IBPS Clerk Prelims English Language Practice Test - 3

Directions (1-5): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a number. Find the suitable word from the options given against each letter and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph meaningful.
The US placed more members of Myanmar's ruling military junta on a financial blacklist Monday for the_____ 1_____ attacks against civilians following the February coup in the Southeast Asian nation. The Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control __2___financial sanctions on 16 people and the newly created State Administration Council. The designation ___3__any assets they have within a US jurisdiction and bars anyone within a US jurisdiction from conducting any financial transactions with them. Thirteen of the people are senior members of Myanmar's military, which ____4___control of the country in February and has killed hundreds of people, including children, to suppress opposition. The other three are adult children of three senior military officials who were previously __5___for US sanctions.
a) Second
b) Home
c) Roadside
d) Another
e) Deadly
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- Answer: e
a) Realized
b) Rested
c) Imposed
d) Stopped
e) Moved
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- Answer: c
a) Waters
b) Freezes
c) Pleases d) Interferes
e) Requests
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- Answer: b
a) Entailed
b) Formed
c) Pleased
d) Seized
e) Carved
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- Answer: d
a) Read
b) Obvious
c) Offered
d) Designated
e) Had
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- Answer: d
Directions (6-9): In the questions given below, you will find a sentence with a word given in BOLD. Corresponding to each question there are three sentences given with the use of the same word. From the options choose the sentences which give a DIFFERENT MEANING for the word used in the sentence above. The meaning used in the sentence(s) should be different from the one used in the main sentence.
6. The leaders of our ruling dispensation appear to neither have admiration for the rule of law, nor for the rules that control speech in public places.
(I) Since the soldier had kept his entire unit, the president gave him dispensation for his wartime misdeeds.
(II) Scholarship is conveyed to a wider audience than under the old dispensation.
(III) At the end of the Jubilee this dispensation was absolute to all who had expired on the way to Rome.
a) Only I
b) Only II
c) Only III
d) All I, II and III
e) Both I and III
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- Answer: e
7. This is the latest episode in the somewhat sordid story of institutional decompose in India, supervised by the leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
(I) He remained, though, indecisive how to do so without immersing himself further in Lydia Larkin's sordid behavior.
(II) The congested housing conditions were sordid and degrading.
(III) Everyone is aware of the bank manager's sordid plan to pinch the money.
a) Only III
b) Only II
c) Both I and II
d) Only I
e) Both II and III
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- Answer: b
8. Cut-throat federalism, in the framework of interaction with foreign countries, promoted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has proved to be a double edged rapier.
(I) In 1861 he was promoted to be member of council, under the administration of Mr Vansittart, who had been introduced by Clive
(II) The industry was vigorously promoted by a Frenchman named Jumel, in the service of Mehemet Ali, from 1820 onwards with great achievement.
(III) He energetically promoted the incorporation of the left bank of the Rhine with France.
a) Only III
b) Both I and II
c) Only I
d) Both II and III
e) All of the above
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- Answer: c
9. The lawful framework does not provide thick or substantive formation of how we shall think, and in what we shall consider
(I) Why should I take the herb when there is no substantive evidence it will relieve my pain.
(II) Not only do we hear of these ranges of practice, but also of the laying on of hands; together with prayer as a substantive rite unconnected with initiation.
(III) They said no substantive opposition to the agreement has been hoisted.
a) Only I
b) Only II
c) Both II and III
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
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- Answer: e
I. India's civil service has been confronted with unique challenges in light of the ghastly coronavirus pandemic, making the existing structures and processes insipid and ineffective.
II. The Covid emergency has reiterate the need for a bureaucracy that is prescient, purposeful and proactive.
III. While this may surprise many, there are valuable lessons that us civil servants can learn from politicians while attempting to reinventing ourselves.
