IBPS Clerk Prelims English Language Practice Test - 2

Directions: (1 to 8): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below.
More than 250,000 Syrians have lost their lives in four-and-a-half years of armed conflict, which began with anti-government protests before escalating into a full-scale civil war. More than 11 million others have been forces from their homes as forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and those opposed to his rule battle each other – as well as jihadist militants from so-called Islamic State.
Pro-democracy protests erupted in March 2011 in the southern city of Deraa after the arrest and torture of some teenagers who painted revolutionary slogans on a school wall. After security forces opened fire on demonstrators, killing several, more took to the streets.
The unrest triggered nationwide protests demanding President Assad’s resignation. The government’s use of force to crush the dissent merely hardened the protesters’ resolve. By July 2011, hundreds of thousands were taking to the streets across the country.
Opposition supporters eventually began to take up arms, first to defend themselves and later to expel security forces from their local areas. Violence escalated and the country descended into civil war as rebel brigades were formed to battle government forces for control of cities, towns and the countryside. Fighting reached the capital Damascus and second city of Aleppo in 2012. By June 2013, the UN said 90,000 people had been killed in the conflict. By August 2015, that figure has climbed to 250,000, according to activists and the UN.
The conflict is now more than just a battle between those for or against Mr. Assad. It has acquired sectarian overtones, pitching the country’s Sunni majority against the president’s Shai Alawite sect, and drawn in regional and world powers. The rise of the jihadist group Islamic State (IS) has added a further dimension.
A UN commission of inquiry has evidence that all parties to the conflict have committed war crimes – including murder, torture, rape and enforced disappearances. They have also been accused of using civilian suffering – such as blocking access to food, water and health services through sieges – as a method of war.
More than 4.5 million people have fled Syria since the start of the conflict, most of them women and children. Neighbouring Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey have struggled to cope with one of the largest refugee exoduses in recent history. About 10% of Syrian refugees have sought safety in Europe, sowing political divisions as countries argue over sharing the burden.
The UN says it will need $3.2bn to help the 13.5 million people, including 6 million children, who will require some form of humanitarian assistance inside Syria in 2016. About 70% of the population is without access to adequate drinking water, one in three people are unable to meet their basic food needs, and more than 2 million children are out of school, and four out of five people live in poverty.
IS has also been accused by the UN of waging a campaign of terror. It has inflicted severe punishments on those who transgress or refuse to accept its rules, including hundreds of public executions and amputations. Its fighters have also carries out mass killings of rival armed groups, members of the security forces and religious minorities, and beheaded hostages, including several Westerners.
1. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?
i) Global society had been positive towards Syrian refugees
ii) Syrian crisis includes a tint of community tension
iii) Syria is a part of Europe
a) Only I
b) Only II
c) Only I and Only III
d) Only II and Only III
e) None of the above
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- Answer: b
2. Which of the following statements is true about the turn of events during Syrian war?
i) Started as anti-government struggle
ii) Thousands of people died
iii) Islamic State started the war
a) Only I
b) Only II
c) Only I and II
d) Only I, II and III
e) None of the above
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- Answer: c
3. As mentioned in the passage, which city is the capital of Syria?
a) Deraa
b) Damascus
c) Aleppo
d) Marea
e) Not mentioned in the passage
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- Answer: b
4. Which of the following is/are not mentioned in the passage as problem faced by Syrian nationals during the war?
a) Job loss
b) Migration
c) Increase in Criminal Acts
d) Lack of basic amenities
e) Poverty
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- Answer: a
5. Which of the following are mentioned as neighbours of Syria?
a) Jordan
b) Turkey
c) Libya
d) Both a and b
e) All of the above
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- Answer: d
6. The word opposite in meaning of ‘conflict’ is:
a) Cleverness
b) War
c) Agreement
d) Dominance
e) Smooth
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- Answer: c
7. What can be said about Islamic State?
i) A jihadist group
ii) Bashar-Al-Assad is its leader
iii) It killed several Westerners
a) Only I
b) Only II
c) Only I and III
d) Only II and III
e) None of the above
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- Answer: c
8. Of the people who migrated from Syria, majority of them were:
a) Children
b) Men
c) Women
d) Both a and b
e) Both a and c
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- Answer: e
Directions: (9 to 13): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
“NLSIU (National Law School of India University) is uniquely _____ (9) as it follows a trimester system where every academic year is made up of three terms of 90 days duration. Hence, if NLSIU is unable to ______ (10) admissions before the end of September 2020 it will ______ (11) result in a ‘Zero Year’ with no admission. This will deprive law students of the _____(12) to pursue their studies this year at India’s premier law university”, a statement issued by the university said.
“We shifted to online classed very quickly compared to other universities, even conducted out final exams _______ (13) and are ready to have our convocation on September 27. In fact, only four days were lost due to the Covid 19 disruption” an official said.
