IBPS Clerks Prelims Reasoning Practice Test - 2

Directions (66-68): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight towns A, D, G, J, K, N, P and R are in a certain direction from each other. Town D is to the north of town G and is west of town N. Town J is to the west of town P which is to the north of town A. Town R is to the south of town N and is to the east of town P. Town G is to the west of town A and to the east of town K. Town D is to the north-west of town P. Town J and G are along the same line.
66. Town ___ is to the south-west of town P.
a) G
b) N
c) D
d) K
e) Both option (a) and (d)
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- Answer: e
67. Select the option which shows that the first town is to the north of the second town.
a) R-D
b) K-P
c) J-A
d) J-G
e) A-N
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- Answer: d
68. Town K is to the ______ of town N.
a) North
b) South-west
c) North-west
d) North-east
e) South
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- Answer: b
69. In the number 7364579258, the 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th digits are dropped and the remaining digits are arranged in increasing order. Which of the following digits is sixth from the left end in the number thus formed?
a) 2
b) 9
c) 7
d) 5
e) 6
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- Answer: b
70. A family is spanned across three generations. U is the mother-in-law of E. J is the only brother of E. N is the only child of L. R is the sister-in-law of E. C is the daughter of N. U does not have any daughters. There are ____ male members in the family. Fill in the blanks with the correct option.
a) Five
b) Can't be determined
c) Three
d) Four
e) Two
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- Answer: c
In a certain language,
'practical be joke once' is coded as 'ki ji si mi'
'soft joke mile gone' is coded as 'ni ki zi yi'
'joke been mile be' is coded as 'xi ki ni ji'
'crack gone once seem' is coded as 'ai bi mi yi'
71. What is the code of "once"?
a) xi
b) mi
c) yi
d) bi
e) None of the above
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- Answer: b
72. Which of the following word is coded as 'bi'?
a) crack
b) joke
c) seem
d) practical
e) either option (a) or (c)
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- Answer: e
73. What is the code of 'practical joke'?
a) si ki
b) ai bi
c) ni zi
d) ki ji
e) None of the above
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- Answer: a
74. 'be' is coded as ___
a) ji
b) ni
c) bi
d) mi
e) ai
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- Answer: a
75. What is code of 'been'?
a) si
b) ji
c) yi
d) ni
e) xi
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- Answer: e
Certain number of people were seated in a linear row facing north. Information about only some of them is known. No three people whose information is known were seated together. Number of people seated to the left of B was thrice the number of people seated to the right of B. There were not more than 11 people seated in the row. C was seated to the immediate left of A. E was seated at the rightmost end of the row. Four people were seated between B and D.
76. How many people were seated in the row?
a) 8
b) 9
c) 10
d) 11
e) none of these
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- Answer: b
77. How many people were seated between C and E?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6
e) more than 6
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- Answer: b
78. How many people were seated to the left of A?
a) 5
b) 8
c) 3
d) 4
e) none of these
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- Answer: d
79. Who among the following sits second to the left of one who sits third to the right of C?
a) D
b) A
c) E
d) B
e) C
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- Answer: b
80. Statements:
Only a few Jibes are Jeeps.
No Jibe is a Jewel.
All Jewels are Jokers.
I. Some Jokers are Jeeps.
II. No Jeep is a Joker.
a) Only II follows
b) Neither I nor II follows
c) Either I or II follows
d) Both I and II follow
e) Only I follows
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- Answer: c
81. Statements:
Only a few Swarms are Syrups
All Syrups are Studs
Some Swarms are Stoves.
I. No Stove is a Syrup.
II. Some Studs are definitely not Swarms.
a) Only II follows
b) Either I or II follows
c) Both I and II follow
d) Only I follows
e) Neither I nor II follows
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- Answer: e
Nine employees i.e. A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K and L works in nine different companies i.e. HP, HCL, TCS, CTS, KD, Infy, LG, JP and AIS but not necessary in same order. H works in KD. J does not work in JP and LG. A does not work in HCL and TCS. D works in CTS. S does not work in JP and AIS. G works in infy. F works in HP. The one who works in HCL, is not J. K works in AIS. L does not work in LG and HCL.