IV. Back in 1967, the chief minister of Bihar's first non-Congress government, Mahamaya Prasad Sinha, had a heated argument with Yashwant Sinha, then collector of Santhal Parganas at the Circuit House, and asked the young IAS officer to look for another job
a) Only I and IV are correct
b) Only I and II are correct
c) Only II and III are correct
d) I, II and III - all 3 are incorrect
e) I, II, III and IV-all are correct
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- Answer: a
I. But thanks to lobbying by the country's garment manufacturers, millions of factory workers are still on the job every day - even though many have complained of pay cuts, late wages and adequate Covid protections.
II. Bangladesh is deep into its second month of a coronavirus lockdown that has shuttered schools, public transportation and most workplaces.
III. Eight years after the notorious collapse of the Rana Plaza apparel manufacturing complex, which killed more than 1,100 people, Bangladesh's garment industry was supposed to be doing better.
IV. With factories struggling to stay afloat because of falling apparel demand, and the government able to offer only limited support, garment workers are already shouldering significant economic uncertainty.
a) I and IV are incorrect
b) II and III are incorrect
c) Only I is incorrect
d) II and IV are incorrect
e) I, II, III and IV - all are incorrect
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- Answer: c
I. Food delivery companies such as Zomato, Swiggy, and others have benefitted enormously from the Covid lockdown-induced boost to people ordering food online..
II. Pandemic has also wrecked the economy and destroyed a vast majority of small and medium businesses. But the pandemic has also proved to be a boon in disguise for some businesses such as technology companies that have enabled people to continue their lives from their homes.
III. Their businesses are booming so much that Zomato even want to list itself in the stock market at a whopping Rs 50,000 crore valuation.
IV. Its chief rival is Swiggy, which has also seen a huge boost to its business or so it seems at least to the majority of readers of this column who have probably used Zomato or Swiggy extensively during the lockdown.
a) Only II is incorrect
b) Only I and IV are correct
c) Only II and III are correct
d) Only I is correct
e) I, II, III and IV-all are correct
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- Answer: b
I. The British monarchy wants to modernise and humanise itself. We have heard this promise for at least three decades, since late Princess Diana tore through the stillness of England's stuffy palaces.
II. Now, after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle exposed the innards of the British royal family chats in an interview to Oprah Winfrey, there is a competition in the propaganda wars.
III. Social media celebrity is characterized by staged authenticity, managed connected with audience.
IV. The British royal family for long has had both a direct and indirect relationship with the press, but the advent of internet and social media has disrupted traditional media as we know it.
a) Only II is incorrect
b) II and III are incorrect
c) Only I is incorrect
d) II and IV are incorrect
e) Only III is incorrect
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- Answer: e
The Reserve Bank of India's move on Wednesday to step in and join the fight against the second wave of the pandemic through the announcement of measures aimed at alleviatingany financing constraint for those impacted, including the health-care sector, State governments and the public, is a welcome and timely intervention.
The furious pace at which new COVID-19 infections and fatalities have been mounting in recent weeks has not only overwhelmed the nation's health infrastructure but has begun to significantly impair economic activity, just as the economy appeared to have turned the corner from last year's debilitating contraction. "The fresh crisis is still unfolding," Governor Shaktikanta Das said in his unscheduled address, acknowledging the challenge ahead.
Stressing that it is imperative to both save lives and restore livelihoods, Mr. Das proposed a calibrated response, mooting a Rs. 50,000 crore term liquidity facility to boost credit availability for ramping up COVID-related health-care infrastructure and services. Lenders have been urged to expedite lending under this 'priority sector" classified scheme to entities including vaccine manufacturers, hospitals, pathology labs, suppliers of oxygen and ventilators, importers of COVID-related drugs and logistics firms.
And although Mr. Das said the scheme would also cover patients requiring treatment, he failed to spell out how those most in need of financial assistance to cover their surging medical bills could borrow the funds. In directing the flow of credit to the sector most in focus at the moment, the RBI has signalled it is cognisant of the burden on health-care and allied providers. However, how much lending capital-stressed banks would be willing to write into their 'COVID loan books' remains to be seen.
