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-An Article By Shachi Maheshwari
If you are an employee you need this to know, if you are a boss you actually need to know this too but if you are both you can’t miss to know this at all.

Time and now we keep hearing that a reason of rising stress and anxiety is the environment at work place. The deadlines of reporting, the face saving, the justification to clients, the bad politics, the constant strive to prove yourself all the time. You can actually reduce your struggle if you are an employee by knowing that there are certain characteristics which can help them to understand their bosses better. You can reduce your struggle to understand your team by knowing what is going wrong within the environment which can be worked upon and improved. Productivity of the employees is directly connected to their happiness and happiness in turn sometimes takes a toll due to the behaviors of bosses.

There are different bad qualities to a superior which can increase stress levels within them as well as on those who report to them.

Keep the Credit give the debit
The bosses who push the blame of wrong doings to their team members and collect the credits to their individual performance actually can’t build a trustworthy team.

Managing the micro jobs
The bosses who instruct the micro management of each and every job cannot build an efficient team to handle the job in their absence. Also, it will hamper the overall development and creativity of the subordinate teams.

No one should blame us
The bosses who are afraid of being blamed on wrong doings cannot lead a team who can create a mark or take any initiatives at work on their own. If work is done rights and wrongs both have the probability to happen.

Lesser knowledge as per designation
The bosses who have lesser knowledge than their positions tend to suppress smart subordinates and would not be able to build a leading and successful team.

Keep Cursing
The bosses who are not polite actually create a bad day for them as well as their subordinates both.

Good Qualities of Bosses to enhance Productivity of their team
A good boss will enable himself to have following qualities to enhance the happiness and productivity in turn of his team to gain the maximum from them. If you’re an employee or aspiring leader who cares about being productive, being a bad boss is someone you’ll want to avoid and focus on these traits:
  1. Charged up team
    A boss who keeps his team motivated and is proactive helps his team to perform their hundred percent of whatever they take up. A boss who leads by example of being positive sets amazing example for his team to be always positive and charged up to give their best.
  2. Decision Makers
    Instead of one decision maker as a leader, a boss can create more decision makers so that the team can function without hitches and seamlessly. Creating decision makers means defining the process of decision making within a team and ensuring the process is respected and followed within the team.
  3. Communication
    The communication within a team and with the boss actually defines the effectiveness of a boss. A team which has no gaps in communication within can work wonders in terms of performance and productivity. A boss can create an atmosphere of trust with communication and inculcate highly communicative environment within the team.
  4. Trouble Shooting & Resolving
    Every problem has a solution and if a boss views the problems and works keeping this in mind, he can inculcate the same approach to the team so that team gets to perform better in every way. Problem solving, trouble shooting, resolving is an art and can be learned. Life and work is full of things which need this approach to work stress free and full potential.
  5. Understanding Priorities
    People should always be the priority for a boss as the whole performance of the team and him as a leader will depend on how he can get the best out of his team. A team gives its best if they are happy to work and are given space to perform as per their abilities. If each and every member gets the opportunity to perform and is happy, the productivity will rise at the individual as well as team level both thereby increasing the overall performance.
  6. Out of Box Approach
    An out of box approach doesn’t always lead to productivity; it does open you up to new experiences that force you to step outside your comfort zone. Whether at an individual or organization level, the presence of risk brings people together in unique, meaningful and productive ways. The threat of failure is sometimes necessary to get the best out of people.
    Take the cognizance of the above qualities and help your inner boss to gain and reapply the above reasons to make you a capable to have the most productive and happy team as a boss as well as an employee. Because when setting goals or priorities, if you make sure you focus on what counts, rather than getting caught up in lists and menial tasks that don’t lead to results, only then productivities soar. As a leader, if you can inspire others in positive and meaningful ways, only then you will get the most out of your team. Whereas bad leaders, on the other hand, sow the seeds of dysfunction that breeds unhappy and dissatisfied workers… this rarely translates into positive results. So –
    “Be a leader by your behavior and performance and not just by your position and mind.”

Author: Shachi Maheshwari
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Published date : 12 Jan 2019 12:14PM

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