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Bit Banks and Practice Questions for Bank Exams Preparation in Reasoning

Bit Banks and Practice Questions for Bank Exams Preparation in Reasoning


Questions on alphabet are based on the position of the letters of English Alphabet. 
There are 26 letters in English Alphabet with 'A' - taking 1st position. 'B' - 2nd position and so on 'Z' takes the 26th position. 
Similarly 'Z' takes the 1st posi tion, 'Y'-2nd position and so on 'A' takes the 26th position. So the sum of the positions of any letter from the left end and from the right end is equal to 27.   
A candidate is advised to reme mber positions of letters from the left end and if the position is to be found from right end subtract its position from left end from 27.
(E.g. 1-5): Answer these questions on the basis of the following alphabets.
    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
E.g.1: Four of the following are alike in regard to their group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group?
    1) FE      2) ML  3) JK      
    4) VX       5) RS
SOL: All the pairs of letters except 'VX' occupy consecutive position in English alphabet. So 'VX' does not belong to the group.
E.g. 2: Which letter is 9th to the left of 9th letter from the right end.
    1) J      2) K      3) H     4) M   
    5) None of these
SOL: The letter will be 9+9=18th from right end.
    Þ The same will be 27–18=9th from left end. But 9th letter from left = 'I'.
E.g. 3: If the above alphabets, are divided in two equal halves from A to M and N to Z, which letter in the latter half would be corres ponding to letter J?
    1) Q         2) V
    3) X         4) W
    5) None of these
SOL: If the alphabet is divided into two halves the difference bet ween any letter of first half and corresponding letter of second half is equal to 13.
    Þ(Letter from second half)-(J)     = 13
    ÞLetter from second half 
    = 13 + J = 13 + 10 = 23 = W
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E.g. 4: If the above alphabets, are written in the reverse order whi ch letter will be 12th to the left of 16th from left?
    1) X       2) W  
    3) D       4) V    
    5) None of these
SOL: 12th to the left of 16th from left = 16–12 = 4th from left since the alphabets are written in reverse order. Z becomes 1st from left, Y becomes 2nd and so on. 
    4th letter from left = W.
E.g. 5: What should come in place of question mark(?) in the follow ing letter series?
    BD     CEF     DFGH  ?
SOL: In each set letters are written starting from B,C,D respectively. Moreover the number of letters written are 2, 3 and 4 respe ctively. In continuation the next set should start with E and should have 5 letters i.e. EGHIJ.

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1.    Which of the following will come in place of question mark (?) in the following series based on English alphabetical order? ZA  BY  XC  DW  ?
    1) VF  2) EU  3) UE   4) EV   5) VE
     The two letters in each set are last and first alphabets, second and second last, third last and third, fourth and fourth last. So the next set will be fifth last and fifth, i.e. VE
2. Which of the following will come in the place of the question mark (?) in the following series based on the English alphabetical or der?    ZXWY  TRQS  NLKM   ?
    1) HGFE     2) IGFH 
    3) HFEG  4) EFGH   5) IFGH 
     The order of letters in the series are jumbled starting with the last letter of the alphabet. After 4 letters from the reversing alphabet, two letters are left and the series again continues.
    The order of the letters first, fourth, second and third.
    The next letters will be H, G, F, E. i.e. HFEG
3.    If each vowel in the word POLITE is changed to the next letter in the English alphabetical series and each consonant is changed to the previous letter in the English alphabetical series, and then the alphabets so for-med are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right, which of the following will be third from the left?
    1) O  2) P  3) J  4) K  5) None 
    The vowels in the given word 'POLITE' are O, I, E and conson ants are P, L, T.
    Applying the changes the word will be 'OPKJSF'.
    Arranging in alphabetical order, F J K O P S.
    The third letter from left will be 'K'.
4.     How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters 'NSIK' (starting with S) using all the letters but each letter only once in each word?
    l) None     2) One 
    3) Two     4) Three 
    5) More than three
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    The meaningful words starting with 'S' will be SKIN and SINK.
     Only two words can be formed.
5. Which of the following is exactly in the middle of the twentieth element from the left and the ninteenth element from the right of the English alphabetical seri es?
    1) S         2) T     3) M 
    4) N         5) None 
    Left position = 20 (T)
    Right position = 19 
    Þ Left position = 27–19 = 8
    Exactly middle letter = 

