Engineering Project Titles for ECE Students
Sakshi Education

Its projects time for Engineering Students. Projects are assuming increasing importance in Engineering education and playing a vital role in the process of student securing a job.
Selecting a project idea is not easy particularly in a dynamic branch like ECE. This article attempts the life of ECE students easy by providing a list of project ideas in VLSI, Embedded Systems and other technologies.
1. Wi-Fi based Smart Wireless Sensor for monitoring an Agricultural Environment.
2. A method of Remote Control for Home Appliance using free hand gesture.
3. A Wireless Surveillance and Safety System for mine workers based on Z-Bee.
4. Embedded Automobile Engine Locking System using GSM Technology
5. GSM Advanced Wireless Earthquake Alarm for Early Warning.
6. Robot designing to pick Everyday Objects.
7. Real Time Vehicle Locking and Tracking System using GSM and GPS Technology; an Anti-Theft System.
8. Deriving activity from RF-ID Detection records in an assisted living context.
9. Exam Paper Leakage Protection.
10. RF-ID based road toll tax using LPC2148 processor.
11. ARM LPC2148 processor based Irrigation Control.
12. Area sweeping Robot based on ARM LPC2148 processor.
13. ARM7 LPC2148 processor based Advance Car Protection.
14. ARM7 LPC2148 processor based Voice controlled Electric Wheel Chair.
15. ARM7 LPC2148 processor based Mobile Phone Controlled Alive Human Detector using Robotics.
16. Fire Fighting Assisting Robot using ARM LPC2148 processor.
17. ARM LPC2148 processor based GSM SMS sending.
18. ARM LPC2148 processor based RF Remote Device switching.
19. RF Data Receiving based on ARM LPC2148 processor.
20. RF based remote controlling using ARM LPC2148 processor.
21. ARM LPC2148 processor based remote Bank Locker System.
22. Tele Remote switching of devices using ARM LPC2148 processor.
23. ARM7 LPC2148 processor based Green House control System.
24. ARM7 LPC2148 processor Based Industrial Monitor and Control.
25. ARM7 LPC2148 processor based Voice Activated Door Control Systems.
26. ARM7 LPC2148 processor based Voice Command System for Home Appliance Control.
27. ARM7 LPC2148 processor based Cell Phone operated Land Rover.
28. ARM7 LPC2148 processor based Cell Phone operated Sweeping Robot with Wireless Video.
29. Industrial Temperature Monitoring and Controlling using ARM 7 TDMI LPC2148 Processor.
30. Intelligent LPG / Smoke Detector with Wireless Alarm using ARM 7 TDMI LPC2148 processor.
31. Wireless RF based Industrial Appliances Control System using ARM 7 TDMI LPC2148 processor.
32. ARM7 LPC2148 processor based 5 axis Robotic arm with Wireless Remote Control.
33. SCADA based Industrial Fluid Parameter Monitoring and Control System.
34. RFID based Road Toll Tax using 8051 Micro Controller.
35. Fingerprint based Access Control System.
36. GSM based SCADA Implementation using Micro Controller.
37. Bomb Detection Robot with Camera (Wireless).
38. Infant Incubator parameter Sensing &Monitoring through Wireless.
39. An Efficient Break Down Monitoring of Substation using Microcontroller-GSM based System.
40. Implementation of a Can-based Digital Driving System for a vehicle.
41. SCADA Implementation for Power Generator Performance and Condition Monitoring System.
42. Finger Print based bank Locker System.
43. Voice Based Vehicle Automation.
44. Intelligent Automatic Street Light Control System using High Sensitivity LDR.
45. Capturing the Health Parameters of Vehicle.
46. Application of SCADA in security Systems for Instrument Control and Management.
47. Solar Data Logger with Remote Data Communication.
48. Smart Home Security System using Android.
49. Design and Implementation of Mechanism for Standby Power Reduction in Home Appliances.
50. Design and Implementation of Microcontroller based Process Control for Washing.
51. 3G Mobile Phone controlled live Human Being Detection.
