Computational Systems Biology
NPTEL is offering online courses for Undergraduate/Postgraduate students in Computational Systems Biology.

About the course:
Start Date: January 27, 2020
Exam Date: April 25, 2020
Enrollment Ends: February 03, 2020
For more details, please visit:
- Every living cell is the result beautifully concerted interplay of metabolic, signalling and regulatory networks.
- Systems biology has heralded a systematic quantitative approach to study these complex networks, to understand, predict and manipulate biological systems.
- Systems biology has had a positive impact on metabolic engineering as well as the pharmaceutical industry.
- This course seeks to introduce key concepts of mathematical modelling, in the context of different types biological networks.
- The course will cover important concepts from network biology, modelling of dynamic systems and parameter estimation, as well as constraint-based metabolic modelling.
- Week 1: Introduction to Mathematical Modelling
- Week 2: Introduction to Static Networks
- Week 3: Network Biology and Applications
- Week 4: Reconstruction of Biological Networks
- Week 5: Dynamic Modelling of Biological Systems: Introduction, Solving ODEs & Parameter Estimation
- Week 6: Evolutionary Algorithms, Guest Lectures on Modelling in Drug Development
- Week 7: Constraint-based approaches to Modelling Metabolic Networks
- Week 8: Perturbations to Metabolic Networks
- Week 9: Elementary Modes, Applications of Constraint-based Modelling
- Week 10: Constraint-based Modelling Recap, 13C Metabolic Flux Analysis
- Week 11: Modelling Regulation, Host-pathogen interactions, Robustness of Biological Systems
- Week 12: Advanced topics: Robustness and Evolvability, Introduction to Synthetic Biology, Perspectives & Challenges
Start Date: January 27, 2020
Exam Date: April 25, 2020
Enrollment Ends: February 03, 2020
For more details, please visit: