AP 10th Class Betterment Examination 2022 Notification

As per the notification, it stated that, as per the orders of the Government of Andhra Pradesh, all the students who have passed in the 10th class SSC Public Examinations, April-2022 and secured less than 50 Marks in a subject (49 and below) are eligible to apply and appear for the Betterment Examinations for a maximum of two (2) subjects along with the SSC Advanced Supplementary Examinations, July 2022 as per the schedule announced earlier from 06.07.2022 to 15.07.2022.
Check AP 10th class Advanced Supplementary Exams Schedule; Check Model Papers Here
The Betterment Examination Fee of Rs. 500/- Per Subject (Rs. 1000/- for a maximum of 2 subjects) shall be paid at the time of
submission of applications. Application for Betterment Examination will be available in the respective School Logins and the students who wish apply for the Betterment Examination shall approach the Head Master and submit the fees accordingly.
Also Read AP 10th class recounting and reverification process begins, Last date is June 20
The Applications will be made available in the respective School Logins from 16.06.2022 to 19.06.2022. The students can visit https://www.bse.ap.gov.in/ and check further details.