IBPS SO Prelims English Practice Test-1

Directions (1-5): Read each of the following four sentences to find out whether there is any grammatical mistake/error in it. Choose the sentence which is grammatically incorrect as the correct answer. If all the given sentences are grammatically correct then choose “All are correct”.
1. a) The Nobel committee noted that the duo’s work “brought us considerably closer to answering the important question of how we can achieve sustained and sustainable economic growth”.
b) In his 2005 bestselling novel "Bounce", Matthew Syed talks about the power of practice and sacrifice that yields high performance.
c) The book offers a compelling narrative of the hard work and sacrifice that goes on behind the scenes to nurture and create high performers in sport, art and science.
d) Since decades, experts have advised us to take 10,000 steps a day for better health. The number is even coded into fitness trackers as a goal.
e) All are correct
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- Answer: D
a) Mr. Romer proposed the endogenous growth model where technological progress is seen as the outgrowth of businesses and other entities investing in research and development.
b) I have lost count of the number of people I have met or read about here, who beaver around behind the scenes doing charity work at their own expense.
c) While the principle of value investing began to gain traction in the U.S and created enormous wealth for its early adopters, the Indian example stood in stark contrast to its U.S counterpart.
d) Rain Industries began as a cement company owned by a certain Radhakrishna Reddy and a few partners catering to the burgeoning demand of the Indian Infra sector.
e) All are correct
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- Answer: B
3. a) The writer mentioned in his speech, “If my grandfather would not have emigrated to the United States, I wouldn't be living in Seattle.”
b) Little has been done to fulfil what the Road Transport Ministry promises: that the Centre and the States will work to improve safety as a joint responsibility.
c) The study found that States that were relatively better developed than the rest of the country were also host to more migrants. d) In a bold move, Jagan Mohan Reddy decided to merge his father's business with his own and plotted an acquisition that can best be described as pure insanity.
e) All are correct
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- Answer: A
4. a) Apart from steps to arrest the violence against the migrants and stop the exodus, the Gujarat government must commit itself to a facilitating role for job-creation.
b) The State must follow a more holistic policy of creating incentives for firms leading to greater employment, instead of merely dictating higher recruitment of locals.
c) The Tamil Nadu Governor’s office had complained to the police, seeking to book Mr. Gopal under Section 124 of the IPC, citing some articles published in the magazine.
d) By borrowing more than what his entire business was worth and acquiring a company in the U.S Jagan was venturing into territories seldom explored.
e) All are correct
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- Answer: E
5. a) The Centre has watered down the national bus body standards code in spite of a commitment given to the Supreme Court, by requiring only self-certification by the builders.
b) Lee is an epidemiologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Massachusetts who focuses on how physical activity can promote health and prevent chronic disease.
c) Yechury objected the issue of central monitoring of the development of aspirational districts, saying it was leaving the states out of the scheme of things.
d) Along with several studies out this year, the results reveal the incredible power of simply doing what humans have done since we stopped swinging from trees.
e) All are correct
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- Answer: C
After introducing a new standard framework for credit rating agencies last month, the Securities and Exchange Board of India came up with more ____(A)______ regulations to govern the management of mutual funds. The mutual fund industry came under its scrutiny after some mutual funds in the last few months had to postpone _____(B)_____ of their fixed maturity plans (FMPs). (C)HDFC Mutual Fund and Kotak Mutual Fund came to (1) failed and had to roll over or (2) proportionately reduce redemption of their FMPs in April after some Essel group companies (3) grief to redeem their non-convertible (4) debentures where the funds had invested. According to the new SEBI regulations, liquid mutual fund schemes will have to invest at least 20% of their ________________(D)___________________. They will be barred from investing more than 20% of their total assets in any one sector; the current cap is 25%. When it comes to sectors like housing finance, the limit is down to 10%. These measures are aimed to prevent situations such as the one being witnessed now. (E) While the (1) mandated investment in government securities will (2) reduction a modicum of liquidity, the (3) ensure in sectoral concentration will (4) discipline funds and force them to diversify their risks. Some mutual funds entered into standstill agreements with companies in whose debt instruments the funds had invested. (F)SEBI has done the right thing by banning funds from entering into such standstill agreements. Further, SEBI has required that assets of mutual funds be valued on a mark-to-market basis in order to better reflect the value of their investments.
