circulan motion in opposite .... and keep the body in ' Dynamic equitibnium'.
Interestingly, centnifugal force is a 'Psendo force' as we cannot get any 'Work' done by it. (Do you know what is work in physics)
According to Newton's first law of motion, a body in motion should travel with uniform speed along a straight line. But here the stone is travelling along a curved path. It means a force must be acting on the stone to deviate it from a straight path. Moreover this force is acting along the radius of the circuler path towards its centre. This centre (centri) seeking (petal) Force is called 'Centripetal Force' (CPF). In case of a stone tied to a string and moving along the circumference of a horizontal a circle. The necessary centripetal force is supplied by the hand holding the string.
Similarly in case of planets revolving around the Sun, the necessary CPF is supplied by the gravitational force of attraction of the Sun. In an atom, the electrons are revolving around the nucleus of due to the CPF offered by the electrostatic force of the nucleus.
So far, it is well and good. The problem is, if only centripetal forces in action, the stones revolving in horizontal circles should fall on the heads of the persons holding them and it should be the same case with the planets and the Sun. The revolving planets shall fell in the Sun and the universe as we know it shall cease to exist. The electrons should fall into the nuclei of atorms so that atoms and that way no matter shall exist in the universe.
Were even you are, I am there
But luckily it is not happening because as soon as CPF is acting on a body, simaltameously an equal and opposite force comes into play (acts) on the same body which tends the body to fly away from the centre of the curved path. That is how the nature keeps up the symmetry of the universe!
This force is called 'centrifugal force' (CEF). The effect of this force can be experienced by passengers travelling in a bus when it is negotiating a cunved path.
The necessary CPF for a bus to move along a curved path is supplied by the frictional force between the road and tyres of the bus, and the passengers in the bus are tilting away from the centre of the curved path and felling on their co passengers sitting beside them (of course, one can take advantage due to CEF) due to CFF.
When churning the curd with a churner, the cream particles fly away from the churner is due to CFF. The churner rotates because of the frictional force between the hands of the person and the handle of the chuner.
The CFF readily comes into play whenever CPF acts an body. These two forces are equal in magnitude ((mu2/r or mrw2, where 'm' is the mess of the body, 'u' its speed on the curved path 'r' is the nedius of the curved path. is its angnlar velocity) and act an a body making circular motion in opposite .... and keep the body in ' Dynamic equilibrium'.
Interestingly, centnifugal force is a 'Pseudo force' as we cannot get any 'work' done by it. (Do you know what is work in Physics?)
What is the 'Physics' behind a stone tied to a string and whirled in a lonizontal circle?
According to Newton's first law of motion, a body in motion should travel with uniform speed along a straight line. But here the stone is travelling along a curved path. It means a force must be acting on the stone to deviate it from a straight path. Moreover this force is acting along the radius of the circuler path towards its centre. This centre (centri) seeking (petal) Force is called 'Centripetal Force' (CPF). In case of a stone tied to a stming and moving along the circumference of a horizontal a circle. The necessary centri fetal force is supplied by the hand holding the string.
Simtanty in case of planets involving amount the 'Sun' the necessary CPF is supplied by the gravitational force of altraction of the sun. The electrons are revolving around The nuclens of an atoms due to the CPF offened by the electrostatic force of the nuclens.
So fan, it is well and good. The problem is, if only centripetal forces only are acting, The stones revolving in horizontal circles should fall in the leads of The persons holding the sun so that own universe may not exist. The electrons should fall into the nucki of atorms so that atoms, that way any 'metier' in the universe may not exist.
Were even you are, i am there
But luckily it is not happening because as soon as CPF is acting an a body, simaltameously an equal and opposite force comes into play (acts) on the same body which tends the body to fly away from the centre of the curred path. That is how the nature keeps up the symmetry of the univerce!
This force is called 'centrifugal force' (CEF). The effect of this force can be expenienced by passengers travelling in a his when it is negotieting a cunved path.
The necessary CPF for a his to move along a curved path is supplied by the frictional force between the road and tyres of the his, and the passengers in the ins are tilting away from the centre of the curved path and felling an their co passengers sitting beside then (ofcomse, one can take advantage due to CEF) due to CFF.
When chuning curd with a chuner, the cream particles fly away from the chuner is due to CFF. The chuner notetes because of the frictional force between the hands of the person and the handle of the chuner.
The CFF readily comes into play whenever a cff acts an body. these two forces are equal in magnitude ((mu2/r or mrw2, where 'm' is the mess of the body, 'u' its speed on the curved path 'r' is the nedius of the curved path. is its angnlar velocity and act an a body making circulan motion in opposite .... and keep the body in ' Dynamic equitibnium'.
Interestingly, centnifugal force is a 'Psendo force' as we cannot get any 'Work' done by it. (Do you know what is work in physics)
Published date : 06 Jul 2013 01:17PM