4.Films and Theatre
Films and Theatre
A. Reading:
Rendezvous with Ray
A French-Canadian priest, Gaston Roberge’s association with Satyajit Ray made a remarkable contribution to Indian film. Roberge was attracted to the works of Ray through Apu triology. In his book, “Satyajit Ray Essays: 1970-2005’ Roberge provides a scholarly analysis.
After watching Ray’s movies Roberge came to Calcutta and met him. Their friendship lasted (22 years), till the death of Ray. He says “Ray took off where Tagore signed out”. Ray was the icon of Indian film at that moment. Both spent a lot on film discussions. ‘Chitrabani’, a communication and film institute was one of the out puts of their friendship.

En route (adv) : on the way
Stopover (n) : a halt in a long journey
Path-breaking (adj) : totally new
Portal (n) : an entrance
Trilogy (n) : a set of three films with the same artists or characters
Haunted (v) : obsessed
Accusation (n) : the act of accusing somebody
Detractors (n) : people who criticise
Arrogance (n) : showing pride muster up
Dictum (n) : a statement that is believed to be true and followed
Analogy (n) : a feature that is similar
Aesthetics (n) : the art of judging beauty
Fallout (n) : result
Agnostic (n) : a person who does not know whether God exists
Idioms and Phrasal Verbs
Muster up confidence (idiom): gather or gain confidence
Right away (idiom) : immediately
Come across (phr. v) : meet by chance
On the dot (idiom) : exactly on time
B. Reading:
Maya Bazaar
In 2013 we grandly celebrated 100 years of Indian cinema. On this occasion ‘Maya Bazaar’ was selected as a ‘greatest Indian film’ in a TV channel’s opinion poll.
In 50’s director K.V. Reddy and producers Nagireddy & Chakrapani decided to make the film ‘Maya Bazaar’ in Telugu and Tamil. The finished product hit the screen in 1957 to become a landmark in Telugu film industry. Actors S.V. Rangarao, Savitri, NTR, ANR and Gummadi gave sterling performances in the film. It is a tribute to Telugu culture, language and customs of the land. The simple story line Sasirekha’s marriage from Mahabharatha made a magic. Star, Technicians, Story…. In every aspect this movie is an encyclopedia for film students.

VFX : Visual Effects shortened to Visual FX and then to VFX
The vicinity (n) : the area around a particular place
Reverberates (v) : repeats
Repertoire (n) : all that a performer can do
Advent (n) : arrival
Array (n) : an impressive collection of things
Indignation (n) : a feeling of anger
Sarcasm (n) : a way of using words to make fun
C. Reading:
The Indian film industry has completed 100 years in 2013. Telugu audiences are proud of many great producers, directors and artists. Savitri is one such prestigious artiste. She had nearly 300 films to her credit. Pathala Bhairavi, Samsaram, Devadasu, Adhangi, Missamma, Maya Bazaar, Chivaraku Migiledi made indelible imprint in the minds of all cini lovers. Savitri was awarded the title, ‘Mahanati’. She also received Medal from the President, ‘Kalaimamani’ & ‘Nadigayar Tilakam’ from Tamil film industry. Paying tribute to her, the director and producer Dasari Narayanarao said: “Many artists are forgotten soon after the death. But, it is not so with Savitri. She will be remembered as long as celluloid lives on.”

Magnum opus (n) : the greatest work
Lion’s share (idm) : major portion / part
Zenith (n) : peak
Idioms, Phrases and Phrasal Verbs
In the twinkling of an eye (idiom): very quickly
Needless to say (phrase) : no need to mention specially
Lion’s share (idiom) : major portion
Haunt : hover, inhabit, follow and importune
Confidence : belief, certitude, dependence, faith
Unique : exceptional, matchless, only, rare, single, sole
Acquaint : familiarize, disclose, inform, make aware
Compliment : commend, congratulate, eulogize, extol
Elegant : polished, refined, graceful
Culprit : delinquent, criminal, felon, offender
Impulse : inclination, instinct, passion, proclivity
Zenith : apex, climax, pinnacle, prime, summit, top
Demon : devil, fiend, kelpie, goblin, troll
Adore : esteem, honour, revere, worship
Arrogant x humble
Confidence x distrust, doubt
Confident x diffident
Massive x light, small
Zenith x nadir
Summative Assessment Paper-1 13E
Time: 2 Hours 45 Minutes Marks: 40
Section – A:
Reading Comprehension
(Questions 1-7): Read the following excerpt from “Rendezvous with Ray”.