While SEBI’s intent to deal with the risks within the financial system is ______(G)______, there could be unintended consequences to the regulator’s actions — which need watching. (H) One of the new regulation introduced by SEBI is to increase the exit load on short-term investments in liquid mutual funds to discourage sudden demands for redemption. This could possibly hinder fund flow into the bond market, which in India is already quite undeveloped when compared to the rest of the world. (I) While SEBI is doing a commendable job in (1) question the markets and (2) intermediaries, the larger (3) disciplining is whether the (4) regulator can really protect investors beyond a certain point. Market investments involve risk, and investors seeking high returns may in fact be willing to assume the increased risk that comes with such investment. That said, what the regulator is probably more concerned about is the ripple effect of defaults and roll-overs on the system. Investor confidence can be shaken by defaults and that will have _____(J)_____ for the economy. Viewed from this perspective, the regulator’s latest rules should be welcomed.
6. Which of the following word given in the options should come at the place marked as (A) in the above passage to make it grammatically correct and meaningful? Also, the word should fill in the two sentences given below to make them contextually correct and meaningful.
(I) Data research firm Forrester recently released a study on the privacy laws of 61 countries, finding that many nations spent 2018 passing _____________ privacy regulations and more would continue to do so in 2019.
(II) The Madhya Pradesh government is going to make a ____________ law to curb mob lynchings in the state in the name of the cow.
a) insolent
b) arcane
c) prolific
d) stringent
e) propitious
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- Answer: D
7. Which of the following words should fill the blank given in (B) to make it contextually correct and meaningful?
a) aberration
b) redemption
c) adhesion
d) compurgation
e) levitation
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- Answer: B
8. The sentence given in (C) has four words given in bold. Amongst the given bold words, which of the followings must replace each other to make the sentence contextually correct and meaningful?
a) 2-4
b) 2-3
c) 3-4
d) 1-4
e) 1-3
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- Answer: E
9. Which of the following phrases should fill the blank (D) to make it contextually and grammatically meaningful and correct respectively?
a) fixed income market that had spiked MF liquidity risk
b) funds in liquid assets like government securities
c) working group to review norms for MF investment
d) debt scheme can only invest up to 20 per cent of its assets in one sector
e) sectoral cap was previously higher at 25 per cent
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- Answer: B
10. The sentence given in (E) has four words given in bold. Amongst the given bold words, which of the followings must replace each other to make the sentence contextually correct and meaningful?
a) 2-4
b) 2-3
c) 3-4
d) 1-4
e) 1-3
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- Answer: B
11. Two sentences are given in italics on both sides of (F). Which of the following statements can come in between the two sentences in place of (F) and maintain the continuity of the paragraph?
a) However, the problem with the real estate sector is its lack of access to long-term finance.
b) Making promoters of companies disclose detailed reasons for pledging or encumbrances if the total exceeds 20% of the company’s share capital or 50% of the equity holding makes sense.
c) This is not a welcome practice and goes against the interests of investors in the mutual fund.
d) Now, the exposure to a single sector will not go beyond 20 per cent as against 25 per cent earlier.
e) A graded exit load should be levied on investors who exit liquid fund in seven days of investing.
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- Answer: C
12. Which of the following words given in the options should come at the place marked as (G) in the above passage to make it grammatically correct and meaningful? Also, the word should fill in the two sentences given below to make them contextually correct and meaningful.
(I) As an elected representative, Moitra has done a _____________ job in turning the focus on some of the more important issues of the day.