52. A Live Human Being Detector in War Fields using Peer Sensor & Wireless Technology.
53. Bank Locker Security System with SMS alert & call alert.
54. Can based collision avoidance System for automobiles.
55. Design and development of embedded live & motion detection System in military application in ARM LPC2148.
56. Electronic eye with security System using rf with message broad casting.
57. Fire / Gas Leakage Detector & Auto Dialing & SMS Sending.
58. GPS based Collide Vehicle Information Capturing using MEMS and GSM call alert, SMS Alert.
59. Hand Gesture Controlled Intelligent Wheel Chair with Device Switching.
60. Image based Password Authentication for Illiterates with Touch Screen GLCD
61. Modern House Automation (AC/DC) using RF Communication.
62. Patient Heart Beat Monitor and Data Storage on MMC/SD Card and send to Wireless PC using ZigBee.
63. Wireless Remote Motor Starter with Acknowledgement using Solar Energy for Agricultural Application.
64. Voice Controlled Robot.
65. Labview based Appliance Control System.
66. A smart ZigBee based Wireless Weather Station Monitoring System using ARM7 TDMI processor based LPC2148 Controller.
67. Remote Billing of Energy Meter/Water Meter using GSM Modem.
68. Design and Implementation of an Embedded Surveillance System by use of Multiplier Sensors.
69. Smoke /Fire Detector with Automatic Water Sprinkler System.
70. Industrial Automation Based on Human Voice.
71. Real-time Agricultural Environment for Social Modernization of Indian Agricultural System.
72. Safety Auto Brake System for Hill Station Vehicle using MEMS Sensor.
73. Touch Screen Control Robot by using ZigBee Technology.
74. Design of Ultra Low Cost Cell Phone based Embedded System for Irrigation.
75. Wireless Black Box using MEMS Accelerometer and GPS Tracking for Accidental Monitoring of Vehicle.
76. ZigBee based Remote Controlled Robot with Wireless Video Camera Mounted on it (3600 camera rotation).
77. A Low Cost GSM based Wireless Home Security System.
78. Biometric Finger Print Identification based Bank Locker Security System.
79. Can-Bus, an Efficient Approach for Monitoring and Controlling Manufacturing Processes in Industries.
80. Design of Smart Phone based Weather Monitoring System.
81. A MEMS- based Wireless Multi Sensor Module for Environmental Monitoring System.
82. Finger Print Authenticated, Access Control & Automated Door Opening System.
83. Hybrid Wireless Sensor Network for Green House Monitoring System based on Can Bus (Humidity, Temperature).
84. Smart Phone Operated AC Lamp Dimmer Control for Intelligent Home.
85. A Web based Industrial Parameter Monitoring.
86. Vehicle Security System with Theft Control and Accident Notification.
87. Wireless Biomedical System Design based on ZigBee Technology for Autonomous Healthcare.
88. A Wireless Design of Low Cost Irrigation System using ZigBee Technology.
89. Bluetooth based Industrial Data Acquisition System based on AVR.
90. Collision Information Capturing for Vehicle using GSM, GPS, and MEMS Technology.
91. Design and Development of Mobile Phone using Modem, Graphical LCD, Buzzer and Touch Screen based Keypad.
92. Embedded Web Server for Wireless Sensor Networks.
93. Fingerprint and Keypad based Security Access Control System.
94. Advanced Smart Card based Digital Energy Meter using AVR UC.
95. GPS based Train/Vehicle/Animal/Child location Tracking System with SMS Facility.
96. Home/Industrial Security System based on LPG Gas, Smoke and Fire Sensors with Call Alerts and SMS Alerts.
97. An IR Remote and ZigBee-to-ZigBee Scheme for Control of Multiple Devices.
98. Implementation of a Can-based Multi Controller Digital Driving System for a Vehicle.
99. GSM Mobile Phone Controlled Intelligent Robot.
100. Hi-Tech Home Appliance Monitoring and Controlling using Smartphone.
101. Role of Wireless Sensor Networks in Forest Fire Prevention.
102. PC based Data Acquisition System by Stimulating SPI and I2C Protocol Implementation.
103. Semi Autonomous Vehicle by using ARM7.
104. Two-way Wireless Data Messaging System for Rural Areas using ZigBee Technology.
105. Wireless Card based Employee Login and Logout Details Display on Database.
106. A ZigBee Wireless Sensor Network and Multi-way bus, Communication Medium using Can bus.
107. Bluetooth Communication System for Control of a Mobile Robot.
108. Construction of Intelligent Greenhouse Control System based on Can bus.
109. Design of Intelligent Mobile Vehicle Checking System based on ARM7.
110. GSM based Wireless Home Appliances Monitoring &Control System.
111. Home / Industrial Automation using ZigBee Technology.
112. MEMS Accelerometer Controlled Robot.
113. Intelligent System for Hazardous Gas, Fire, Humidity, Smoke, Temperature, Human Detection and LDR Sensors using GSM Call Alert and SMS Alert.