82. Who among the following works in HCL?
a) J
b) S
c) L
d) G
e) None of these
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- Answer: b
83. In which company L works?
a) TCS
b) CTS
c) JP
d) LG
e) None of these
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- Answer: c
84. In which company J works?
a) TCS
b) LG
c) JP
d) HCL
e) None of these
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- Answer: a
85. Who among the following works in AIS?
a) A
b) K
c) L
d) J
e) None of these
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- Answer: b
86. Who among the following works in LG?
a) S
b) D
c) J
d) A
e) None of these
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- Answer: d
87. How many pairs of letters are there in the word "SENSITIVE" each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabetical series(from both forward and backward direction)?
a) None
b) One
c) Two
d) Three
e) Other than the given option
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- Answer: c
In a store, eight grocery items are kept one above the other. The items are numbered in ascending order from 1 to 8 such that the topmost grocery item is numbered as 8 while the bottom most grocery item is numbered as 1. The items of grocery are - Milk, Butter, Bread, Cereal, Pasta, Oil, Meat and Soup but not necessarily in the same order.
Cereal is placed second from the top but not below Pasta. One item is placed between Oil and Meat. Bread is placed at the bottom and immediately below Soup. Butter is placed immediately between Oil and Soup.
88. If Butter is exchanged with the Cereal, then how many items are placed between Butter and Oil?
a) Three
b) One
c) Two
d) Five
e) Four
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- Answer: c
89. Which if the following statement(s) is/are correct?
I. Oil is kept above Pasta.
II. Milk is placed below Pasta.
III. Pasta is placed exactly between Meat and Butter
a) I and II
b) II and III
c) I and III
d) All of these
e) None of these
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- Answer: e
90. Which item is placed at the top?
a) Pasta
b) Milk
c) Meat
d) Butter
e) Oil
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- Answer: b
91. Meat is placed at what position?
a) Third from the top
b) Fourth from the bottom
c) Third from the bottom
d) Second from the bottom
e) Fourth from the top
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- Answer: a
92. How many groceries are kept between Cereal and Pasta?
a) 0
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1
e) 6
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- Answer: d
93. Statements:
Q > R = S ≤ T ≤ U = V, V = W ≥ X < Y > Z
I. W > R
II. W = R
a) Only conclusion I follows.
b) Only conclusion II follows.
c) Both conclusion I and II follows.
d) Either conclusion I or II follows.
e) Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
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- Answer: d
94. Statements:
J > I < H > G ≤ F = E, E > D ≥ C < B < A
I. F > C
II. H > A
a) Only conclusion I follows.
b) Only conclusion II follows.
c) Both conclusion I and II follows.
d) Either conclusion I or II follows.
e) Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
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- Answer: a
95. Statements:
a > b < c = d > e < f, e > g ≥ h = i> j
I. j > e
II. b > e
a) Only conclusion I follows.
b) Only conclusion II follows.
c) Both conclusion I and II follows.
d)Either conclusion I or II follows.
e) Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
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- Answer: e
Eight people P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting on a circular table, but not necessarily in the same order. Some of them are facing towards the center of the table and some are facing away from the center.
Note: A and B are facing in the same direction means if A is facing towards the center then B is also facing towards the center and vice versa. A and B are facing in the opposite directions means if A is facing towards the center then B is facing away from the center and vice versa.
U sits exactly middle of P and R, who faces in the same direction as T. Both the immediate neighbours of V are facing in the same direction. V sits 3rd to the left of S, who faces in the same direction as R and immediate neighbours of S are facing in the opposite directions. R is neither an immediate neighbour of T nor an immediate neighbour of U. One who sits to the immediate right of T faces away from the center and U sits 3rd to the right of one who sits to the immediate right of T. U and W are facing in the opposite directions. Q sits 2nd to the right of R, who is not an immediate neighbour of S. At least 3 people are facing away from the center.
96. Who sits opposite to V?
a) P
b) S
c) U
d) T
e) None of the above
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- Answer: d
97. How many people sit between W and S when counted to the right of W?
a) 4
b) 2
c) 3
d) 1
e) 5
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- Answer: a
98. Who sits 3rd to the right of P?
a) V
b) T
c) U
d) R
e) None of the above
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- Answer: c
99. How many people are facing towards the center and away from the center respectively?
a) 4, 4
b) 3, 5
c) 2, 6
d) 5, 3
e) 1, 7
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- Answer: d
100. Four out of the five options given are same in a certain way hence forms a group, which one does not belong to the group?
a) WS
b) UP
c) QW
d) PV
e) SW
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- Answer: e
- Answer: e
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