(II) Even though the number of mentally retarded is high in the erstwhile Warangal district, the way the non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are responding to their cause is _________, Parashuramulu said.
a) pernicious
b) antithetical
c) commendable
d) precipitous
e) resurgent
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- Answer: C
13. In the passage given, a sentence (H) is given in Italics. There may or may not be an error in one part of the sentence. Choose the part which has an error in it as your answer.
a) One of the new regulation introduced
b) by SEBI is to increase the exit load on
c) short-term investments in liquid mutual funds
d) to discourage sudden demands for redemption.
e) No error
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- Answer: A
14. The sentence given in (I) has four words given in bold. Amongst the given bold words, which of the followings must replace each other to make the sentence contextually correct and meaningful?
a) 1-2
b) 2-4
c) 1-3
d) 2-3
e) 3-4
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- Answer: C
15. Which of the following words should fill the blank given in (J) to make it contextually correct and meaningful?
a) regulations
b) precipitates
c) accreditation
d) embargo
e) consequences
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- Answer: E
16. Mr. Gandhi himself will remain active in politics, as he has made clear, but how much authority he would want to exercise remains an open question. His insistence of stepping down also comes from a realisation that the dynasty tag is more a drag than a booster for his politics, and the party, in the current environment.
A. as he has made clear |
D. as he has made cleared |
B. insistence of stepping down also |
E. insistence on stepping aside also |
C. is more a drag than a booster for |
F. is more a drag then a booster for |
a) A-D
b) B-E
c) C-F
d) A-D & C-F
e) No error
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- Answer: B
A. not only a key engine of growth |
D. not only a key engines of growth |
B. An expert committee constitute by |
E. An expert committee constituted by |
C. study on the issues bedewilling MSMEs |
F. study on the issues bedevilling MSM Es |
b) A-D & B-E
c) B-E & C-F
d) A-D, B-E & C-F
e) No error
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- Answer: C
A. the system liquidity is hugely surplus |
D. the system liquidity is hugely profound |
B. backstop for banks to implement |
E. backstop for banks to executing |
C. it always facilitates better transmission |
F. it always facilitate better transmission |
b) B-E
c) C-F
d) C-F & B-D
e) No error
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- Answer: E
A. AfCFTA's likely impacted on its interests |
D. AfCFTA's likely impact on its interests |
B. economies becoming more formalised |
E. economies become more formalised |
C. India firms can co-produce them in |
F. Indian firms can co-produce them in |
a) A-D
b) B-E & C-F
c) A-D & C-F
d) C-F
e) No error
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- Answer: C
Column I |
Column II |
A) Wednesday passed the Special Economic Zones |
D) Wednesday passed the Specially Economic Zones |
B)nonchalant by the Central government |
E) notified by the Central government |
C) was aimed at improving and dispiriting |
F) was aimed at improving and encouraging |
a) C-F & A-D
b) C-F
c) A-D & B-E
d) B-E & C-F
e) No error
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- Answer: D
(21) As Yudhishthira contemplates the consequence of this innocuous game of dice, Shakuniprods him, taunts him and finally pushes him to wager his queen. Yudhishthira, the eldest of the Pandavas has already lost his brothers and all that he owns and is now on the verge of ruin. (22) A feeling of disgust fills the veracious halls of Dhritarashtra's palace. The Rajasuya ceremony is quickly becoming the undoing of the greatest warriors on the face of the planet. Time stands still as Shakuni grins. Yudhishthira cannot decline Shakuni's wager. He agrees — "I will play you for her." Shakuni heaves and rolls the dice and in an instant, he screams for joy — "We have won" and thus begins the epic saga of Mahabharata. (23) Gambling is a terrible vice and our history is filled with references carefully highlighting the destruction prevaricated by the game of chance. From Rig Veda to Manu smriti, Shakuni to Chanakya, gambling is expounded upon extensively so that people fully understood the grave implications of rolling dice. (24)However, we are a company that deals with information on stocks and financial markets and galvanizing the complex moral dilemmas implicit in gambling is frankly beyond our limited intellectual capacity. So, our focus today isn't on the moral or the social impact of gambling. Instead, we will focus on how gambling has evolved in India and use Delta Corp, a listed gaming company as a blueprint to understand the current dynamics of the country's Gambling Industry. (25) Delta Corp Limited ("Delta Corp") is the only listed company that currently operates both physical and online casinos in India. It has over 1800 gaming positions and is quickly becoming a favourite among investors at Dalal Street. But before we look into the physical operations of the company, we need to vindicate a more modern phenomenon — Online Gaming and Delta Corp's gambit in occupying the top place.