114. A Remote Home Security System based on Wireless Sensor Network and GSM Technology.
115. Momentum Control of Robot using Rivest Cipher[IR] Decoder.
116. Prepaid Electricity Billing System using GSM Mobile.
117. Real Time Industrial Data Logger and Store on MMC/SD Card.
118. Touch Screen Terminal Application for Remote Data based on Authorized Access.
119. PIR + GSM based Home Security System.
120. Home Appliance Monitoring and Controlling System using GSM with Fencing Auto Alerts.
121. Implementation of Touch Screen GLCD Interfacing for Hand held Mobile Applications based on ARM7.
122. RF-ID based School/College Attendance System & Parents Alert using GSM Modem.
123. Smart Card and GSM based Security System.
124. Temperature Monitoring and Equipment Control (ON/OFF) through Ethernet.
125. Automatic Touch Screen based Vehicle Driving System.
126. Bluetooth based Security Enabled Powered Devices Control System.
127. Construction of Smart Mobile Phone with driving mode Selection to avoid Accidents.
128. Design and Implementation of Embedded Web Server based on ARM7.
129. Traffic Density Analyzer cum Signal System for Metro Cities using GSM Technology.
130. Wireless Energy Meter Monitoring System with Automatic Tariff Calculation on Handheld Device.
131. Advanced Patient Monitoring and Alert System using ZigBee and GSM for Hospitals and Old Age Homes.
132. Design of Vehicle Positioning System based on ARM7.
133. GPS-GSM Integration for Enhancing Public Transportation Management Services.
134. Integrated Multisensory Lane Departure Warning System for Former.
135. PIR based Energy Conservation System for Corporate Computers and Lighting System.
136. Development of ZigBee based Street Light Control System.
137. RF based Remote Control Robot.
138. Smartcard based Prepaid Electricity System.
139. Touch Screen based Advanced Home Automation System for Next Generation Apartments.
140. Anti Theft Security System for Electronic Equipments using Inertial MEMS Sensor and ZigBee.
141. RF-ID Application Strategy and Deployment in Bike Renting System.
142. RF-ID based Access Control System ( Home/Office/Industrial Data Logger).
143. Real-Time Industrial Process Monitoring & Control using GSM Phone.
144. Speed and Direction Control of DC Motor using Android Smart Phone.
145. Touch Screen based Advanced Electronic Voting Machine with Real Time Implementation.
146. Wireless Fingerprint Attendance System for School/Office.
147. Automatic Fall Detection and Activity Monitoring for Elderly.
148. Design of Monitoring System for Coal Mine Safety based on WSN and Can bus.
149. GSM based Green House Digital Door Locking System using ARM7.
150. Remote Home Security System based on Wireless Sensor Network and GSM Technology.
151. Trace-Out the Latitude, Longitude, Time, Date, Number of Satellites in View and Speed using GPS and Updating to PC.
152. Traffic Accident Automatic Detection and Remote Alarm Device.
153. Advanced Rail way Signaling Process by Excluding Manpower using RF.
154. Touch Screen Controlled Lamp Dimmer for Next Generation Apartments.
155. An Intelligent Road Traffic Control System for Ambulance using RF and GSM Technology.
156. Designing and Construction of Movable Robotic arm.
157. DTMF Controlled Live Human Being Detecting Robot.
158. Remote Measurement and Control System for Greenhouse on GSM-SMS
159. Touch Screen based Wheelchair Implementation for Physically Challenged Persons.
160. Smart Home Security System based on Android Smart Phone (Temperature, Gas, Fire, LDR, Motion, Lights).
161. Traffic Announcement through GSM Networks.
162. Automated Voice based Home Navigation System for Elderly and Physically Challenged.
163. Detecting the Conditions of Remote Areas through Data Acquisition System based on ZigBee Technology (more than one Sensor).
