Afghan bans entry of women into the universities!!

The Taliban is defying the international objections and is ruthlessly writing down the rights of Afghan women while denying their dreams. Protests by girls in Kabul against the Taliban's latest orders were met with iron fists. Taliban forces were heavily deployed near universities and prevented girl students from coming.
Check Women Empowerment Schemes
Over a year and half, the condition of women has become more miserable. Most people were confined to their homes. Every day with a new decision, the Taliban made women very depressed and many are suffering from depression problems. America has been furious over the exclusion of women from higher education.
No traveling without a male companion
The Taliban imposed a restriction in December 2021 that women should not travel long distances without a male escort. Women should not travel more than 45 miles alone. 10% of the Afghan population has to travel at least two hours to get to a hospital. The Taliban also prevented women from being treated unless men were present, even in times of emergency.
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If women step outside without a burqa, harsh punishments have been imposed. Although this rule is not strictly enforced in cities like Kabul, women in rural areas are subjected to barbaric punishments such as being dragged and pelted with stones if they come without a burqa.
Goodbye to women jobs
After the Taliban came to power, Prime Minister Mullah Mohammad Hasan Akhund assured that women could continue in government jobs. But their wages were drastically cut. Hundreds of women lost their jobs. More than 3,500 small businesses run by women have closed. Out of 700 female journalists in Kabul, only 100 are working now. Earlier there were 40 percent women teachers in the country, now there are very few.
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45% girls drop out
From September 2021, only boys are getting admission in secondary schools in Afghanistan. Entry of girls was banned from class seven onwards. 45% girls were dropped out from primary and secondary schools.
26% of girls are stunted
The Taliban took tough decisions to confine women to the kitchen, which pushed them into deep depression. 26% of girls suffer from depression and 16% of boys have the problem. 27% of girls face anxiety stress compared to 18% of boys.
Increased child marriages
When the Taliban came to power, the families living in abject poverty faced a shortage of food. Unable to support girls, they started child marriages. In the year since the Taliban came to power, 88% of child marriages to improve the family's finances have been girls, according to Amnesty International.