List of Courses Offered and Seat Matrix of JOSAA 2023
Sakshi Education
JOSAA counselling has started from June 18th. Below are the engineering courses offered and seat matrix for 2023-24.

JOSAA counselling for admission to various engineering branches in IITs, NITs, IIITs and other GFTIs has started from June 18th.
JOSAA 2023 Counselling Schedule and Important Dates:
Dates |
Announcement of JEE (Advanced) 2023 Result | 18-Jun-23 |
Candidate registration/choice filling for JoSAA | 19-Jun-23 |
Candidate registration/choice filling for AAT | June 18, to 19 2023 |
Display of Mock Seat Allocation-1 based on the choices filled-in by candidates | 24-Jun-23 |
Display of Mock Seat Allocation-2 | 26-Jun-23 |
Candidate registration and choice filling last date | 28-Jun-23 |
Reconciliation of data, verification, and validation of allocated seats | 29-Jun-23 |
Seat Allocation (Round 1) | 30-Jun-23 |
Online reporting: fee payment / document upload / response by candidate to query (if required) (Round 1) | June 30 to July 04, 2023 |
Last day to respond to query (Round 1) | 05-Jul-23 |
Seat Allocation (Round 2) | 06-Jul-23 |
Online reporting: fee payment / document upload / response by candidate to query | July 6 to 10, 2023 |
Last day to respond to query (Round 2) | 11-Jul-23 |
Initiation of Withdrawal of seat / Exit from seat allocation process and withdrawal Query Response | July 7 to 11, 2023 |
Seat Allocation (Round 3) | 12-Jul-23 |
Online reporting: fee payment / document upload / response by candidate to query | July 12 to 14, 2023 |
Last day to respond to query (Round 3) | 15-Jul-23 |
Initiation of Withdrawal of seat / Exit from seat allocation process and withdrawal Query Response | July 13 to 15, 2023 |
Seat Allocation (Round 4) | 16-Jul-23 |
Online reporting: fee payment / document upload / response by candidate to query | July 16 to 19, 2023 |
Last day to respond to query (Round 4) | 20-Jul-23 |
Initiation of Withdrawal of seat / Exit from seat allocation process and withdrawal Query Response | July 18 to 20, 2023 |
Seat Allocation (Round 5) | 21-Jul-23 |
Online reporting: fee payment / document upload / response by candidate to query | July 21 to 24, 2023 |
Last day to respond to query (Round 5) | 25-Jul-23 |
Initiation of Withdrawal of seat / Exit from seat allocation process and withdrawal Query Response | July 21 to 25, 2023 |
Seat Allocation (Round 6) | 26-Jul-23 |
Online reporting: fee payment / document upload / response by candidate to query | July 26 to 28, 2023 |
Last day to respond to query (Round 6) | 28-Jul-23 |
Initiation of Withdrawal of seat / Exit from seat allocation process and withdrawal Query Response | July 26 to 27, 2023 |
(For NIT+ system) Initiation of Withdrawal of seat / Exit from seat allocation process and Withdrawal Query Response | July 26 to 28, 2023 |
(For NIT+ system) Online payment of Partial Admission Fee | July 29 to 31, 2023
Also Check List of 119 Institutes Participating in JOSAA 2023 Counselling
JOSAA 2023 Engineering Branches
Program Name |
Civil Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Electrical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Mechanical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Computer Science and Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Electrical Engineering and M.Tech Power Electronics and Drives (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Civil Engineering and M.Tech in Transportation Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Mechanical Engineering and M. Tech. in Mechanical System Design (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Mechanical Engineering and M. Tech. in Thermal Science & Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Civil Engineering and M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Mechanical Engineering with M.Tech. in Manufacturing Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Civil Engineering and M.Tech. in Environmental Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Aerospace Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Chemical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Environmental Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Engineering Physics (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Energy Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Chemistry (4 Years, Bachelor of Science) |
Economics (4 Years, Bachelor of Science) |
BS in Mathematics (4 Years, Bachelor of Science) |
Electrical Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
B.Tech in General Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
B.Tech in Materials Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
B.Tech in Microelectronics & VLSI (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
B.Tech in Mathematics and Computing (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Bio Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Data Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
BS in Chemical Sciences (4 Years, Bachelor of Science) |
Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Electrical Engineering (Power and Automation) (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Mathematics and Computing (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Production and Industrial Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Textile Technology (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Engineering and Computational Mechanics (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Materials Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Chemical Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Mathematics and Computing (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Space Sciences and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Agricultural and Food Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Instrumentation Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Manufacturing Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Mining Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Industrial and Systems Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Physics (4 Years, Bachelor of Science) |
Mathematics and Computing (4 Years, Bachelor of Science) |
Applied Geology (4 Years, Bachelor of Science) |
Exploration Geophysics (4 Years, Bachelor of Science) |
Architecture (5 Years, Bachelor of Architecture) |