164. Touch Screen based Nurse/Attendant calling System for Physically Impaired.
165. Authentication and Access Control System for Secured Device using Smart Card.
Selecting a project idea is not easy particularly in a dynamic branch like ECE. This article attempts the life of ECE students easy by providing a list of project ideas in VLSI, Embedded Systems and other technologies.
1. Wi-Fi based Smart Wireless Sensor for monitoring an Agricultural Environment.
2. A method of Remote Control for Home Appliance using free hand gesture.
3. A Wireless Surveillance and Safety System for mine workers based on Z-Bee.
4. Embedded Automobile Engine Locking System using GSM Technology
5. GSM Advanced Wireless Earthquake Alarm for Early Warning.
6. Robot designing to pick Everyday Objects.
7. Real Time Vehicle Locking and Tracking System using GSM and GPS Technology; an Anti-Theft System.
8. Deriving activity from RF-ID Detection records in an assisted living context.
9. Exam Paper Leakage Protection.
10. RF-ID based road toll tax using LPC2148 processor.
11. ARM LPC2148 processor based Irrigation Control.
12. Area sweeping Robot based on ARM LPC2148 processor.
13. ARM7 LPC2148 processor based Advance Car Protection.
14. ARM7 LPC2148 processor based Voice controlled Electric Wheel Chair.
15. ARM7 LPC2148 processor based Mobile Phone Controlled Alive Human Detector using Robotics.
16. Fire Fighting Assisting Robot using ARM LPC2148 processor.
17. ARM LPC2148 processor based GSM SMS sending.
18. ARM LPC2148 processor based RF Remote Device switching.
19. RF Data Receiving based on ARM LPC2148 processor.
20. RF based remote controlling using ARM LPC2148 processor.
21. ARM LPC2148 processor based remote Bank Locker System.
22. Tele Remote switching of devices using ARM LPC2148 processor.
23. ARM7 LPC2148 processor based Green House control System.
24. ARM7 LPC2148 processor Based Industrial Monitor and Control.
25. ARM7 LPC2148 processor based Voice Activated Door Control Systems.
26. ARM7 LPC2148 processor based Voice Command System for Home Appliance Control.
27. ARM7 LPC2148 processor based Cell Phone operated Land Rover.
28. ARM7 LPC2148 processor based Cell Phone operated Sweeping Robot with Wireless Video.
29. Industrial Temperature Monitoring and Controlling using ARM 7 TDMI LPC2148 Processor.
30. Intelligent LPG / Smoke Detector with Wireless Alarm using ARM 7 TDMI LPC2148 processor.
31. Wireless RF based Industrial Appliances Control System using ARM 7 TDMI LPC2148 processor.
32. ARM7 LPC2148 processor based 5 axis Robotic arm with Wireless Remote Control.
33. SCADA based Industrial Fluid Parameter Monitoring and Control System.
34. RFID based Road Toll Tax using 8051 Micro Controller.
35. Fingerprint based Access Control System.
36. GSM based SCADA Implementation using Micro Controller.
37. Bomb Detection Robot with Camera (Wireless).
38. Infant Incubator parameter Sensing &Monitoring through Wireless.
39. An Efficient Break Down Monitoring of Substation using Microcontroller-GSM based System.
40. Implementation of a Can-based Digital Driving System for a vehicle.
41. SCADA Implementation for Power Generator Performance and Condition Monitoring System.
42. Finger Print based bank Locker System.
43. Voice Based Vehicle Automation.
44. Intelligent Automatic Street Light Control System using High Sensitivity LDR.
45. Capturing the Health Parameters of Vehicle.
46. Application of SCADA in security Systems for Instrument Control and Management.
47. Solar Data Logger with Remote Data Communication.
48. Smart Home Security System using Android.
49. Design and Implementation of Mechanism for Standby Power Reduction in Home Appliances.
50. Design and Implementation of Microcontroller based Process Control for Washing.
51. 3G Mobile Phone controlled live Human Being Detection.