“In these three films Ray was at his most personal and when some critics saw the films as didactic and verbose, he felt deeply hurt. For, in these last films, Satyajit was directly talking to us, conveying his personal message on society and civilization. If the impulse that motivated his earlier films was aesthetics, in the last three it was self-expression. And there we were denying him his right to speak. As the saying goes, no one is a prophet in one’s own country,” said Roberge. An agnostic throughout his life, it is possible, Roberge feels that in the face of death Ray was searching for an answer. This was suggested by some of the music that he used in Shakha Prashaka.
The last time the two friends met, Ray was in hospital, on his deathbed. It was a Sunday and Roberge, true to habit, arrived on the dot at 9 a.m. “He had grown so weak that he looked frail as a child. I did not stay long, and as I was leaving, Manikda said, ‘Bhalo laglo’ (it was nice). Those were his last words to me,” said Roberge.
One important fallout of this friendship was the establishment of Chitrabani, a communication and film institute, the first of its kind in West Bengal, which Roberge founded in 1970 and to which Ray, as a token of friendship, lent his name as co-founder. Ray was in the first governing body and after a few terms readily agreed to be the institute’s adviser. Roberge arranged most of the initial funding from Canadian agencies. “I had no reservations applying for them, for I feel richer countries in the West are indebted to countries like India,” he said.
Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. (4x1=4 marks)
- Two friends names are mentioned in the passage. Who are they?
A. Shaka and Prashaka
B. Satyajit Ray and Roberge
C. Pater and Panchali
D. Chitrabani and Manikda - The expression “An agnostic throughout his life” means.
A. Believed God in his entire life
B. He did not believe God in his life
C. Followed Art than god
D. Did not know whether God exists - Who is the founder of ‘Chitrabani’ institute?
A. Satyajit Ray
B. Apu’s triology
C. Roberge
D. Canadian agencies -
What type of text is this passage?
A. narration
B. play
C. Biographical sketch
D. Story
Answer the following questions in two or three sentences. (3x2=6 marks) - How ‘Chitrabani’ was founded?
- The last three films of Ray are different from his earlier films. What is the difference?
Explain the saying “No one is prophet in one’s own country”.
(Questions 8-12): Read the following passage from “Maya Bazaar”.
K. V. Reddy's 'Maya Bazaar' has been voted as the 'Greatest Indian Film' in an online poll conducted by a television news channel. The poll was conducted to find out India's greatest film till date, on the occasion of 100 Years of Indian Cinema and people chose 'Maya Bazaar' over other Indian classics. The film is considered one of the enduring classics of Indian cinema and was christened as a landmark achievement in Indian film's cinematography, art direction and VFX with the available technology during that time. The following is a review on the film when it celebrated the Golden Jubilee in 2007.
Fifty years ago, director K.V. Reddy or for that matter, producers Nagireddy and Chakrapani, would not have imagined what they were unleashing when they decided to make Maya Bazaar- a bilingual in Telugu and Tamil.
The finished product hit the screen in 1957 to become a landmark movie in the Telugu film industry. It became a hit not only for the sterling performances of the star-ensemble that it had right from S.V. Ranga Rao, Savitri, NTR, ANR, and Gummadi, but also because K.V. Reddy was in full control over every frame of it.
Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. (3x1=3 marks) - Who directed the film ‘Maya Bazaar?
B. Nagireddy
C. Chakrapani
D. K.V. Reddy - When did it celebrate Golden Jubilee?
A. 1957
B. 1947
C. 2007
D. 2014 -
On which occasion ‘Maya Bazaar’ has been selected as the greatest film?
A. 100 years of world cinema
B. 100 years of Indian cinema
C. 100 years of Telugu cinema
D. 100 years of Tamil cinema
Write answers for the given questions in one or two sentences (2x1=2 marks) - Why ‘Maya Bazaar’ considered as greatest film?
In your view who are important to a movie, Technicians or artists? Why?
