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Bank Exams Model and Preparatory Questions in Reasoning

Bank Exams Model and Preparatory Questions in Reasoning

Model Questions
Directions (Q. No. 1-10): In each qu­e­stion below are given two statem­e­nts followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the giv­en statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commo­nly known facts. Read the following statements and then decide which of the given conclusions logi­cally follo­ws from the given state­m­ents, disreg­ar­ding commonly known facts.
    Give answer
    1) If only conclusion I follows.
    2) If only conclusion II follows.
    3) If either conclusion I or II follows.
    4) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
    5) If both conclusions I and II follow.
1.    Statements: No bird is a crow.
    Some crows are black.
    I) At least some birds are black.
    II) Some black which are crows are definitely not birds.
2.    Statements:No pastry is a cake.
                    No cake is tasty.
    I) All pastries are tasty.
    II) Some pastries being tasty is a possibility.
3.    Statements: All towns are cities.
            Some cities are urban.
    I) At least some towns are urban.
    II) No town is urban.
4.    Statements: All cars are black.
    All blacks are beautiful.
    I) All cars are beautiful.
    II) At least some beautiful things are black.
5.    Statements: Some parrots are gr­een.
    Some birds are parrots.
    I) At least some birds are green.
    II) All parrots being bird is a possibility.
6.    Statements: Some cats are dogs.
    All dogs are foxes.
    I) At least some cats are foxes.
    II) All foxes being cats is a possibility.
7.    Statements: All books are pens.
                    No pen is a pencil.
    I) Some books being pencils is a possibility.
    II) At least some pens are books.
8.    Statements: All students are         teachers.
    All teachers are readers.
    I) All readers may be teachers.
    II) Some readers can never be teachers.
9.    Statements: No cup is a plate.
                    No plate is a coin.
    I) No cup is a coin.
    II) Some coins are cups.
10.    Statements: Some boys are ho­ne­st.
    Some intelligent are boys.
    I) All honest being intelligent is a possibility.
    II) All boys are not intelligent.
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11.    If 'R' denotes '–'; 'Q' denotes '×'; 'W' denotes '÷'; and 'A' denotes '+', then
    42 W 7 R 8 A 6 Q 4 = ?
    1) –22    2) –168    3) 22
    4) 28    5) None of these
12.    Mohan walked 30 metres towar­ds South, took a left turn and wa­l­ked 15 metres. He then took a right turn and walked 20 metres. He again took a right turn and walked 15 metres. How far is he from the starting point?
    1) 95 metres    2) 50 metres
    3) 70 metres
    4) Cannot be determined 
    5) None of these
13.    What should come next in the following letter series based on English alphabet?
    CEA    IKG    OQM    ?
    1) STW    2) WUS    3) SWU
    4) UWS     5) None of these
14.    The positions of how many digits in the number 59164823 will re­m­ain unchanged after the digits are rearranged in descending ord­er within the number?
    1) None    2) One    3) Two
    4) Three    5) More than three
15.    What should come next in the following letter series?
    P Q R S T A B C D E P Q R S A B C D E P Q R S A B C D P Q
    1) R    2) T    3) A
    4) B    5) None of these
16.    In a certain code language, 'how can you go' is written as 'ja da ka pa', 'can you come here' is written as 'na ka sa ja' and 'come and go' is written as 'ra pa sa'. How is 'he­re' written in that code lang­uage?
    1) ja    2) na    3) pa
    4) Data inadequate
    5) None of these
17.    How many such pairs of letters are there in the word TRIBU­NAL each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet?
    1) None     2) One    3) Two
    4) Three  5) More than three
18.    In a certain code DOWN is writ­ten as '5@9#' and NAME is writ­ten as '#6%3'. How is MODE wri­t­ten in that code?
    1) %653    2) %@63
    3) %5@3    4) %@53
    5) None of these
19.    How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters 'LGEU' using each letter only once in each word?
    1) None     2) One    3) Two
    4) Three  5) More than three
20.    In a certain code THRIVES is wr­itten as SIUHRDU. How is SOULFUL written in that  code?
    1) VPTKKTE    2) VPTKETK
    3) TPVKKTE    4) TNRKMVG
    5) None of these

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1. 2;

    Only II follows.
2. 2; Possible Venn-diagram is

    Thus only II follows.
3. 3; Possible Venn-diagrams   are

    Thus, either I or II follows.
4. 5;

        Thus, both I and II follow.
5. 2; Possible Venn-diagram are


    Thus, only II follows.
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6. 5;  A possible venn-diagram is

    Both I and II follow.
7. 2;  A possible venn-diagram is

    Only II follows.
8. 1;  A possible venn-diagram is


    Thus, only I follows.
9. 3;


    Thus, either I or II follows.
10. 1; A possible Venn-diagram is


    Thus, I follows.
11. 3; 42÷7–8+6×4 = 6–8+24 = 22
12. 2;
13. 4; Move six letters forward respectively.
14.    3;  digits 4 and 2

16.    2; how can you go = ja da ka pa ... (i)
      can you come here = na ka sa ja ... (ii)
      come and go = ra pa sa ...    (iii)
      From (i) and (ii), can you = ja ka .... (iv)
     From (ii) and (iii), come = sa ... (v)
Using (iv) and (v) in (ii), we get here = na.
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17.    5;
         T   R   I   B   U   N   A   L
18. 4;
          D   O   W   N   A   M   E 
         5    @   9    #    6   %   3
      MODE ➾ % @ 5 3  
19.    2;  GLUE
20.    1;

Published date : 26 Sep 2024 03:55PM

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