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Bit Banks and Practice Questions for Bank Exams in Reasoning

Bit Banks and Practice Questions for Bank Exams in Reasoning

Model Questions
Directions ( In these questions, the relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. Give answer 
1) If only conclusion I follows.
2) If only conclusion II follows 
3) If either conclusion I or II follows.
4) If neither conclusion nor II follows.
5) If both conclusion I and II follow.
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Directions ( Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.
There are eight family members M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T are sitting around a circular table facing the centre but not necessarily in the same order. Family members comprise of Grandfather, Grandmother, Father, Mother, Son, Daughter-in-law, Dau­ghter and Son-in-law.
Father is second to the left of M who is second to the left of Daughter-in -law. T is third to the right of Son. T is neither Father nor Daughter-in -law. M is between O and P. Son-in-law is second to the left of Father. Grandfather is between Grandmother and Son. Mother is second to the left of O. N is neighbour of T but not the neighbour of S. R is facing S. N is not Daughter.
6.    Who amongst the following sits third to the left of M?
    1) Son-in-law    2) N 
    3) Q         4) Daughter
    5) S
7.    Four of the following five are ali­ke in a certain way based on the given arrangement and thus form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
    1) O - Grandfather
    2) M - Son    3) S - Daughter
    4) N - Son-in-law
    5) R- Grandmother
8.    Who among the following is the Son?
    1) M    2) O    3) P
    4) N    5) None of these
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9.    Which of the following is true with respect to the given seating arrangement?
    1) Father is an immediate neighbour of Mother
    2) N sits second to the right of O
    3) Daughter and Son are immediate neighbours
    4) Grandfather sits to the imme­diate left of Grandmother
    5) M sits second to the left of R
10.    Who is T?
    1) Grandfather    2) Son-in-law
    3) Daughter    4) Mother
    5) None of these
11.    Who among the following sit between Grandmother and S?
    1) R and Grandfather
    2) P and Q 
    3) Grandfather and P
    4) P and R
    5) M and Daughter
12.    Who among the following is Daughter?
    1) P    2) T    3) Q
    4) S    5) R
Directions ( Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.
A well-established company located in an eight-floor building, a single flat in each floor, numbered one to eight (the ground floor is num­bered 1, the floor above is numbered 2, and so on, and the top most floor is numbered 8).Eight friends M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T are working in the company, each one being placed in each floor.Each floor of the building is named by a peculiar name such as -Altius, Haitius, Elitica, Fortius, Grandius, Citius, Zenith and Royale. Each person is working in different department- Audit, Human Resource, Corporate governance, Sales, Admi­ni­stration, Customer Service, Finan­ce and Accounts, and each depart­ment is located in each floor but not necessarily in the same order given.
There are two floors between the floors of R and Q. R does not belong to Haitius and does not work on even numbered floor.
There is one floor between the floor of the person who is in Finance and the one which is named Zenith.
The person who is in Finance department belongs to Fortius and works on even numbered floor, but not on the top floor.
The person who is in Human Resource department is in Elitica and works on third floor.
R is not in Human Resource department. S is not related to either Zenith or Elitica. S does not work on a floor immediately above or imme­diately below the floor on which P works. P is not in Customer Service department and he never works in Royale, Haitius or Altius.
The floor of M, who is working in Corporate governance, is just above the floor of Administration and just below the floor in which Finance department is located. T, working in the Sales department, works in Grandius, is above the R's floor but not on the Top floor. There is only one floor above the floor in which Accounts department is situated. The person working in Administration is related to Citius and works on fourth floor. M does not work in Haitius or Altius. O is not in Accounts department and works neither in Fortius nor in Zenith.
13.    Which of the following flats has Corporate governance depart­ment?
    1) Haitius    2) Royale    3) Altius    4) Zenith    5) None of these
14.    On which of the following floors does S works?
    1) 8th    2) 3rd    3) 6th
    4) 5th    5) None of these
15.    The name of the flat in which Accounts department is located?
    1) Haitius    2) Royale    3) Altius
    4) Zenith    5) None of these
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16.    Who among the following work­s on the top most floor, i.e floor number 8?
    1) N     2) P     3) S
    4) O     5) None of these
17.    Who among the following is in Customer Service department?
    1) N     2) P     3) R
    4) O     5) None of these
18.    Who among the following works in Altius?
    1) N     2) P     3) R
    4) O     5) None of these
Directions( in a cert­ain instruction system, the different computation processes are written as follows:
(I)    P % Q $ R means P is multiplied by the sum of Q and R
(II)    P D Q © R means P is subtracted from Q and the resultant is divided by R
(III) P # Q * R means P is added to the resultant when Q is divided by R
(IV) P P Q @ R means the product of Q and R is subtracted from P
In each of the questions below, a set of instruction sequence is given. You are required to find out the outcome which should come in place of question mark (?) in each of the given sets of sequence.
19.    20 # 25 * 5 = M
    M % 80 $ 20 = ?
    1) 1660     2) 2500     3) 2800
    4) 8250    5) 7240
20.    140 ∆ 300 © 4 = Z
    160 P Z @ 2 = ?
    1) 80     2) 140     3) 60
    4) 30    5) 70
21.    12 % 2 $ 8 = A
    A ∆ 200 © 8 = ?
    1) 4     2) 2     3) 10
    4) 3     5) 7
22.    20 % 10 $ 20 = T
    T P 150 @ 4 = ?
    1) 40     2) 100     3) 20
    4) 0    5) 10
23.    35 # 300 * 15 = M
    450 ∆ 1000 © M = ?
    1) 2 # 5 * 5    2) 5 P 3 @ 5
    3) 8% 1 $ 2    4) 4 # 24 * 4
    5) None of the above

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Key with Solutions

1)    3;
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    Hence, either I or II follows.
2)    1;
    K > R > O
    Hence, Conclusion I follows.
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    R and T cannot be compared. Hence, Conclusion II does'nt follows.
3)    3;
   bank exams
    Hence, either I or II follows.
4)    5;
    C ³ P = A > Y ³ B ³ K
    Hence,C>K Conclusion I is true.
    Hence, A>K. Conclusion II is also true.
5)    5;
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    Hence, conclusion I & II are true.

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6)    2; 7) 4; (In all the options second person is immediate right of the first person)
8) 3; 9) 1; 10) 2; 11) 3; 12) 3;

Floor             Person Department Name of the flat

13)    2;     14) 3;     15) 1;
16)    2;    17) 3;     18) 3;
19)    2;
    20 + 25 ÷ 5 = 25
    25 (80 + 20) = 2500
20)    1;
    300 - 140 = 160; 160 ÷ 4 = 40
    40 × 2 = 80; 160 - 80 = 80
21)    3;
    12 (2+8) = 120
    200 - 120 = 80; 80 ÷ 8 = 10
22) 4;
    20 (10 + 20) = 600;
    600 - 150×4 = 0
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23) 4;
    35 + 300 ÷ 15 = 55
    1000 - 450 = 550; 550 ÷ 55 = 10
     4 + 24 ÷ 4 = 10

Published date : 15 Oct 2024 11:27AM

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