52. A Live Human Being Detector in War Fields using Peer Sensor & Wireless Technology.
53. Bank Locker Security System with SMS alert & call alert.
54. Can based collision avoidance System for automobiles.
55. Design and development of embedded live & motion detection System in military application in ARM LPC2148.
56. Electronic eye with security System using rf with message broad casting.
57. Fire / Gas Leakage Detector & Auto Dialing & SMS Sending.
58. GPS based Collide Vehicle Information Capturing using MEMS and GSM call alert, SMS Alert.
59. Hand Gesture Controlled Intelligent Wheel Chair with Device Switching.
60. Image based Password Authentication for Illiterates with Touch Screen GLCD
61. Modern House Automation (AC/DC) using RF Communication.
62. Patient Heart Beat Monitor and Data Storage on MMC/SD Card and send to Wireless PC using ZigBee.
63. Wireless Remote Motor Starter with Acknowledgement using Solar Energy for Agricultural Application.
64. Voice Controlled Robot.
65. Labview based Appliance Control System.
66. A smart ZigBee based Wireless Weather Station Monitoring System using ARM7 TDMI processor based LPC2148 Controller.
67. Remote Billing of Energy Meter/Water Meter using GSM Modem.
68. Design and Implementation of an Embedded Surveillance System by use of Multiplier Sensors.
69. Smoke /Fire Detector with Automatic Water Sprinkler System.
70. Industrial Automation Based on Human Voice.
71. Real-time Agricultural Environment for Social Modernization of Indian Agricultural System.
72. Safety Auto Brake System for Hill Station Vehicle using MEMS Sensor.
73. Touch Screen Control Robot by using ZigBee Technology.
74. Design of Ultra Low Cost Cell Phone based Embedded System for Irrigation.
75. Wireless Black Box using MEMS Accelerometer and GPS Tracking for Accidental Monitoring of Vehicle.
76. ZigBee based Remote Controlled Robot with Wireless Video Camera Mounted on it (3600 camera rotation).
77. A Low Cost GSM based Wireless Home Security System.
78. Biometric Finger Print Identification based Bank Locker Security System.
79. Can-Bus, an Efficient Approach for Monitoring and Controlling Manufacturing Processes in Industries.
80. Design of Smart Phone based Weather Monitoring System.
81. A MEMS- based Wireless Multi Sensor Module for Environmental Monitoring System.
82. Finger Print Authenticated, Access Control & Automated Door Opening System.
83. Hybrid Wireless Sensor Network for Green House Monitoring System based on Can Bus (Humidity, Temperature).
84. Smart Phone Operated AC Lamp Dimmer Control for Intelligent Home.
85. A Web based Industrial Parameter Monitoring.
86. Vehicle Security System with Theft Control and Accident Notification.
87. Wireless Biomedical System Design based on ZigBee Technology for Autonomous Healthcare.
88. A Wireless Design of Low Cost Irrigation System using ZigBee Technology.
89. Bluetooth based Industrial Data Acquisition System based on AVR.
90. Collision Information Capturing for Vehicle using GSM, GPS, and MEMS Technology.
91. Design and Development of Mobile Phone using Modem, Graphical LCD, Buzzer and Touch Screen based Keypad.
92. Embedded Web Server for Wireless Sensor Networks.
93. Fingerprint and Keypad based Security Access Control System.
94. Advanced Smart Card based Digital Energy Meter using AVR UC.
95. GPS based Train/Vehicle/Animal/Child location Tracking System with SMS Facility.
96. Home/Industrial Security System based on LPG Gas, Smoke and Fire Sensors with Call Alerts and SMS Alerts.
97. An IR Remote and ZigBee-to-ZigBee Scheme for Control of Multiple Devices.
98. Implementation of a Can-based Multi Controller Digital Driving System for a Vehicle.
99. GSM Mobile Phone Controlled Intelligent Robot.
100. Hi-Tech Home Appliance Monitoring and Controlling using Smartphone.
101. Role of Wireless Sensor Networks in Forest Fire Prevention.
102. PC based Data Acquisition System by Stimulating SPI and I2C Protocol Implementation.
103. Semi Autonomous Vehicle by using ARM7.
104. Two-way Wireless Data Messaging System for Rural Areas using ZigBee Technology.
105. Wireless Card based Employee Login and Logout Details Display on Database.
106. A ZigBee Wireless Sensor Network and Multi-way bus, Communication Medium using Can bus.
107. Bluetooth Communication System for Control of a Mobile Robot.
108. Construction of Intelligent Greenhouse Control System based on Can bus.
109. Design of Intelligent Mobile Vehicle Checking System based on ARM7.
110. GSM based Wireless Home Appliances Monitoring &Control System.
111. Home / Industrial Automation using ZigBee Technology.
112. MEMS Accelerometer Controlled Robot.
113. Intelligent System for Hazardous Gas, Fire, Humidity, Smoke, Temperature, Human Detection and LDR Sensors using GSM Call Alert and SMS Alert.