    14th letter from left will be 'N'. 
6.    How many such pairs of letters are there in the word 'BARG AINED', each of which has as many letters between them in the word (in both forward and back ward directions) as they have bet ween them in the English alphabetical series?
    1) Two           2) Three              
    3) None          4) One          
    5) More than three 
Ans: 5   
For questions like this, the number of letters between a set of letters in the word should be same as in the English alphabetical series.
For example, in the alphabe tical series, between G and I there is 1 letter. 
Directions (7-10): Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below : 
6 C R % K B    H # X D 2 @ G A 8 S 5 P E 3 F 4 L 7 M 9 $ Q U 
7.    What will come in place of the question mark (?) based on the above series?
       RK%    #H  2G@    5EP ?
    1) LM7    2) M$9                 
    3) 7M9     4) 79M                 
    5) M9$
Ans: 4   
    The series continues with a set of three letters. After first set one element (letter/number /symbol) is left, after second set two elements
    are left, after third set three elements are left. So after the fourth set leave four elements. 
       \ The next set of letters will be 79M.
8.    Which of the following is sixth to the left of the fifteenth from the right end of the above 
     arrangement ?
    1) X    2) D  3) #  4) 2  5) H
Ans: 1   
    Sixth to the left of the fifteenth from the right end = 6 + 15 = 21st from right end 
    Total = 30
    L + R = T + 1
    \ 21st from right end = (30 + 1) - 21 = 10th from left end = X
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9.    How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement which are immediately 
    preceded by a symbol and imme diately followed by a vowel?
       1) One    2) Two
    3) Three    
    4) More than three  5) None 
Ans: 2   
    Required = Symbol-Consonant-Vowel (SCV)
    @GA, $QU
10.  Four of the following five are similar in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and hence form a group. Which of the following that does not belong to the group?
    1) R%K    2) 7M9
    3) 5PE    4) H#X    5) FL7
    FL7 is different. 
    In the first four options, all the three elements are in a sequence. But in the 5th option 
    between F and L, there is one element.
Directions (11-15): Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below:
11.How many such pairs of alphabets are there in the series of alphabets given in BOLD (A 
    to E) in the above arrangement, each of which has as many letters between them (in both 
    forward and backward directions) as they have between them in the English alphabetical 
    1) None    2) One
    3) Two    4) Three
    5) More than three
Ans: 5   
    A D C B E
    There are 6 pairs.
12.    Which of the following is the eighth to the left of the twentieth from the left end of the above arrangement?
    1) C    2) E    3) U  4) B   5) A
Ans: 4   
    eighth to the left of the twentieth from the left end = 20 - 8 = 12
    Twelfth from the left = B
13.    How many meaningful Fwords can be formed with the alphabets which are first, second, fifth and sixth from the left end of the above arrangement?
    1) None 2) One 3) Two
    4) Three 5) More than three  
Ans: 2
    First letter = B, Second letter = U, Third letter = C, Fourth letter = E 
    Only one word can be formed with these letters i.e. CUBE 
14.    How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a vowel and also immediately followed by a consonant ?
    1) One    2) Two 
    3) Three    4) Four
    5) More than Four
Ans: 5
    Vowel-Consonant-Consonant (VCC)
    There are five such consonants.
15.    If all As are dropped from the above arrangement, which of the following will be eleventh from the right end of the above arrangement?
    1) E    2) C    3) D 4) U                     5) None of these
Ans: 1
    Leaving A's count the letters from the right end.

Published date : 18 Oct 2024 10:45AM

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