Section – B:
Vocabulary & Grammar
(Questions 13-17): Read the passage given below. Five sentences in the passage are numbered (13-17) at the beginning. Each of these sentences has an error. Correct and rewrite them in the answer booklet. (5x1=5 marks)
(13) Savitri captured the audiences with her charm and magnifying acting. (14) She was able to convey a wide range of feelings through her expression eyes. (15) Her mischief look – it captivates anyone; the look of fake anger provokes, the look filled with real anger pierces the heart. (16) The look at passion while waiting for her lover; the pain filled look when her love fails; the confident look that seems ready to face any situation, all these myriad emotions are hidden in her eyes. (17) The dimensions are endless and pages can be filled to describe the magic spell of her eyes.
(Questions 18-22): Complete the passage choosing the right word from those given below it. Each blank is numbered and for each blank has four choices (A), (B), (C) or (D) given. Choose the correct answer from these choices and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. (5x1=5 marks)
The story …………….. (18) is woven around the love of Sasirekha- Abhimanyu. With Krishna and Balarama ……………… (19) difference of opinion over it, their wives too take sides as is inevitable in any family. To introduce the theme, the director …………………. (20) a magic box, (an equivalent of a TV screen) which displays whatever is dear to the viewer's heart.
Sasirekha ………………… (21) sees Abhimanyu and Balarama gets to see his sishya, Duryodhana on it. His wife laps up the sight of an array of jewellery and ………………… (22) audience laughed heartily because they knew that someone back home was equally attached to the riches.
- A. it self
B. himself
C. herself
D. themselves - A. have
B. having
C. had
D. has - A. used
B. use
C. uses
D. using - A. generally
B. usually
C. rarely
D. naturally -
A. the
B. a
C. an
D. no article
Section C:
Creative Writing (Discourses)
(Question 23): Give a detailed description of any movie you liked most.
Write the plot of “Maya Bazaar” film. (10 marks)
(Question 24): Write the diary entry of recently celebrated birth day. Generally the day before celebration is also important to make arrangements. So write the diary entries of birth day and day before birthday. (5 marks)
Paper –I
- B
- D
- C
- A
- Chitrabani, a communication and film institute, Roberge founded in 1970 as a token of Ray’s friendship. Roberge arranged most of the initial funding from Canadian agencies.
- In the beginning he produced films as art forms. Critics said the last three films turned as didactic. He may be giving direct message on the topic. So in last three films his ideals dominated his artist.
- It is a human tendency that we generally ignore the greatness of our neighbours. We recognise anybody after the foreigners. That’s why people use such saying “No one is prophet in one’ own country”.
- D
- C
- B
- The characters in the film were reflecting in their daily life situation. The sterling performances of the stars S.V. Rangarao, Savitri, NTR, ANR and Gummadi gave additional boost to it. All the technicians worked well.
Both are important just like two sides of a coin. Film is an art form. So artists are important but the director, music director, writer, camera men and other technicians play a crucial role. We cannot deny one’s role in film.
Section-B - Charm and magnifying acting - charm and magnificent acting
- Her expression eyes. - Her expressive eyes
- Her mischief look - Her mischievous look
- The look at passion - The look of passion
- Pages can be fill to - pages can be filled to
- A
- B
- C
- D
Section-C - Movie I liked most
Three years back my father took all the family members to watch a film, “Jurassic Park”. It is my all time favourite movie. This was known to be one of the best films ever made. It got 3 Oscar awards too. I was very anxious to see the film.
Jurassic Park as I learnt by and by is about man’s interference with nature. There is a scientist who brings back to life the long extinct dinosaurs. He involves himself in deep research on the subject of how to bring back to life the dinosaurs that are dead and gone millions of years into our past. He succeeds and what is created is the aggressive animal that looks for ways to survive and only lives in accordance with its inherent nature. A massive park is designed to house these dinosaurs and a tight security system is devised to protect the common people who go to view this miracle or masterpiece among man’s discoveries.
The disaster begins when the security system fails the grand children and colleagues of the scientist himself fall prey the mercy of the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs are awe-inspiring creatures of great size and strange shapes. The enormity of this animal is amazing and the photography in the film is extremely praise worthy. The movie left all of us speechless at parts and at time I found myself clinging to my mother’s arm as I was so terrified by the havoc the dinosaurs was creating.
The movie ended on a happy note with all the people being rescued and the animals trapped once again within the safety of the park. Yet this is one movie that I shall never forget as it brought to life an animal that does not even exist anymore.
