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-An Article By Shachi Maheshwari
Time and now we keep hearing the word “Stress” even from small kids, college students, freshers looking for job opportunities and employees for a change in job, upstream career ladder aspirers, consultants, businessmen, industry owners and corporate cultures. Every person is so eager to use this word as if it’s a jargon to know and to use as a status symbol more than the reality.
  • What has changed over the years is the gadget savvy organized world with more things to organize and take away all the available time.
  • What has changed is the more knowledge handling due to the vast availability of information across the globe for every move of the universe.
  • What has changed is the competition and the way everyone wants to be part of this competition, no matter what is the cost.
  • What has changed is the listening of mind always and the heart has taken the back seat for everything.
  • What has changed is the shift from nature and silent gaps to entertainment by noisy movie, pubs, malls, coffee shops and hang out corners.
  • What has changed is the outdoor games to the indoor zones of entertainment.
  • What has changed is the board games and personal touch gatherings to the gadget savvy jokes/movies.

These changes are just a few which are listed and many more which we have adapted ourselves to, without even being aware. We sometimes fail to understand the need of our existence for which all this should help. Instead we are used by all these change items and our existent quality has come down. We were much more peaceful and happy even without all of those, but since that’s what is available we are helpless and are forced to think that it is a must to adopt them as mandatory fields.

We appreciate kids who make presentations at a tender age of 4 years in the gatherings. Every child today knows that he needs to excel or stand out as a winner to be well taken by his parent’s expectations and among his friends. Winning has become a craving more than a motivational drive.
Winning is great but defining and co-associating everything with the winning is a sheer failure of development.

We all need to understand that instead of winning if we concentrate on our unique capabilities and work towards it, the benefits are many folds.
  • Finding an academic line close to your unique skills: Like a student good at the arguments and drafting should look to be part of the law profession. How can you rehearse tabla like Zakir Hussain for 14-15 hours if you are not passionate about tabla?
  • Finding a job profile close to your nature: Like a person who loves to connect with other people should choose a job which has interaction involved rather than just a desk job. Similarly, a less talkative person should prefer a job profile with more of good desk work and so that he will be able to exhibit his skills in his work better.
  • Finding some time everyday for your hobbies: Unless you find time to do what you love to do, you will not be able to do justice to your journey and existence. After all, you are here to enjoy the journey as much as the successful milestones right? Like the guitar, vocal, sports or any other extra curricula’s where you can relate to and which keeps you happy.
  • Being with yourself: Finding time to be alone is very important for every one even if you get scared to be alone. This eases the chaos within a person at times and makes you aware of your focus and future direction.
  • Handling the Taboos: There is nothing which can stop us from doing what we want to do. Smoking, drinking, drugs - Is it really worth trying? If you have tried, would you really want to continue and abuse your existence? How long? Decide a deadline and work towards it. It may be even an year but stick to the discipline to be over it.
  • Everything is good if I am healthy: Work on your body for physical fitness as this is the only treasure you are going to use from till the end of your life. Respect it and pamper it with healthy things. Exercising will gain you immense benefits in a long run to help you have a perfect health body.

Find a way which balances your unique nature, your unique capabilities, your body, mind and heart, so that you don’t get frustrated easily. Balance and respect your time as every minute in your life is a treasure that you are spending.

Make rules for yourself and pamper yourself once in a while to break them for breaking the monotony. You are the boss, so you should be proud to be in this world in being able to handle every facet of existence with happiness.

Your way is the best way if you are happy, cheerful and balanced because-

“You are smart enough to handle your hard work!!”


Author: Shachi Maheshwari
You may reach the author at
Get connected to her thought Page on fb: Make Urself Happy
Published date : 21 Feb 2017 03:27PM

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