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Physical Science

Physical science subject is deemed to be hard. But a planned study, understanding the concepts clearly and applying them in daily life gives a scope for getting 40 marks out of 40. Consider the 14 chapters present in your Textbook, they can be divided into two parts i.e. Physics and Chemistry. In physics you have two major topics. They are Light and Electricity. In chemistry you have Balancing of chemical equations, Atomic structures, classification of elements, Chemical bonding, Metallurgy and Carbon compounds. One should not think of important chapters for examinations, because the question paper will not give importance to chapters. There is no specific weightage for chapters; but the weightage will be for academic standards. So students must be well acquainted with academic standards in science and nature of questions based on academic standards.
Now let us see the model questions based on different academic standards.

1. Conceptual understanding:
This is the most important academic standard. This will focus the extent of understanding by a child on different concepts. A child's understanding will be tested through the questions of the following type.
  • Give examples
  • State reasons
  • Explaining phenomenon
  • Differentiation
  • Comparisons
  • Explaining different concepts in own words.
  • Explaining various processes etc.
Some model questions
1. Balance the following equation: (2 marks)
 C3H8+O2 ? CO2+H2O
2. Explain the process of formation of rainbow (4 marks)
3. Write the IUPAC Name:
 CH3-CH2-CH-CH3 (1 mark)
4. What is the minimum resistance that we can get from 10 resistors of 10 Ohms each?  (2 marks)
5. Explain the modern concept of atomic structure with the help of the concept of orbital?  (4 marks)
6. How do we extracts the metals of high reactive? Why?

These are some model questions. Students have to choose some questions from each chapter and practice them. So that they can get 16 marks from this academic standard.
2. Asking questions and making hypothesis
This academic standard is to develop the hypothesis skills among children. Question paper consists 4 marks on this academic standard.

Model Questions

1. Among dil HCl and Conc HCl, which is better to observe the reaction between Zn and HCl? Why?  (2 marks)
2. What happens if we connect Voltmeter in series to a battery in a circuit?   (2 marks)
3. Why do we use Bauxite as ore to extract Aluminium even we have many ores to Aluminium?  (2 marks)
4. What happens if we use concave mirror as rear view mirror to the vehicles?  (2 marks)

3. Experimentation and field investigation:
This academic standard has 15% weightage. So 6 marks will be there in the question paper. Students who perform experiments in class room and writes lab report can answer these questions very easily. Questions will be based on: materials required to conduct an experiment, precautions to be observed while doing an experiment, diagram on showing the experimental setup, tables for observation and process of experiment etc.

Model questions

1. Write the list of apparatus required to conduct the experiment to find the refractive index of a prism? (2 marks)
2. Draw the diagram showing the arrangement of apparatus to verify Ohm's law  (2 marks)
3. What are the precautions to be observed in the experiment to study the behaviours of acids with metals?  (2 marks)
4. Write the process of the activity that you have conducted to study Esterification?
(4 marks)
Published date : 04 Jan 2017 05:17PM

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