The central bank's focus on small borrowers including unorganized businesses and MSM enterprises, both through enhanced provision of credit via small finance banks and a fresh resolution framework for existingborrowingsis also heartening as these economic participants were already among the worst-hit during last year'scontraction.
However, the norms laid down for resolution including the proviso that only those borrowers who had not already availed of restructuring assistance and whose loans were 'standard' as on March 31, 2021, would be eligible for fresh resolution lays an onerous burden on those that the RBI itself admits are the 'most vulnerable'.
Mr. Das was also unreasonably (A) sanguine about the economic impact of the second wave, even as he granted that "high frequency indicators are emitting mixed signals". The RBI's position that the dent to aggregate demand is likely to be only moderate is based on the fact that so far this year, the restrictions to contain the spread of the virus have been largely localised.
With more and more voices from the Opposition to top industry groups urging a nationwide lockdown to break the chain of transmission, Mr. Das may need to very quickly revisit his assumptions.
14. Which among the following is true regarding the new move of Reserve Bank of India regarding the step in to join the fight against the second wave of the pandemic?
a) The government wants to do away with the whole process of registering citizens under this scheme since it is not possible to do so.
b) The government wants the state government to cooperate with it and give relevant data without fail.
c) The government is of the view that the state government is collecting data on the basis of proposition and not verified truth.
d) The government is giving another opportunity to people through the announcement of measures aimed at alleviating any financing constraint for those impacted, who could not submit the legacy document in the first round.
e) None of the above
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- Answer: d
15. Which of the following terms have been used to describe the decision of the Reserve Bank of India to step in and join the fight against the second wave of the pandemic through the announcement of various measures?
a) Untimely and unwanted intervention
b) welcome and timely intervention
c) unwelcome and disastrous intervention
d) unethical and unwanted intervention
e) Both A and D
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- Answer: b
16. Which among the following substantiates the observation of the Reserve Bank of India that the government is contradicting its own stand on the issue of both saving lives and restoring livelihoods of the Citizens?
a) The government first wanted to draft the NRC but now it is not interested in doing so because of reasons best known to them.
b) The government wants the Supreme Court to take stock of the situation now when it rejected the same offer in the past.
c) The government first asked for documents to prove legacy once and for all but it is again asking the Lenders to expedite lending under this priority sector classified scheme in a later stage in certain cases.
d) The government did not want to financially support the initiative in the beginning but now it is inclined to giving money for this program.
e) The government is not very sure about the objective of the NRC but in the past it made tall claims that it knew everything about this initiative.
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- Answer: c
17. Which of the following is/are not correct with respect to the passage?
I. The RBI's position that the dent to aggregate demand is likely to be only moderate is based on the fact that so far this year, the restrictions to contain the spread of the virus have been largely localised.
II. Stressing that it is imperative to both save lives and restore livelihoods, Mr. Das proposed a calibrated response, mooting a Rs 90,000 crore term liquidity facility to boost credit availability for ramping up COVID-related health-care infrastructure and services.
III. And although Mr. Das said the scheme would also cover patients requiring treatment, he failed to spell out how those most in need of financial assistance to cover their surging medical bills could borrow the funds.
a) Only III
b) Only II
c) Only II and III
d) Only I and III
e) All are incorrect
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- Answer: b
18. Which of the following words is the nearest antonym to the word given in A in the passage?
a) buoyant
b) bullish
c) gloomy
d) optimistic
e) hopeful
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- Answer: c
A. If the Jana Sangh came to power as part of the Janata Party in 1977, it was in no small measure due to his readiness to mend fences and build bridges with former political opponents. B. Without a doubt, he was born of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the torchbearer of Hindutva
C. Ever the contrarian, Vajpayee was equally the consensus-seeker and the alliance-builder who could traverse ideological divides and overcome political animosities with a skill set that was a throwback to the Nehruvian era.
