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Invisible Spectrum

Infrared: When a sensitive device called thermopile (used to measure temperature) is moved to the right of red colour of VIBGYOR, a temperature rise can be observed which shows that there are thermal radiations called Infrared radiations beyond red colour of visible spectrum. These radiations are not visible to the eye. (Hence called invisible radation.)

Infrared radiations can be produced by an electric heater, fire hot soldering iron etc.ordinary sodaglass absorb IR. Rocksalt does not absorb IR. Hence prisms made of rock salt are used for observing IR.

Special photographic plates placed in the region on the left of the visible spectrum (left of violet colour) will be affected. This indicates the presence of radiation beyond violet on lower wavelength side which are invisible and are called Ultra Violet radiation (UV)

Published date : 16 Nov 2013 04:45PM

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