114. A Remote Home Security System based on Wireless Sensor Network and GSM Technology.
115. Momentum Control of Robot using Rivest Cipher[IR] Decoder.
116. Prepaid Electricity Billing System using GSM Mobile.
117. Real Time Industrial Data Logger and Store on MMC/SD Card.
118. Touch Screen Terminal Application for Remote Data based on Authorized Access.
119. PIR + GSM based Home Security System.
120. Home Appliance Monitoring and Controlling System using GSM with Fencing Auto Alerts.
121. Implementation of Touch Screen GLCD Interfacing for Hand held Mobile Applications based on ARM7.
122. RF-ID based School/College Attendance System & Parents Alert using GSM Modem.
123. Smart Card and GSM based Security System.
124. Temperature Monitoring and Equipment Control (ON/OFF) through Ethernet.
125. Automatic Touch Screen based Vehicle Driving System.
126. Bluetooth based Security Enabled Powered Devices Control System.
127. Construction of Smart Mobile Phone with driving mode Selection to avoid Accidents.
128. Design and Implementation of Embedded Web Server based on ARM7.
129. Traffic Density Analyzer cum Signal System for Metro Cities using GSM Technology.
130. Wireless Energy Meter Monitoring System with Automatic Tariff Calculation on Handheld Device.
131. Advanced Patient Monitoring and Alert System using ZigBee and GSM for Hospitals and Old Age Homes.
132. Design of Vehicle Positioning System based on ARM7.
133. GPS-GSM Integration for Enhancing Public Transportation Management Services.
134. Integrated Multisensory Lane Departure Warning System for Former.
135. PIR based Energy Conservation System for Corporate Computers and Lighting System.
136. Development of ZigBee based Street Light Control System.
137. RF based Remote Control Robot.
138. Smartcard based Prepaid Electricity System.
139. Touch Screen based Advanced Home Automation System for Next Generation Apartments.
140. Anti Theft Security System for Electronic Equipments using Inertial MEMS Sensor and ZigBee.
141. RF-ID Application Strategy and Deployment in Bike Renting System.
142. RF-ID based Access Control System ( Home/Office/Industrial Data Logger).
143. Real-Time Industrial Process Monitoring & Control using GSM Phone.
144. Speed and Direction Control of DC Motor using Android Smart Phone.
145. Touch Screen based Advanced Electronic Voting Machine with Real Time Implementation.
146. Wireless Fingerprint Attendance System for School/Office.
147. Automatic Fall Detection and Activity Monitoring for Elderly.
148. Design of Monitoring System for Coal Mine Safety based on WSN and Can bus.
149. GSM based Green House Digital Door Locking System using ARM7.
150. Remote Home Security System based on Wireless Sensor Network and GSM Technology.
151. Trace-Out the Latitude, Longitude, Time, Date, Number of Satellites in View and Speed using GPS and Updating to PC.
152. Traffic Accident Automatic Detection and Remote Alarm Device.
153. Advanced Rail way Signaling Process by Excluding Manpower using RF.
154. Touch Screen Controlled Lamp Dimmer for Next Generation Apartments.
155. An Intelligent Road Traffic Control System for Ambulance using RF and GSM Technology.
156. Designing and Construction of Movable Robotic arm.
157. DTMF Controlled Live Human Being Detecting Robot.
158. Remote Measurement and Control System for Greenhouse on GSM-SMS
159. Touch Screen based Wheelchair Implementation for Physically Challenged Persons.
160. Smart Home Security System based on Android Smart Phone (Temperature, Gas, Fire, LDR, Motion, Lights).
161. Traffic Announcement through GSM Networks.
162. Automated Voice based Home Navigation System for Elderly and Physically Challenged.
163. Detecting the Conditions of Remote Areas through Data Acquisition System based on ZigBee Technology (more than one Sensor).
164. Touch Screen based Nurse/Attendant calling System for Physically Impaired.
165. Authentication and Access Control System for Secured Device using Smart Card.
Published date : 31 Dec 2013 06:52PM