Aerospace Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Agricultural and Food Engineering with M.Tech. in any of the listed specializations (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Civil Engineering with any of the listed specialization (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Electrical Engineering with M.Tech. in any of the listed specializations (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering with M.Tech. in any of the listed specializations (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Mechanical Engineering with M.Tech. in any of the listed specializations (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Industrial and Systems Engineering with M.Tech. in Industrial and Systems Engineering and Management (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Mining Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Mining Safety Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Manufacturing Science and Engineering with M.Tech. in Industrial and Systems Engineering and Management (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Computational Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Industrial Chemistry (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Electrical Engineering (IC Design and Technology) (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Engineering Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Artificial Intelligence (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Biomedical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Biotechnology and Bioinformatics (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Physics with Specialization (4 Years, Bachelor of Science) |
Chemistry with Specialization (4 Years, Bachelor of Science) |
Biological Sciences and Bioengineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Materials Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Mathematics and Scientific Computing (4 Years, Bachelor of Science) |
Earth Sciences (4 Years, Bachelor of Science) |
Statistics and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Science) |
Biological Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Biological Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Science) |
Engineering Design (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Physics (5 Years, Bachelor of Science and Master of Science (Dual Degree)) |
Mechanical Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Chemical Science and Technology (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
B.Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering and M.Tech. in Communication Systems (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
B. Tech. (ME) - MBA (NITIE) (5 Years, Bachelor of Technology and MBA (Dual Degree)) |
B. Tech in CE. - M. Tech. in Geotechnical Engineering (5 Years, B.Tech. + M.Tech./MS (Dual Degree)) |
B. Tech in CE. - M. Tech. in Structural Engineering (5 Years, B.Tech. + M.Tech./MS (Dual Degree)) |
B. Tech. (CSE) and M.Tech in CSE (5 Years, B.Tech. + M.Tech./MS (Dual Degree)) |
B. Tech. (ECE) -M. Tech. in VLSI (5 Years, B.Tech. + M.Tech./MS (Dual Degree)) |
B. Tech. (EEE)-M. Tech. in (Power &. Control) (5 Years, B.Tech. + M.Tech./MS (Dual Degree)) |
B. Tech. (Mathematics & Computing) M. Tech. in (Mathematics & Computing) (5 Years, B.Tech. + M.Tech./MS (Dual Degree)) |
B. Tech. (ME) - M. Tech. in Mechatronics (5 Years, B.Tech. + M.Tech./MS (Dual Degree)) |
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Biosciences and Bioengineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Geological Technology (5 Years, Integrated Master of Technology) |
Geophysical Technology (5 Years, Integrated Master of Technology) |
Mathematics & Computing (5 Years, Bachelor of Science and Master of Science (Dual Degree)) |
Chemical Sciences (5 Years, Bachelor of Science and Master of Science (Dual Degree)) |
Economics (5 Years, Bachelor of Science and Master of Science (Dual Degree)) |
Environmental Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Mining Machinery Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Petroleum Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Mineral and Metallurgical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Mathematics and Computing (5 Years, Integrated Master of Technology) |
Applied Geology (5 Years, Integrated Master of Technology) |
Applied Geophysics (5 Years, Integrated Master of Technology) |
Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Ceramic Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Electronics Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Metallurgical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Pharmaceutical Engineering & Technology (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Biochemical Engineering with M.Tech. in Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Bioengineering with M.Tech in Biomedical Technology (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Ceramic Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Civil Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Electrical Engineering with M.Tech. in Power Electronics (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Materials Science and Technology (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Metallurgical Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Engineering Physics (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Industrial Chemistry (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Pharmaceutical Engineering & Technology (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Electronics and Electrical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Mechatronics Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Interdisciplinary Sciences (5 Years, Bachelor of Science and Master of Science (Dual Degree)) |
Bio Technology (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Electronics and VLSI Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Information Technology (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Instrumentation and Control Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Industrial and Production Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Planning (4 Years, Bachelor of Planning) |
Mathematics and Data Science (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Production Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Computational Mathematics (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Chemistry (5 Years, Bachelor of Science and Master of Science (Dual Degree)) |