a) contemplates
b) innocuous
c) prods
d) wager
e) All are correct
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- Answer: B
a) disgust
b) veracious
c) ceremony
d) undoing
e) All are correct
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- Answer: B
a) vice
b) prevaricated
c) expounded
d) extensively
e) All are correct
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- Answer: B
a) galvanizing
b) implicit
c) intellectual
d) dynamics
e) All are correct
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- Answer: A
a) operates
b) gaming
c) vindicate
d) phenomenon
e) All are correct
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- Answer: C
Directions (26-28): In each of the questions given below four words are given in bold. These four words may or may not be in their correct position. The sentence is then followed by options with the correct combination of words that should replace each other in order to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. Find the correct combination of the words that replace each other. If the sentence is correct as it is then select option (e) as your choice.
26. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday taking (A) the Kushalnagara International Airport, inaugurated (B) the number of airports handling (C) scheduled passenger flights in Uttar Pradesh to nine— up from (D) four in 2017. a) B-C
b) A-B
c) A-B & C-D
d) A-C & B-D
e) No correction required
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- Answer: B
a) A-D & B-C
b) A-C & B-D
c) A-D
d) B-D
e) No correction required
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- Answer: B
a) A-B
b) A-B & C-D
c) A-C
d) B-D & A-C
e) No correction required
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- Answer: C
A "biology annihilation" of wildlife in recent decades means a sixth mass extinction in Earth's history is under way and is more severe than previously feared, according to research. Scientists analysed both common and rare species and found billions of regional or local populations have been lost. They blame human overpopulation and overconsumption for the crisis and warn that it threatens the survival of human civilisation, with just a short window of time in which to act.
The study eschews the normally sober tone of scientific papers and calls the massive loss of wildlife a "biological annihilation" that represents a "frightening assault on the foundations of human civilisation". Previous studies have shown species are becoming extinct at a significantly faster rate than for millions of years before, but even so extinctions remain relatively rare giving the impression of a gradual loss of biodiversity. The new work instead takes a broader view, assessing many common species which are losing populations all over the world as their ranges shrink, but remain present elsewhere.
The scientists found that a third of the thousands of species losing populations are not currently considered endangered and that up to 50% of all individual animals have been lost in recent decades. Detailed data is available for land mammals, and almost half of these have lost 80% of their range in the last century. The scientists found billions of populations of mammals, birds reptiles and amphibians have been lost all over the planet, leading them to say a sixth mass extinction has already progressed further than was though. They say, while action to that the decline remains possible, the prospects do not look good. "All signs point to ever more powerful assaults on biodiversity in the next two decades, painting a dismal picture of the future of life, including human life. "Wildlife is dying out due to habitat destruction, overhunting, toxic pollution, invasion by alien species and climate change. But the ultimate cause of all of these factors is "human overpopulation and continued population growth, and overconsumption, especially by the rich", say the scientists, who include Prof Paul Ehrlich, at Stanford University in the US, whose 1968 book The population Bomb is a seminal, if controversial, work. "The serious warning in our paper needs to be heeded because civilisation depends utterly on the plants, animals, and microorganisms of Earth that supply it with essential ecosystem service ranging from crop pollination and protection to supplying food from the sea and maintaining a livable climate, "Ehrlich told the Guardian. Other ecosystem service include clean air and water.