D. But his rise in the Jana Sangh was at a time when it was not on the ascendant, and this meant he always tried to outgrow his organisation.
E. Vajpayee spent a lifetime trying to make his party displace the Congress from power, and to this end he switched between fighting the Congress's tactics and mimicking them.
F. If one word could best describe a man, then for Atal Bihari Vajpayee that would have to be compromise. G. A brilliant parliamentarian and a shrewd politician who could demolish political opponents with his acerbic wit, Vajpayee was also the elder statesman who was never afraid to reach out and make peace with India's neighbours.
19. Which is the FOURTH sentence after Rearrangement?
a) G
b) B
c) D
d) F
e) A
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- Answer: b
20. Which is the SECOND sentence after Rearrangement?
a) E
b) A
c) B
d) C
e) G
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- Answer: d
21. Which is the FIFTH sentence after Rearrangement?
a) A
b) E
c) D
d) G
e) F
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- Answer: c
22. Which is the THIRD sentence after Rearrangement?
a) B
b) A
c) E
d) D
e) G
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- Answer: e
23. Which is the FIRST sentence after Rearrangement?
a) F
b) C
c) B
d) A
e) E
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- Answer: a
24. In each of the following question a word is followed by five options. You have to choose the option that is the most appropriate synonym to the given word. Bedevilment
a) delight
b) beset
c) facilitate
d) contentment
e) occult
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- Answer: b
25. Choose the option which is the antonym of the word mentioned in the question.
a) Hinder
b) Prevent
c) Restrain
d) Permit
e) Abyss
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- Answer: d
26. In the question given below, a phrase/idiom is given in bold followed by five sentences with some part of it as bold. You have to identify the sentence in which the bold part can be replaced by the given bold phrase/idiom to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
Off the cuff
a) Seeing my performance in the nets, I don’t think I would be able to make the cut.
b) Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg were neck and neck until the end.
c) The company has asked us to design an advanced engine which is off the hook.
d) Passing the exam in the first attempt is surely a long shot.
e) Arshi is over the hill yet so energetic and passionate about travelling.
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- Answer: c
Directions (27-30): In each of the questions given below four words are given in bold. These four words may or may not be in their correct position. The sentence is then followed by options with the correct combination of words that should replace each other in order to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. Find the correct combination of the words that replace each other. If the sentence is correct as it is then select option (e) as your choice.
27. He said the statue (1) had been permission (2) with the installed (3) of the gram panchayat, but the administration (4) removed it deliberately.
a) Both 1-3 and 2-4
b) Only 2-3
c) Only 1-4
d) Both 1-4 and 2-3
e) None of these
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- Answer: b
28. Mr. Deshwal said the Railways was also route (1) “metro-like” trains on the corridor (2) between Palwal and Sonipat for commuters (3) travelling daily on the mulling (4)for jobs and business.
a) Both 1-3 and 2-4
b) Only 2-3
c) Only 1-4
d) Both 1-4 and 2-3
e) None of these
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- Answer: c
29. The monsoon is likely to mainland (1) withdrawing from the begin (2) from October 6, said the India Meteorological Department as the country recorded (3) an average of nearly 87 cm of rainfall across (4) subdivisions, just short of the nearly 88 cm it normally receives during the monsoon
a) Both 1-3 and 2-4
b) Only 2-3
c) Only 1-2
d) Both 1-4 and 2-3
e) None of these
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- Answer: c
30. Negotiating (1) China’s rise in the world was largely a context (2) matter, External Affairs Minister (EAM) S. Jaishankar said on Friday, in the bilateral (3) of Quad countries’ handling (4) of China’s ascent.
a) Both 1-3 and 2-4
b) Only 2-3
c) Only 1-4
d) Both 1-4 and 2-3
e) None of these
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- Answer: b
Also Read: IBPS Clerk Prelims English Language Practice Test - 2