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Conflict resolving skills

-An Article By Shachi Maheshwari
Sometimes we create conflicts, isn’t it?
How do I learn skills to resolve them?
Are you one of them; then this one is for you?
We deal with so many things in life. In the process we sometimes create some conflicts or some conflicts get created. Learning to cope up with skills on conflict resolution not only ensures to handle the disagreements, hostility but sometimes creates irreparable rifts and only if you learn to handle them can you reduce your probabilities of anger and in turn help your unnecessary anger strokes to reduce quite a bit. Learn to handle the conflict efficiently is a necessary skill not just at home but at work. At work otherwise it prevents hindering the professional growth.

You may want to work on these five step processes on any conflict
  1. Learn to identify the source first
    More information is easier to arrive at the source faster. Ask yourself series of questions. Try to find the relationship between the event and your behavior. Listen to both ends. Being impartial is the key to finding the right source
  2. Looking beyond
    Is it the situation or event or is it the perspective or bias? Figure out the reason which may lie beyond just the event, if there is a re-occurrence. Try to find other visible, disruptive evidence of a conflict. Though the source may be minor or would have occurred months before but the stress and bias might grow to the point where parties begin attacking personally instead of the problem. Probing more questions will help more.
  3. Solutions focus
    Every time the source and looking beyond is done properly then comes the options of solutions available on both sides. Getting solutions through assertiveness increases the confidence and decisiveness between parties. Actively giving an ear to all the sides and learning from the body language only can accept the solutions.
  4. Identify consensus
    Keep listening till the parties come to a point of understanding that there is no option but to have a solution consensus on this. Pointing out the merits of various ideas, not only from each other’s perspective, but in terms of the benefits to the organization immensely helps organizations.
  5. Agree on disagreements
    Making disagreements as part of agreements for this time and in future will enhance the capability of the team to apply this within themselves later too. This works with all kinds of arenas and with individuals or groups both.
    Life is all about creation and resolving if wrongly created so don’t shy off on being creative, worrying about wrong ones; you can always learn to resolve them because –
“You own your creativity and if you party to your creations, you only can turn wrong ones to right... so keep being creative and learn resolving skills to handle them.”

Author: Shachi Maheshwari
You may reach the author at
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Published date : 02 May 2019 11:44AM

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