Citing human overpopulation as the root cause of environmental problems has long been controversial, and Ehrlich's 1968 statement that hundreds of millions of people would die of starvation in the 1970s did not come to pass, partly due to new high-yielding crops that Ehrich himself had noted as possible. Ehrlich has acknowledged "flaws" in the Population Bomb but said it had been successful in its central aim alerting people to global environmental issues and the role of human population in them. His message remains blunt today. "show me a scientist who claims there is no population and I'll show you an idiot.
29. Which of the following sentence can link the third and fourth paragraph of the passage?
a) The situation has becomes so bad it would be ethical to use strong language
b) There are parts of the world where there are missive losses, but there are others parts of the world where there is remarkable progress
c) The research analysed data on 27,500 species of land vertebrates from the IUCN and found that the ranges of a third have shrunk in recent decades.
d) Humanity will eventually pay a very high price for the decimation of the only assemblage of life was known of in the universe.
e) None of the above
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- Answer: D
a) A fourth of the thousands of species losing populations are not currently considered endangered and that up to 50% of all individual animals have been lost in recent decades.
b) A third of the thousands of species losing populations are not currently considered endangered and that up to 80% of all individual animals have been lost in recent decades
c) A third of the thousands of species losing populations are not currently considered endangered and that up to 50% of all individual animals have been lost in recent decades
d) Three-fourths of the thousands of species losing populations are not currently considered endangered and that up to 50% of all individual animals have been lost in recent decades.
e) None of the above
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- Answer: C
a) Earth staring at its sixth mass extinction
b) Are microbes causing the sixth mass extinction
c) The fight against climate change
d) How agriculture can help in easing global warming
e) The nuances of ecosystem modeling
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- Answer: A
a) Crop pollination and protection
b) Supplying food from the sea
c) Maintaining alivable climate
d) Clean air and water
e) Maintaining nitrogen levels in the soil
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- Answer: E
33. As per the information given in the passage, what is threatening the existence of humans?
i. Excessive utilization
ii. Dearth of population
iii. Moderate consumption
iv. Surplus population
a) Only I
b) Both I and II
c) Both II and III
d) Both I and IV
e) All of the above
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- Answer: D
34. Which of the following reasons does the passage not list as reasons for the wildlife dying out?
a) Habitat destruction
b) Excessive use of rivers
c) Toxic pollution
d) Invasion by alien species
e) Climate change
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- Answer: B
35. With reference to the passage, which of the following statement is true?
a) Scientist blame human overpopulation and overconsumption for the crisis of extinction
b) Almost half of land mammals have lost 80% of their range in the last century
c) All signs point to ever more powerful assaults on biodiversity in the next two decades, painting a dismal picture of the future of life, including human life.
d) The ultimate cause of all these factors is human overpopulation and continued population growth, and overconsumption, especially by the rich
e) All of the above
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- Answer: E
Directions (36-40): Given below are six statement A, B, C, D, E and F, which arranged in the correct order form a coherent and meaningful paragraph. The sentence marked D is fixed and would fit in the fourth position. Rearrange the other statements in a proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the question that follow.
A) Banking sector is one of the major sources of financing investment for commercial projects which one of the most important economic activities for economic growth.
B) One of the major economic agents influencing overall industrial activity and economic growth is the financial institutions such as the banking sector
C) Sustainable development can best be achieved by allowing markets to work within an appropriate framework of cost-efficient regulations and economic instruments.
D) The banking sector influences economic growth and development in terms of both quality and quantity, thereby changing the nature of economic growth
E) Therefore, banking sector can play a crucial role in promoting environmentally sustainable and socially responsible investment (SRI).
F) Sustainable development has emerged as a new paradigm of development in response to the current discourse of development that over-exploits the natural environment for economic prosperity.
36. Which of the following will be the FIFTH statement after rearrangement?
a) D
b) A
c) E
d) F
e) B
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- Answer: B
37. Which of the following will be the SECOND statement after rearrangement?
a) F
b) C
c) D
d) A
e) B
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- Answer: B
38. Which of the following will be the FIRST statement after rearrangement?
a) D
b) A
c) E
d) F
e) B
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- Answer: D
39. Which of the following pairs will form two consecutive statements after arrangement?
a) B-E
b) C-B
c) E-F
d) A-B
e) D-E
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- Answer: B
40. Which of the following will be the LAST statement after rearrangement?
a) E
b) D
c) A
d) C
e) B
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- Answer: A
Directions (41-50): Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Certain words are printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of these.
