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-An Article By Shachi Maheshwari
What an amazing is a Parent-Child Relationship: Every child gets a privilege to know the first love of their life “Her Parents”. Whether they have smiled, cried, talked, walked, and ran for the first time, every bit is an experience, which is heart whelming for the parents and beyond words of expression. When children grow up, they not only grow up seeing the giggles, laughter, humor, grief handling skills, debates, discussions, fights, critical situations, happiness, sad days, ups, downs, community driven compulsions, other relationships, stress, outbursts, fun times, etc. of their parents, but they also become part of the whole story called “Life”.

While I completely find that every parent loves their child but not all children are able to do that. It’s like the river flow which has more to do with the wave and sway of the water which becomes obvious for parents as the child comes out as their part and there is an ownership feeling attached to this relationship for them. For children that’s not the case because they do not have natural sway for this and besides they can never understand this sway unless they become parents. Every child when grows up and if he is not okay with any behavior of his parent towards him, actually ends up being the same way when he becomes a parent; which he may not have necessarily appreciated at that point in time.

Give your quality time to kids
With more organized living and gadget savvy working styles, the distances have been reduced to nearly zero and that you may find children staying anywhere being able to be in touch with their parents all the time. There is more ease and comfort along with convenience to be in touch with parents for the children who are out to study or work or otherwise. But the question is – Is it a good substitute to the personal time with the parents which the children used to spend? Actually speaking, “NO”. This is rather a very poor substitute. The reason being that the personal meetings not only makes the relationships more vibrant and lively but they allow each individual the time to appreciate the other individual; whether it is children or adults, everyone needs time of observation to appreciate others.

It might be less possible to spend more time by children with their parents and vice versa but a very disciplined approach to this is that from the very beginning the habit of spending quality time with parents needs to be inculcated in kids and also the parents need to devote their quality time to give their best to their kids.

Time spent together has a list of benefits for this relationship which have a great impact on so many things:
  • Helps to improve the communication between the two generations
  • Reduces gap and lack of understanding between parents and children
  • Adds humor and value discussions to get good inputs on the current times for parents and experience values to children
  • Exchange of suggestions become an intelligent exercise between the parents and children
  • Handholding at tough times of the young generation becomes easy
  • Children enable better support systems in a family if they are involved in decision making
  • Mutual Respect increases between parents and children
  • Morale is always high of those kids who are friends with their parents
  • Trust develops within this relationship not just the authority tricks
  • Perspectives are better understood and an accomplished family life makes life easy for all
  • Lot of peace penetrates within the family and individuals
  • Happiness definitions are met of different individuals of the same family very easily
  • Working and Studying stress levels can be managed very well
  • Wisdom of children improves while the parents get more comfortable
  • A strong bond of this relationship can work wonders for both parents and children in their self development.

And this list is endless because some of the benefits we can’t even know how they subconsciously work for both parents and children. The mental stability of the children and parents now days is a big issue with so much of stress levels mounting and children having no trusted mentors to share it. What are the different ways to inculcate a great relationship then? There can be so many of them but I am citing some of them for an indicative reference for all of you:
  1. A sip of drink or a coffee or a cake bite together in a week with the parents over a chat is a great idea to begin bonding
  2. Fixing up a thirty minutes update huddle before dinner of the family can be a good ritual.
  3. A fifteen minutes good night wish with a positive note is a good way to close the day of your children
  4. Giving a cuddle what they require at the start of the day is the love boost which can make children to face the world with a smile and strength
  5. Any important decision or discussion or event should be discussed with the children to take their views if they are above twelve years
  6. A family meeting time should be fixed every week which can’t be changed and everyone has to attend it without fail.
  7. Once a week an appreciation session and changes during the week can be narrated by each person of the family in the family meeting or otherwise.
  8. Two family holidays is a must thing to do in a year.
  9. Fights and debates should end before the end of the day only then it’s the sleep time for all.
  10. Every time when the children need the help time from parents, they must be able to devote time to the children. Every time the parents need some time to themselves, the children should support and give them some free time.

A very simple and exquisite thing about this relationship is that—
“A Parent child relationship never goes stale because-
for Children: “Parents are always your team” and
for Parents: “Your children are always your best pals.”

Author: Shachi Maheshwari
You may reach the author at
Get connected to her thought Page on fb: Make Urself Happy
Published date : 01 Sep 2017 06:09PM

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