The Plot of ‘Maya Bazaar’
During the Pandava Aranyavasa (period of disguised exile), Arjuna sends his wife Subhadra and their son Abhimanyu to Dwaraka to stay at her maternal home with her brothers, Krishna and Balarama. Sasirekha, Balarama's daughter and Abhimanyu are deeply in love, apart from that at the time of Sasirekha's birth Balarama would have promised to marry her to Abhimanyu when they grow up.
However, Balarama's wife Revathi refuses to honour that commitment, as the Pandavas lose their kingdom and wealth in a gamble with Kauravas and are sent to exile. Balarama instead, on the face of Shakuni's and the Kauravas' cunning persuasion, decides to marry Sasirekha to Lakshmana Kumara, who is the son of his favourite disciple, Duryodhana. Krishna advises Subhadra and Abhimanyu to approach Ghatotkacha. Initially, Ghatotkacha assumes them to be intruders in his forest and attacks them, but later apologizes for his misunderstanding. When Subhadra narrates about what happened of her son and Sasirekha, Ghatotkacha decides to play some trickery in Dwaraka. He first, with the knowledge of Krishna and a servant girl, flies the sleeping Sasirekha along with her bed, from Dwaraka to his forest.
Next, using his magical powers, he assumes the form of Sasirekha (Ghatotkacha becomes Maya Sasirekha) and goes back to Dwaraka and wrecks her wedding with Lakshmana Kumara. He also performs a few practical jokes and comical acts while in disguise. His retinues act as wedding planners and provide comic relief as well. To further break-up the wedding, Ghatotkacha's follower's enter the Bridegroom's guest house (Vididi griha) and draws hilarious comedy. They also create a magical market (Mayabazar) in Dwaraka to gift the Kauravas and their relatives who come to the marriage with valuable gifts. Meanwhile, back in the forest, the real Sasirekha is married to Abhimanyu. When all goes to plan, Ghatothkacha reveals his true identity and further unveils the true colours of Shakuni and Kauravas. At this point, Sasirekha's parents accept her wedding and bless the newlyweds back at the forest.
- Hasith’s diary entries
24th, November, 2014, Monday:
My mother is my best friend. She helped me to make invitation cards and to fill them up with names. She made a list of all the friends that I wanted to call and then made a card to send to each of my friends. The contents of each card were different so as to suit the taste of the particular friend to whom it was sent.
Next she took me to the market and we ought balloons, masks and caps etc. to decorate the house with. We ordered the cake and bought wrapping paper along with the return presents. As we reached home we worked a lot for the next day.
25th November, 2014, Tuesday.
Today I woke up early in the morning and got ready with new dress. We hung the balloons all over the walls and on the fans and doors and window. We arranged the masks and caps in such a way that each friend of mine would pick one of his choice. My mother spent the whole day in the kitchen cooking for all my friends.
The cake arrived in the evening and soon my friends started pouring in. My father arranged some games for them and he became referee for all our games. He arranged musical chairs, passing the parcel, follow the leader, dumb cards etc. and all my friends enjoyed well.
We had milkshakes after I cut the cake. The cake was a beautiful house with colourful icing and big chunks of chocolate. I was drowned in gifts once my friends left and I went to bed with the satisfaction of having enjoyed the best birthday party of my life.
Summative Assessment Paper-II 14E
Time: 2 Hours 45 Minutes Marks: 40
Section – A:
Reading Comprehension
(Questions 1-7): Read the following passage.
A long, long time ago, there was a king named Midas. He was very greedy and stupid. Once Silenus, the God of the woods came as a guest of the king. The king entertained him with rich foods. The God was so pleased that he offered, in return for his hospitality, to grant the king a wish.
After thinking for a long time, the king decided to seek the God’s help to become richer and more powerful. So, Midas asked for a magic gift that would turn anything he touched to gold.
“So be it,” exclaimed Silenus.
As Midas touched the seat he was sitting on, it immediately turned to solid gold. He touched his belt, his clothes, a vase, a statue… and everything turned to gold. Excited, he began to run about the palace in joy.
Midas was delighted but all is excitement had made him hungry. So, he sat at the table and got ready to eat. He saw that every piece of food that he brought to his mouth was turning to gold before he could eat it. It looked as though he was going to die of hunger. Midas was at a loss to understand what to do. He repented of his folly and cursed himself for his greed.