Most Indian politicians, policymakers and economists have displayed a strange indifference to the major quake that shook the global economy, first in the United States and then in the European Union, from 2007-08 through 2017-18. In 2009, the finance minister Pranab Mukherjee announced Rs. 40,000 crores stimulus package for the industry to smoothen their frayed nerves, which had its own deleterious effects on the government's growth and fiscal deficit numbers. In 2013, P. Chidambaram, in his third run as finance minister, had to face the rupee volatility after the US Federal Reserve announced its decision to taper its unconventional monetary policy (UMP) of infusing funds into the tottering financial and industrial institutions. There was a flight of capital from emerging market economies like India, and it dampened the Indian economy's prospects.
The leaders of the BJP, who were then in Opposition, mercilessly flayed the UPA-2 government over the country's deteriorating economy, and refused to accept the argument that the global economic squall had battered the Indian markets, especially exports. According to them, India did not depend on exports for its economic growth, and that the huge domestic market and the consumption it entailed was good enough to keep the economy in shape and the global developments were marginal. After the BJP came to power in May 2014, the commerce minister put up a stoic front in the face of sluggish exports and the finance minister confessed that seven percent growth in GDP was laudable in the face of a subdued global economy.
In the immediate aftermath of the outbreak of the financial crisis, the Communist parties claimed credit for the relative stability of the Indian economy because they said they did not allow the government to liberalise the financial sector, and therefore no harm was done. It turned out, however, that the undisclosed global exposure of State Bank of India (SBI) and ICICI Bank ran into a few hundered million dollars. The Left was supporting UPA-1 from the outside and they exerted an invisible veto on what the government could do on the economic policy front.
That is the reason for the Left's tone of triumphant satisfaction.
The left parties and their intellectual fellow-travellers did not, however, proclaim the end of capitalisms after the 2007-2008 implosion. The criticism was muted as there was no alternative socialist model anywhere in the world which they could cite as a counter-example. The left's discomfiture in raising the ideological battle cry against the failing global markets was understandable. But it was the silence of the market economist, the liberals and right wingers, that was greater concern. For over a quarter century after the collapse of the Soviet Union and along with it the state-controlled economy, the boast of the market economist had been that the markets were sure-fire engines of growth and prosperity.
Moral critics of unbridled greed were gloating in their self-righteousness, but they were not addressing the structural flaw in the market system that had led to the breakdown. The only moment of critical self-awareness among the free market economist came when they rediscovered American economist Hyman Minsky's 1980s' analysis of the phenomenon of securitisation and how it could lead to complications of multiple mortgages and thus lead to a collapse. The free market enthusiasts appear to be too embarrassed to discuss the issue of the inevitable market crashes that are bound to occur because they had rather naively believed the market to be the proverbial horn of plenty, and that no inefficiencies could be associated with it. There are is a slow veering round to the view, which would have been laughed out of court a few years ago, that the State has necessary role to play in sustaining the markets.
41. Which of the following is the MOST OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word?
a) Aggravating
b) Accruing
c) Crumbling
d) Regressing
e) Languishing
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- Answer: B
42. Which of the following is the MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the given word?
a) Depreciation
b) Crash
c) Dependability
d) Variability
e) Plunge
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- Answer: D
43. Which of the following is the MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the given word?
a) Yielding
b) Abashment
c) Chagrin
d) Capitulation
e) Both B and C
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- Answer: B
44. Which of the following statement is untrue with respect to the year 2009?
I. There is no doubt that Pranab Mukherjee has been a resounding failure as finance minister and is leaving the economy in deep crisis.
