Jamia Millia Islamia starts 21-day teacher training programme for Capacity Building of School Teachers

The Faculty of Education, Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) and Jamia Senior Secondary School jointly started their twenty-one-day In-Service Training Programme for teachers of Jamia Schools from May 31 to June 20, 2022. The purpose of the programme is training and capacity building of more than 50 teachers of Mushir Fatima Nursery School, Jamia Middle School, Jamia Senior Secondary School and Balak Mata Centre.
Prof. Atiqur Rahman, Principal, Jamia Senior Secondary School highlighted the importance of the In-service Training programme for the teachers to enhance their academic growth and pedagogical competencies to meet the diverse challenges of the classroom and online teachings. JMI Vice Chancellor Prof. Najma was the Chief Guest of the inaugural session.
The Vice Chancellor underlined the significance of the In-service Training programme for teachers and said that teaching is considered to be the most noble profession. She said, “You are lucky to be in this profession and catering to the needs of the society. Now the responsibilities fall upon you to take the nation forward”.
Prof. Akhtar said that capacity building of teachers is normally neglected which may result in unpleasant educational outcomes. To address this gap, In-service training programmes are essential for updating knowledge, as well as, understanding contemporary nuances of education.
Prof. Aejaz Masih, Dean, Faculty of Education highlighted the expectations of such In- service training programme. Prof. Masih focussed upon issues and concerns of education in general and particularly the post Covid-era. He emphasized the need of building capacities of teachers in blended learning, handling the diversities in the classrooms, making classroom inclusive. He further emphasized the need of hands on and minds on activities in the classrooms to meet the educational objectives in the true sense.
Programme coordinator Dr. Ansar Ahmad, Department of Teacher Training & NFE (IASE), JMI said that over the next three weeks, eminent expert speakers from different domain expertise across India will interact with participants on NEP 2020, teaching-learning scenario in post- covid era and various issues, concerns and themes of school education.