Biotechnology (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Chemistry (5 Years, Integrated Master of Science) |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Computational and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Computer Science and Engineering with Specialization in Data Science (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Computer Science and Engineering with Specialization in Cyber Security (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Electronics and Communication Engineering with Specialization in Microelectronics and VLSI System Design (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Electrical Engineering with Specialization In Power System Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Mechanical Engineering with Specialization in Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Civil Engineering with Specialization in Construction Technology and Management (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Material Science and Engineering (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Mathematics and Computing Technology (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Chemical Technology (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Bio Medical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Industrial Internet of Things (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Computer Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Industrial Design (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Food Process Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Ceramic Engineering and M.Tech Industrial Ceramic (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Physics (5 Years, Integrated Master of Science) |
Mathematics (5 Years, Integrated Master of Science) |
Life Science (5 Years, Integrated Master of Science) |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (VLSI Design and Technology) (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Metallurgy and Materials Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Mathematics and Scientific Computing (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Integrated B. Tech.(IT) and M. Tech (IT) (5 Years, Integrated B. Tech. and M. Tech.) |
Integrated B. Tech.(IT) and MBA (5 Years, Integrated B. Tech. and MBA) |
Information Technology-Business Informatics (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Smart Manufacturing (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Computer Science and Engineering with Major in Artificial Intelligence (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
B.Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering and M.Tech. in VLSI Design (5 Years, Bachelor and Master of Technology (Dual Degree)) |
Electronics and Communication Engineering with specialization in VLSI and Embedded Systems (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Computer Science and Business (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Computer Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Electronics and Communication Engineering with specialization in Design and Manufacturing (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Design and Manufacturing (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Cyber Security (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (with Specialization of Embedded Systems and Internet of Things) (4 Years, B. Tech / B. Tech (Hons.)) |
Computer Science and Engineering (with Specialization of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence) (4 Years, B. Tech / B. Tech (Hons.)) |
Computer Science Engineering (Artificial lntelligence and Machine Learning) (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Computer Science Engineering (Data Science and Analytics) (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Computer Science Engineering (Human Computer lnteraction and Gaming Technology) (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Internet of Things) (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Mechatronics and Automation Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Agricultural Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Food Engineering and Technology (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Mathematics and Computing (5 Years, Integrated Master of Science) |
Quantitative Economics & Data Science (5 Years, Integrated Master of Science) |
Carpet and Textile Technology (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Electronics System Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Food Technology (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Electronics Engineering (VLSI Design and Technology) (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Computer Science Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) (4 Years, B. Tech / B. Tech (Hons.)) |
Computer Science Engineering (Data Science) (4 Years, B. Tech / B. Tech (Hons.)) |
Civil and Environmental Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Food Technology and Management (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Handloom and Textile Technology (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Chemical Engineering (5 Years, Integrated Masters in Technology) |
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Avionics) (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Aeronautical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Dairy Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Fashion and Apparel Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
Printing and Packaging Technology (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) |
JOSAA 2023 Seat Matrix
OPEN | 22349 | |
OPEN-PwD | 1135 | |
GEN-EWS | 5440 | |
GEN-EWS-PwD | 261 | |
SC | 8099 | |
SC-PwD | 417 | |
ST | 4548 | |
ST-PwD | 209 | |
OBC-NCL | 13968 | |
OBC-NCL-PwD | 726 | |
Total (includes Female Supernumerary) | 57152 | |
Program-Total | Seat Capacity | 54348 |
Female Supernumerary | 2804 |
Branch-wise Seat Matrix for JOSAA 2023
Engineering Course Name | OPEN | OPEN-PwD | GEN-EWS | GEN-EWS-PwD | SC | SC-PwD | ST | ST-PwD | OBC-NCL | OBC-NCL-PwD | Total (includes Female Supernumerary) | Program-Total | |
Seat Capacity | Female Supernumerary | ||||||||||||
Computer Science Engineering | 4080 | 209 | 962 | 55 | 1460 | 85 | 822 | 45 | 2549 | 135 | 10402 | 9806 | 596 |
Civil Engineering | 1991 | 96 | 474 | 34 | 714 | 37 | 413 | 22 | 1227 | 64 | 5072 | 4832 | 240 |
Electrical Engineering | 1687 | 99 | 415 | 21 | 606 | 41 | 331 | 20 | 1057 | 56 | 4333 | 4085 | 248 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | 2549 | 132 | 608 | 28 | 919 | 49 | 544 | 27 | 1558 | 70 | 6484 | 6192 | 292 |
Mechanical Engineering | 2634 | 124 | 636 | 43 | 947 | 56 | 538 | 29 | 1629 | 88 | 6724 | 6265 | 459 |
Data Science and Engineering | 48 | 4 | 13 | 0 | 20 | 1 | 9 | 0 | 32 | 3 | 130 | 122 | 8 |
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | 121 | 5 | 30 | 0 | 44 | 2 | 23 | 1 | 76 | 5 | 307 | 302 | 5 |
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering | 493 | 28 | 121 | 5 | 177 | 9 | 88 | 5 | 311 | 17 | 1254 | 1221 | 33 |
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence | 87 | 3 | 17 | 0 | 31 | 2 | 15 | 2 | 57 | 2 | 216 | 216 | 0 |
Information Technology | 551 | 29 | 131 | 7 | 199 | 12 | 105 | 3 | 359 | 17 | 1413 | 1383 | 30 |
Bio Technology | 184 | 15 | 48 | 1 | 71 | 2 | 37 | 2 | 116 | 7 | 483 | 480 | 3 |
Published date : 19 Jun 2023 04:38PM