Fortunately, Silenus had not left the palace so far. So, Midas requested him to take back his magic power. The God happily agreed to do so and Midas heaved a sigh of relief. Being wise, Midas gave up all his gold for a bunch of grapes.
Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. (4x1=4 marks)
- Who was Midas?
A. The God of woods
B. The king of Phrygia
C. A greedy merchant
D. Other name of Silenus - Who was Silenus?
A. The God of woods
B. The king of Phrygia
C. A greedy merchant
D. Other name of Mida - What kind of man was Midas?
A. wise and brave
B. the richest and powerful on earth
C. greedy and stupid
D. kind and generous -
“He repented of his folly” means…
A. He repeated the trick many times
B. He wanted to alter the boon
C. He was happy for his health
D. apologized for his foolishness
Answer the following questions in two or three sentences. (3x2=6 marks) - What did King Midas ask Silenus for?
- Why was king Midas unhappy after the boon?
- What did you learn from this story?
(Questions 8-12): Read the following poem.
I had nowhere to turn, had nowhere to go
This is just something I think you need to know
I don’t know what made me trust you
I still remember the day when I told you what I’ve been through
I thought I should run away, go hide in a hole
But then you really brought out my true soul
As each day grew longer
Our trust became stronger
Each time I wanted to cry
You stayed there right by my side
Then I moved to the next grade
Boy was I afraid
That out trust would slowly fade
But I was wrong
We are still strong
Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. (3x1=3 marks) - The boy in the poem is a ……………….. student.
A. brave
B. kind
C. sensitive
D. arrogant - The teacher………………… to the boy.
A. gave confidence
B. gave money
C. helped to escape punishment
D. taught all lessons to - The expression “grew longer” means?
A. become lengthy
B. increase in size
C. bore and hard to bear
D. become thin
Write answers for the given questions in one or two sentences. (2x1=2 marks) - How does the poet glorify the relationship between the teacher and the student?
In your opinion, how a teacher should treat a student? Why?
Vocabulary and Grammar
(Questions 13-17): Read the following passage given below focusing on the underlined parts and answer the questions given at the end as directed. (5x1=5 marks)
At the age of 12, Edison began selling newspapers and candy in trains. As a very keen observer, he learnt some preliminary (13) techniques of telegraphy from the station master, which led him later to work as a roving telegrapher. During his stint (14) as a supervisor in a Telegraph company, he created a stock printer. With the money received from it. He set up (15) a laboratory for carrying out his experiments and research work. In subsequent (16) years he invented phonograph-the machine for recording and reproducing sound. Edison thus had made man’s voice immoral (17). In 1878, he demonstrated the light bulb- a carbon filament electric bulb.
- Choose an appropriate synonym from the given options.
A. important
B. secondary
C. advanced
D. basic - Meaning of the word “Stint” here.
A. work period
B. Leisure
C. Workshop
D. Enjoyment - The expression means ………………..
A. adjust
B. establish
C. correction
D. dismantle - Choose an appropriate antonym from the given options.
A. future
B. upcoming
C. preceding
D. happening -
Use the correct word from the given options.
A. mortal
B. immortal
C. moral
D. mortality
(Questions 18-22): Complete the passage choosing the right word from those given below it. Each blank is numbered and for each blank has four choices (A), (B), (C) or (D) given. Choose the correct answer from these choices and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. (5x1=5 marks)
Gulliver was a doctor on a ship. He was an Englishman. There was a bad storm and the ship hit a rock and broke ………….. (18) pieces. It was night time. However, Gulliver ………….. (19) forward and at last reached an island called Lilliput. The people were called Lilliputians. Gulliver was ………….. (20) tired. He could not open his eyes. He soon went to sleep. Next morning when he woke up he could not move. He was held down by some ropes. His long hair was also pinned to the ground. Then something climbed on to his leg and came up to his chin. It was a little man ……………. (21) fifteen centimeters height. He carried a bow and an arrow in his hand. Then forty more little people climbed onto Gulliver’s body. He was very surprised and gave a loud shout. Immediately all the little men ran ………….. (22). But they came back soon.
- A. into
B. to
C. in
D. up - A. swim
B. swam
C. would swam
D. will be swim - A to
B. from
C. too
D. of - A. above
B. below
C beyond
D. about -
A. away
B. out
C. up
D. in
Section C:
Creative Writing (Discourses)
(Question 23): Write biographical sketch of Mahanati Savitri.
