Citizen and the Governments

Right to Information:
Key points:

  • Right to information Act, 2005 was passed by the Government of Indian. In democratic system, governments are held responsible and accountable to the people. Public information officers and appellate authorities in the departments are responsible to implement RII Act. All are functioning under state public information commissioner and central public information commissioner.
  • Citizen can approach any department of the government and ask for any information. Transparency of information can help to contain corruption and hold governments accountable to individual citizens also.
  • The law permits the government not to disclose certain information.
  • Most of our armed forces and security agencies are outside the purview of information commission
  • RII can increase government openness> In this way this act resembles the true spirit of democracy.


  1. Information: Information is any material in any form. It includes records, documents, e-mails, press releases, circulars, orders etc.
  2. Applet: Program which is run from within another program people can appeal further if information is not provided by PIO.
  3. Record: Information in written form which kept for future use.
  4. Public authority: Any government Authority.
  5. Transparency: Openness in administration without any corruption.
  6. Accountability: Responsibility towards citizens.
Essay Answer Questions
1. How do you think RTI would help in improving and monitoring the work of the governments?
  1. In any democratic system, governments are responsible and accountable to its citizens.
  2. Enactment of the RTI effectively means that individual government departments now have a responsibility to maintain records and make them available to any citizen who may ask for it.
  3. RTI improves political accountability and transparency.
  4. Citizens are entitled to carryout inspections of work, documents, records etc.
  5. With this act of RTI, people would find out the short comings and lapses in the government working by conducting social Andit.
  6. If there are any discrepancies, they will be brought out and who are responsible will be given punishments.
  7. With this act, the functioning of the government can be monitored well.

2. RTI 2005 act resembles the true spirit of democracy. How do you justify?

  1. In a democracy, it is the people’s money that is used for their welfare and therefore people have every right to know how this is being used.
  2. RTI 2005 act empowers citizen to monitor government performance. It improves the performance and accountability of local governments
  3. It will examine efficiencies and transparency in the audit and procurement process. RTI can increase government openness.
  4. Information is crucial to the human development, and democratic rights.Thus, RTI 2005 act resembles the true spirit of democracy.

Short Answer Questions
1. Using the following case study, explain the role of different departments of the government and citizens in the context of RTI. Also write how can the RTI make functioning of the governments more transparent. (Following……………..1167 children within 15 days)

  1. The students were to be given the scholarships of Rs.1200 each
  2. The students approached the IKP, but officers ignored their request.
  3. The students through newspaper approached SPIC.
  4. The SPIC ensured the students that correct information is provided to them within a specified time.
  5. When it was published in the newspapers.
  6. It became clear from RTI records that even though the amount was sanctioned were not distributed.
  7. The amount was seven lakh rupees.
2. What is identified as Information? How is this generated in Government Departments? Would it include oral communication between senior and Junior officers?
According to RTI act, information is defined as material in any form, including records, documents, e-mails, press releases, circulars, orders etc, and information relating to any private body which can be assessed by a public authority under any other law for the time being in force.

Individual government departments now have a responsibility to maintain records and make them available to any citizen who may ask for it.

It does not include oral communication between officers.

3. Why are the state and central Information offices given autonomy?
Central and state information offices will not come under any body’s pressure. They can function freely and impartially.

4. What steps have been taken to ensure that any citizen can access information from the different government departments in the country?
  1. Under the provisions of 2005 act of RTI, public authorities are obliged to maintain all information in a computerized format publish all detailed information pertaining to the information some of it.
  2. Any person can approach any department of the government and ask for information the could be in form of a record the request can be sent through a handwritten or electronic mail. There is no need to give explanation regarding the purpose. But he has to give his postal address to which information could be sent.

5. How do you think the legal services authority would help the people in seeking legal aid?

  1. 1. Under the legal services authority act 2002, legal services authorities were constituted to provide free and legal services to the weaker sections of the society.
  3. 2. Securing justice are not denied to any citizen on the basis of their economic position.
Thus, the legal services authority would help the people in seeking legal aid.

6. What is the purpose of Lok Adalat?
To organize Lok Adalat to secure that the operation of the legal system promotes jusice on a basis of equal opportunity. There is no court fee. There are procedural flexibility and speedy trial of the disputes.

7. What do you think on the eligible criteria for free legal services and nature of cases under this act?
  1. People belong to SC and ST communities.
  2. A victim of trafficking in human being.
  3. Women and children or disabled person.
  4. Victims of natural disasters, Industrial workers.
  5. Economically backward people.
2. Matrimonial disputes, maintenance cases, harassment cases by husbands, domestic violence cases, all types of civil cases, land disputes, compoundable criminal cases etc,

8. Compare and contrast the procedures of conflict/cases resolution by the village community elders and by courts. Which do you prefer and why?
  1. The conflicts in the villages and in the communities are addressed by the village elders. But we cannot say the settlements made by those people are justifiable.
  2. Lok Adalats are functioning to settle down the disputes in amicable atmosphere by mutual consent in the presence of legal experts, officials and non-officials.

Hence, the judgments made by the courts are more preferable than the resolutions by the village community elders.