CLAT is a centralized common entrance conducted by a consortium of National Law Universities for admissions to undergraduate and postgraduate courses in law in 22 National Law Universities across the country, including NLSIU, Bengaluru. National Law University, Delhi also does not acceptCLAT scores and participates instead in the All India Law Entrance Test (AILET) which is scheduled for September 26.
a) depressed
b) frolic
c) disadvantaged
d) romp
e) None of the above
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- Answer: c
a) weld
b) complete
c) junction
d) haul
e) None of the above
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- Answer: b
a) mellifluous
b) elide
c) disavowing
d) inevitably
e) None of the above
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- Answer: d
a) opportunity
b) imminent
c) permeate
d) imbuing
e) None of the above
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- Answer: a
a) ruction
b) ruckus
c) seamlessly
d) commotion
e) None of the above
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- Answer: c
Directions: (14 to 18): In each of the following questions, four words are marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). These words may or may not be placed in the correct order. Four options with different replacements of these words are given. Mark the option with the correct arrangement as the answer. If no replacement is required, mark ‘e’ as your answer.
14. Today our favour (A) are agitating in workers (B) of farmers and labourers in every (C) assembly constituency (D).
e) No replacement required
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- Answer: a
15. The charge-sheet, which arrested (A) 33 accused, out of which six have been names (B) and five before (C) have dies, was filed others (D) the NIA court in Jagadalpur.
e) No replacement required
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- Answer: b
16. “May Bapu’s ideals (A) keep guiding us in creating (B) a prosperous and compassionate (C) India.” He added (D).
e) No replacement required
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- Answer: e
17. Brown was months (A) with a recurrence of the living (B) for the past six spread (C) and it had cancer (D) to his spine and brain.
e) No replacement required
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- Answer: b
18. However, the them (A) in a stopped (B) act not only cowardly (C) them but also attacked police (D).
e) No replacement required
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- Answer: c
Direction: (19): Choose from the alternatives a word which is NEAREST in meaning to the given word.
19. Torpid
a) fast
b) slow
c) medium
d) energetic
e) lively
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- Answer: b
Direction: (20): Choose the option which is the antonym of the word mentioned in the question.
20. Invigorate
a) debilitate
b) enliven
c) revel
d) carouse
e) adroit
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- Answer: a
Direction: (21) Choose the option which gives appropriate meaning to the given idiom / phrase in question.
21. Till the cows come home
a) For a large part
b) For a long, long time
c) In the evening
d) Till the work is finished
e) Completion of work
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- Answer: b
Directions: (22 to 26): In the question given below, a set of sentences is given, which when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Arrange the sentences in the correct sequence, and answer the questions that follow.
P. Humans might be somewhere in between – we can learn language easily for a number of years, but it becomes much more challenging in adulthood.
Q. For example, zebra finches must perfect their song by the time they are 90 days old.
R. Some songbirds, called closed-ended learners, can only learn song for a short period of time.
S. In contrast, open-ended learners, like the European starling, have very long learning windows.
T. Songbirds have evolved to be incredibly diverse – their songs range from simple to complex, and their song-learning processes are similarly divergent.
22. Which of the following statements will be FIRST after rearrangement?
a) S
b) T
c) Q
d) P
e) R
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- Answer: b
23. Which of the following statements will be SECOND after rearrangement?
a) T
b) S
c) Q
d) P
e) R
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- Answer: e
24. Which of the following statements will be THIRD after rearrangement?
a) Q
b) S
c) T
d) P
e) R
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- Answer: a
25. Which of the following statements will be FOURTH after rearrangement?
a) P
b) R
c) Q
d) S
e) T
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- Answer: d
26. Which of the following statements will be FIFTH (LAST) after rearrangement?
a) S
b) T
c) P
d) Q
e). R
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- Answer: c
Directions: (27 to 30): In each Question below, a sentence is given with four words given in Bold in the sentence. Among these bold words one may be wrongly spelt or incorrectly used with respect to the context of the passage. The option of that word is the answer. If all four words are correctly spelt or used mark (e). i.e. ‘All Correct’ as the answer.
27. The book is full of modern and ultramodern commentary
a) full
b) modern
c) ultromodern
d) commentary
e) All correct
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- Answer: c
28. Now, electronic (A) / mail is becomingtheoutdated(B) / tool for exchanging (C) / messages. (D) / All correct (E)
a) electronic
b) outdated
c) exchanging
d) messages
e) All correct
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- Answer: b
29. The treatment of cancer is becoming more complex as most patients don’t adhere to the treatment regimen which include six to nine months of daily antibiotics.
a) cancer
b) complex
c) adhere
d) include
e) All correct
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- Answer: d
30. A good massage will leave you with supple muscles afterwards.
a) good
b) massage
c) supple
d) muscles
e) All correct
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- Answer: e
Also Read: IBPS Clerk Prelims English Language Practice Test - 1