Write an Essay on the topic given here. (10 marks)
“Cinema – a boon or a curse”
(Question 24) Write a profile of your favourite film star. (5 marks)
Paper –II
- B
- A
- C
- D
- King Midas asked Silenus for a magic gift. That would turn anything he touched to be gold. Silenus granted that.
- Because of the magic gift, whatever king Midas had touched, it turned into gold. So, he could not eat anything. He thought he would die of hunger. Hence he was unhappy.
- Greediness always turns into troubles. We should think before talk or to do any work. Wisdom only saves people.
- C
- A
- C
- By saying that the student trusts his teacher. In times of trouble the teacher brings out the real spirit of the student.
Teacher should treat students as friends. Then only students share and accept the teacher whatever he teaches.
Section-B - D
- A
- B
- C
- B
- A
- B
- C
- D
Section-C - Biographical sketch of Mahanati Savitri
Savitri was a Telugu actress, director and producer of films in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi languages. She was known for her liveliness and captivating performance and is still treated as the benchmark for acting in Telugu movies and also called as one of the best actresses of All Time.
Savitri was born in Chinaravuru near Tenali in Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, on 6th Decemebr 1937 to Nissankara Rao Guruviah and Subhadramma. She learned music and Indian classical dance under Sista Purnayya Sasthri. She performed stage shows during her childhood. She acted in 318 films in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Hindi languages, with ten to twenty movies released per year.
She later directed some films. One day she went to meet the Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri and donated all her jewelry she was wearing for the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund. She also built a high school in Andhra. Her favorite sports were cricket and chess. She used to play chess at home. She participated in many celebrity cricket matches.
She gave some public performances as a child in Vijayawada. She worked in a theater company run by Nandamuri Taraka Ramarao. She also started her own company, the Navabharata Natya Mandali. Her best stage role was in Atma Vanchana written by Bucchi Babu.
Savitri was a legendary actress in Tamil. She has paired opposite leading actors like Sivaji Ganesan and M.G.R. She married Gemini Ganesh, while acting in ‘Manam Pola Mangalyam’ (1953) with him. She was fondly called Nadigaiyar Thilagam in the Tamil film industry.
She died at an early age of 44 on 26th December 1981. She received many Awards. Namely, President medal in 1960, Kalaimamani from the Government of Tamil Nadu, Nata Siromani by the Government of Andhra Pradesh, Maha Nati from Yuvathi Mandali of Andhra Pradesh.
Cinema – a boon or a curse
The cinema is a major form of recreation in most countries of the world. Man’s love for stories attracts him to the cinema. The cinema provides us with entertainment and sometimes educates us too. Depending on the quality of films produced by the directors, one could label cinema as a curse or a boon.
Indian cinema provides us with a good view of the glamour and glitter of the affluent Indian society and also the poverty and misery found in the slums of this country. Hence the cinema presents a fairly authentic picture of the life of Indians. It educates the public with the help of stories that depict conflicts between the good and the evil in our society. There is some sort of a moral lesson behind these stories and the society in often greatly influenced by these values.
The cinema can become a curse when the movies are full of mindless romance and violence. This could colour the mind of the young boys and girls who watch these movies with such great interest. Cinema can become an addiction and these films could sometimes distract the youth so much that they might lose interest in their studies and other work that requires serious concentration.
Cinema should be enjoyed and used as a means of correct entertainment and education. - Profile of favourite film star.
Mahesh Babu is my favourite film star. Many people like him for his sterling performance.
Full name : Mahesh Babu Ghattamaneni
Born : 9 August, 1975 in Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Other name : Prince
Parents : Krishna, Indira Devi
Education : Loyola College, Chennai
Profession : Film Actor
Film Acting : started at the age of 4 years. First acted in the film, Needa (1979)
As a hero : Rajakumarudu (1999)
Top movies : Pokiri, Dookudu, Athadu, Murari, Nijam, Okkadu, Aagadu etc.
Marriage : married Namrata Sirodkar in 2005 (got two children)
Awards received: Nandi Awards in 1999, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2008 and also he won many film fare awards. Time magazine rated him as one of the popular persons in India
Brand Ambassador: Thumsup, Amrutanajan, Idea etc.