II. Pranab Mukherjee was the finance minister of India in 2009
III. Pranab Mukherjee was not able to mitigate the impact of the global financial crisis on India economy
IV. In Union budget for 2009-10, revenue worth Rs. 40,000 was foregone to provide fiscal stimulus to Indian economy following the global financial meltdown
a) Only I
b) Both I and III
c) Both I and IV
d) Both II and IV
e) I, III and IV
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- Answer: A
45. What did the leaders of the BJP say regarding Indian exports?
I. They said that India did depend on exports for its economic growth so the seven percent in GDP was laudable in the face of a subdued global economy.
II. They said that India did not depend on exports for its economic growth because the huge domestic market and the consumption it entailed was good enough to keep the economy in shape.
III. They said that while the global developments were marginal, India did not depend on exports for its economic growth so the seven percent growth in GDP was not laudable.
IV. They proclaimed earlier that India did not depend on exports for its economic growth, but soon they realised that seven percent GDP growth was laudable in the face of a subdued global economy.
a) Only I
b) Both I and II
c) Only III
d) Only IV
e) None of the above
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- Answer: D
46. Which of the following statements cannot be inferred from the passage?
I. In 2013, Mr Chidambaram brought experience to the role from his previous two stints as the nation's financial steward
II. The US Federal Reserve announcement of a plan to taper its quantitative easing programme has encouraged foreign institutional investors, to offload their holdings in emerging economics including India, pushing the rupee in to a free fall.
III. India sailed through the Great Crisis of 2008-09 without barely skipping a beat.
IV. The moral of the market economy is that small diasters trigger bigger ones, potenitally.
a) Only III
b) Both I and III
c) Both III and IV
d) Both II and III
e) Both II and IV
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- Answer: D
47. Which of the following statement is true with reference to the passage?
I. In 2013, in what is now termed as taper tantrum, we saw how severely the global market sentiments were impacted just by an indication of the reduction in quantitative easing being done by the US Fed.
II. During the Congress regime in 2013, BJP refused to acknowledge the economic fluctuations in the world market which had a severe impact on Indian markets, discouraging export industry from making swap deals.
III. The economic meltdown of 2007-008 is not the end of capitalism, but a remainder of the difficult balancing acts involved in policing the financial sector which is at the heart of capitalist economics.
IV. The crisis served to restructure the system, to shake out its under-performing and weaker agents and destroying capital in the process.
V. The market is seen as the engine for economic growth, a sure-fire route to future prosperity and victory in a global competition.
a) Only I
b) Both II and III
c) Only III
d) Both I and IV
e) Only V
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- Answer: C
48. What effect did the outbreak of the financial crisis have on the Indian economy?
I. It exposed ICICI bank to the dark side of globalisation when hysteric markets destroyed valuations overnight through mark-to-market losses.
II. State Bank of India and ICICI Bank are set to book mark-to-market losses on the exposures of their foreign offices to credit derivatives, with the spreads on these widening since international lenders turned risk-averse following the crisis.
III. The Communist parties claimed credit for the relative stability of the Indian economy and they exerted an invisible veto on what the government could do on the economic policy front.
a) Only I
b) Only II
c) Only III
d) Both I and III
e) All of the above
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- Answer: D
49. Which of the following is untrue about Hyman Philip Minsky?
a) Hyman Philip Minsky was an American economist
b) Hyman Minsky is an economist of the mid-20th century whose reputation is being revived by free-market economists
c) In 1980, he made an analysis of the phenomenon of securitisation
d) He gave the insight that securitisation could lead to complications of multiple mortgages
e) He brought a critical self-awareness among the free market economists
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- Answer: B
50. Which of the following statements cannot be deciphered from the LAST PARAGRAPH?
I. An active role of the state in markets should be encouraged in order to correct market failures and sustaining the markets.
II. Market crashes are inevitable
III. The free market enthusiasts believed that the market is a symbol of abundance and nourishment
a) Only II
b) Only III
c) Both I and II
d) Both II and III
e) Both I and III
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- Answer: A