Punctuation: Using parenthesis
There are various kinds of brackets such as square brackets [ ] angle brackets < > and braces { }.
Square brackets are used when we want to use our words in a quotation.
Eg. "Romance is the privilege of the rich, not the profession of the unemployed. The poor shall be practical and prosaic.'' [Oscar Wilde]
Two great Hindu sages [Jagadguru Sankaracharya <32>, Swamy Vivekananda,<39>] died very young.
Angle brackets < > and braces { } (also called curly brackets) are used for different purposes. Angle brackets indicate that something is included in something else.
Braces {కొంత మంది మీసాల బ్రాకెట్లు అని కూడా అంటారు} are used to show alternatives: Eg. 'You can use { may/could } while seeking permission for anything'. E.g. Select your pizza topping {pepper, onion, sausage, tomato, sun-dried tomatoes, broccoli} and confirm your order online..
Angle brackets < > These types of brackets frequently appear in mathematics and physics. Angle brackets may occur in linguistics.
E.g. The English word /kæt/ is spelled <cat>.
Angle brackets < > are also used frequently in comic books to indicate someone speaking in another language. Double angle brackets << >> are sometimes used in place of quotation marks.