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Verb Dependent Prepositions

In English some Verbs go with certain
 Prepositions. ఇంగ్లిష్‌లో కొన్ని verbsతో కొన్ని prepositions మాత్రమే వాడతారు.
 We congratulated him on his success.
 We complimented him on his appointment.
 She died of tuberculosis.
 But: The girl died in an automobile accident.
 They entered into an agreement/argument.
 Here is a brief list of Verbs and the Prepositions that go with them:
 abstain from  (bad habits)
 aim at
 appeal to/against
 attached to
 blame for
 blessed with
 call for (order)
 choose from (select)
 compatible with
 confident of (victory)
 concerned with
 content with
 contusive to (health)
 count on
 deal with
 derive from (conclude)
 depend upon
 discriminated against
 dream of/about
 escape from
 face with (difficulties or opposition)
 furnished with
 get on with
 impose on (somebody)
 insist on
 interfere with
 interested in
 invited to/for
 listen to
 long for (deeply desire)
 object to
 opposed to
 provide for (something)
 pray for
 prepare for
 present with
 quarrel with
 rebel against
 reconciled to (some result)
 reduce to
 respond to
 stare at
 succeed insubject to  (made to face with)
 subscribe to (express willingness)
 surprise at
 sympathize with (a person)
 think about/of
 talk about
 tired about/of
 triumph over (celebrate)
 trust in
 wait upon (attend)
 warn about
 recover from (illness, losses)
 reply to
 resigned to
 restore to
 shoot at
 worried about
 warn of
 wonder at
 work on
 yearn for (deeply desire)
 yield to

 But this is not end of the story. There are prepositions that function differently with the object, even though the verb remains the same.
 (sbd = somebody, sth = something)
 to be angry with sbd - He is angry with me.
 to be angry at sth  -  The boss is angry at the result.
 accused of theft
 accused for taking a bribe
 agree with sbd - I entirely agree with you.
 agree to sth - Raj agreed to the proposal.
 care for sth - He doesn't care for appearance.
 care about sbd - He doesn't care about his parents.
 compare with sbd - Many parents compare their kids with other kids.
 compare to sthg  - The poet compared her face to moon.
 familiar with sth - I am not familiar with that part of the city.
 familiar to sbd - I am not familiar to him.
 apologize to sbd - You should apologize to him.
 apologize for sth - She should apologize for her conduct.
 How to use by / until / at
ఒక సంఘటన నిర్దిష్ట సమయం వరకు జరగాలని చెప్పాలంటే by వాడతాం. 
Eg. Do this by next Monday.
 ఏదైనా ఒక విషయం ప్రస్తుతం జరుగుతూ ఉండి, నిర్దిష్ట సమయానికి ఆగాలని చెప్పాల్సి వస్తే until వాడతాం.
Eg: My uncle will be staying with us until 12th of this month
ఒక నిర్దిష్ట సమయంలో జరిగే విషయాన్ని చెప్పడానికి at ఉపయోగిస్తాం.
 Eg. We will finish this class at 3.00 pm.
Published date : 02 Jul 2019 02:09PM

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