Electronics & Telematics offer more core Jobs than Electronics and Communication
Sakshi Education

Prof. K.Rama Linga Reddy,
Professor & HOD, ETM,
G.Narayanamma Institute of Technology & Science (For Women)
What is ETM Engineering?
ETM Engineering is a combination of Electronics & Telematics. Telematics is Telecommunication using informatics.
What do ETM Engineers do?
ETM Engineers do the analysis and designing of different Telecommunication protocols and its application in different technologies like – Telemedicine, Vehicle tracking, Telemetry & Telecontrol in industries.
What do ETM Engineers Study?
ETM Engineers can settle in Electronic Industry & Telecomm Industry in Public Sector and Scientists in DRDO/ISRO organization and they can join in core communication companies after pursuing M.Tech from reputed colleges like IIT/IISc.
In which activities ETM Engineers are engaged?
Designing and Analysis of Telecomm Network Protocols, operation & maintain of Telematics applications like Internet, GPS, GSM System, Vehicle Tracking, Telemedicine.
What are the skills that help ETM Engineers to be successful in their careers?
To be Successful in their career ETM Engineers should do courses in computer networks and its application in addition to degree course.
What stages are there in ETM Engineers careers?
Initially graduates can join as design engineers in the field Networking and Telecommunication then they are elevated as project Managers/ Managers.
Salaries depend on job and are varied from Rs 20,000 per month to Rs 1,00,000 per month. If the candidate settles in core job after pursing M.Tech in reputed institute, can draw more than 1,00,000 per month.
What are the Top Companies for ETM engineering recruitments?
DRDO, ISRO, BSNL, Qualcomm Technologies, Infosys, TCS, Wipro, HP
Can we compare ETM with any other branch? If yes, please provide details.
IT is considered as equivalent to Electronics Telecommunication Engineering offered in different universities. Syllabus of ETM department is almost similar to ECE department to a major extent, for which reason as per JNTU, ETM is equivalent to ECE for higher studies and employment.
ECE Students study convectional Electronic Communication subjects but ETM course, emphasis is given on computer communication subjects like computer networks, ISDN, ATM networks, Advanced Telecommunication Technologies and its applications. Career wise ETM course is treated as equivalent to ECE for higher studies and employment, in addition, those ETM students are preferred in core telecommunication & computer communication fields compared to ECE Students.
Professor & HOD, ETM,
G.Narayanamma Institute of Technology & Science (For Women)
What is ETM Engineering?
ETM Engineering is a combination of Electronics & Telematics. Telematics is Telecommunication using informatics.
What do ETM Engineers do?
ETM Engineers do the analysis and designing of different Telecommunication protocols and its application in different technologies like – Telemedicine, Vehicle tracking, Telemetry & Telecontrol in industries.
What do ETM Engineers Study?
- Course Work (Core Subjects): Telecommunication systems, Advanced Telecommunication Systems, Computer Communication, Satellite communication, Optical Communication, Wireless Communication, Digital Switching Lab and Advanced Telecommunication Lab.
- Subject Disciplines: Analog Circuits, Digital Circuits, Analog & Digital Communication, Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, Microwave Engineering, VLSI Design & Satellite Communication.
- Higher Studies: They can pursue PG in Telecommunication, Computer Communication, and Computer Science specialization in India & Abroad.
ETM Engineers can settle in Electronic Industry & Telecomm Industry in Public Sector and Scientists in DRDO/ISRO organization and they can join in core communication companies after pursuing M.Tech from reputed colleges like IIT/IISc.
In which activities ETM Engineers are engaged?
Designing and Analysis of Telecomm Network Protocols, operation & maintain of Telematics applications like Internet, GPS, GSM System, Vehicle Tracking, Telemedicine.
What are the skills that help ETM Engineers to be successful in their careers?
To be Successful in their career ETM Engineers should do courses in computer networks and its application in addition to degree course.
What stages are there in ETM Engineers careers?
Initially graduates can join as design engineers in the field Networking and Telecommunication then they are elevated as project Managers/ Managers.
Salaries depend on job and are varied from Rs 20,000 per month to Rs 1,00,000 per month. If the candidate settles in core job after pursing M.Tech in reputed institute, can draw more than 1,00,000 per month.
What are the Top Companies for ETM engineering recruitments?
DRDO, ISRO, BSNL, Qualcomm Technologies, Infosys, TCS, Wipro, HP
Can we compare ETM with any other branch? If yes, please provide details.
IT is considered as equivalent to Electronics Telecommunication Engineering offered in different universities. Syllabus of ETM department is almost similar to ECE department to a major extent, for which reason as per JNTU, ETM is equivalent to ECE for higher studies and employment.
- I and II year syllabus is common for both ETM and ECE.
- In III year syllabus as a whole there is variation in only one subject -Computer networks for ETM and Electronic measurement and instrumentation for ECE.
- In IV year syllabus more emphasis is given to telematics subjects and there is variation of 4 subjects. Multimedia and signal coding, Advanced telecommunication technologies, Wireless communications and networks and Wireless sensor networks are opted for ETM.
- ETM has two exclusive laboratories (i) Computer Networking Lab and (ii) Advanced Telecommunications Lab which provide practical exposure to the students on latest technologies in telecommunications and computer networking.
ECE Students study convectional Electronic Communication subjects but ETM course, emphasis is given on computer communication subjects like computer networks, ISDN, ATM networks, Advanced Telecommunication Technologies and its applications. Career wise ETM course is treated as equivalent to ECE for higher studies and employment, in addition, those ETM students are preferred in core telecommunication & computer communication fields compared to ECE Students.
Published date : 12 Aug 2015 06:02PM