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Reform Party of Prime Minister Kaja Kallas overwhelmingly wins Baltic country’s general election

Reform Party of Prime Minister Kaja Kallas overwhelmingly wins Baltic country’s general election
Reform Party of Prime Minister Kaja Kallas overwhelmingly wins Baltic country’s general election
  • In Estonia, Reform Party of Prime Minister Kaja Kallas overwhelmingly won the Baltic country’s general election.
  • Preliminary returns from a completed ballot count showed the Reform Party, the senior partner in the outgoing three-party coalition government, received 31.2 per cent of the vote - the biggest share in election held on Sunday that focused on national security and the economy. That translates into 37 seats at Estonia's 101-seat Parliament, or Riigikogu, an increase of three seats from the 2019 election.
  • Ms Kallas, Prime Minister since 2021, faced a challenge from the EKRE party, which seeks to limit the Baltic nation’s exposure to Russia-Ukraine conflict, and blames the current government for Estonia’s high inflation rate.
  • The biggest surprise of the election was the emergence of Eesti 200, a small party, which won 14 seats and 13.3 percent of the vote share.

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Published date : 09 Mar 2023 05:55PM

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