Bank Exams in Reasoning for Competitive Exams Bit Banks

Directions (Q.No.1-5): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow:
» If 'A * Z' means 'A is the wife of Z'.
» If 'A × Z' means 'A is the husband of Z'.
» If 'A + Z' means 'A is the sister of Z'.
» If 'A - Z' means 'A is the brother of Z'.
» If 'A > Z' means 'A is the son of Z'.
» If 'A < Z' means 'A is the daughter of Z'.
1. Which of the following relations will not be true if the expression 'A < P × T + F > L × M' is definitely true?
1) A is the daughter of T
2) F is the son of M
3) P is the son-in-law of L
4) A is the cousin of F
5) M is the grandmother of A
2. Which of the following means N is the daughter-in-law of A?
1) M + N * P > A 2) N < M + P + A
3) M - N × P < A 4) A < P + N × M
5) A < N < P * M
3. How is P related to F if 'Q × P < B + F'?
1) Daughter 2) Niece
3) Daughter-in-law
4) Grand daughter 5) Aunt
4. Which of the following means P is the father of R?
1) R > S < P * J
2) J + R - S < P
3) R > S * P- J
4) S + J × R < P
5) None of these
5. How is M related to B if 'A * B > Z × S + M'?
1) Aunt 2) Grand father
3) Uncle 4) Cousin
5) Can't be determined
Directions (Q.No.6-10): Answer the following questions based on the three digit numbers
612 589 743 468 297
6. If two is added to the first digit of each of the numbers, how many numbers thus formed will be completely divisible by three?
1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Three 5) Four
7. If the positions of the second and the third digits of each of the numbers are interchanged, in how many numbers thus formed will the last digit be a perfect square? ('1' is also a perfect square?
1) One 2) Two 3) Three
4) Four 5) Five
8. What will be the resultant if the third digit of the second lowest number is divided by the second digit of the highest number?
1) 4 2) 1 3) 6 4) 5 5) 2
9. If all the digits in each of the numbers are arranged in descending order within the number which of the following will form the highest number in the new arrangement?
1) 612 2) 589 3) 743
4) 468 5) 297
10. If all the numbers are arranged in ascending order from left to right, which of the following will be the sum of all the three digits of the number which is second from the right of the new arrangement thus formed?
1) 14 2) 9 3) 18
4) 16 5) 12
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Directions(Q.No.11-15): Answer these questions referring the symbol-letter -number sequence given below:
L 2 M � 3 S P @ = J 5 B $ R 7 N # T D 6 B K V 9 4 % A F 8
11. How many such symbols are there each of which is either immediately preceded by a number or immediately followed by a letter?
1) One 2) Two 3) Three
4) More than three 5) None
12. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their position in the above arrangement and hence form a group. Which one does not belong to the group?
1) � 2 S 2) 9 K % 3) # R D
4) $ 5 7 5) = P 5
13. How many such numbers are there each of which is either immediately preceded by a symbol or immediately followed by a letter?
1) None 2) One 3) Two
4) Three 5) More than three
14. Which of the following is the seventh to the left of 15th from the right end of the above arrangement?
1) @ 2) P 3) J 4) 5 5) B
15. If the positions of twenty four elements from the right end are reversed, which of the following will be the 15th element from the left end?
1) B 2) 4 3) 6
4) # 5) None of these
Directions (Q.No.16-17): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below :
F is the grandson of U. M is the mother of F. M is married to P. P is the son of G. G is married to K.
16. How is K related to M?
1) Cannot be determined
2) Daughter-in-law
3) Father 4) Mother 5) Daughter
17. If D is the father of M, then how is F related to D?
1) Father 2) Grandson
3) Son 4) Brother 5) Grandfather
18. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word SHARED each of which has as many letters between them in the word (in both forward and backward directions) as they have between them in English alphabetical series?
1) Three 2) None 3) One
4) More than three 5) Two
19. All the letters of the word GLACIERS are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right. Then all the consonants are replaced with the next alphabet (as per the English alphabetical order), then which of the following will be the fourth letter from the left end?
1) I 2) C 3) R
4) M 5) H
20. In a straight line of twelve persons (all facing north), only five persons sit to the left of L. Only three persons between C and L. G sits second to the right of C. Only five persons sit between G and M. How many persons sit between M and L?
1) Two 2) None
3) Five 4) Three
5) Cannot be determined
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Directions (Q.No.21-22): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Point B is 4m to the south of point A. Point C is 5m to the east of point B. Point D is 4m to the north of point C. Point E is 10m to the west of point D. Point F is 4m to the south of point E.
21. Which of the following represents the direction of point A with respect to point C?
1) North-west 2) North
3) North-east 4) South-west
5) South-east
22. How far is point B from point F?
1) 7 metres 2) 5 metres
3) 4 metres 4) 10 metres
5) 2 metres
1. A < P × T + F > L × M means
From the above it can be concluded that the relation "A is the cousin of F" is not true Ans: 4
2. In options (3) and (4) N is a male, hence these are eliminated in option (5) N and A have a direct relation. So this also can be eliminated. In option (2) N is the daughter of M and P, M are sisters of A. So N is the Niece of of A. So this option(2) can be eliminated. In option (1) N is wife of P and P is son of A. so N is daughter-in-law of A.
Ans: 1
P is F's sister's daughter
Þ P is F's Niece Ans: 2
4. In option (1) P is A female and In option (2) and (4) P's gender is not known. Hence these options are ruled out.
Draw family tree for option (3)
S ® P – J
\ P is R's father Ans: 3
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5. Here M is at the end of the relational string and M's gender is an unknown. Hence M's relation to B cannot be established. Ans: 5
6. Find the numbers whose sum of the digits is one more than 3 multiple (because after addition of 2 it will become a 3- multiple)
The only number satisfying the condition is 589 (5 + 8 + 9 = 22)
Ans: 2
7. If the position of second and third are interchanged, then the second digit of the original number will become the last digit of the resultant number. So find out the original numbers whose second digits are perfect square. The numbers satisfying the conditions are 612 743 and 297 Ans: 3
8. Second lowest number is 468 and its third digit is 8. Highest number is 743 and its second digit is 4.
The Req. result = 8 ¸ 4 = 2
Ans: 5
9. If all the digits are arranged in descending order within the number the number 589 will become the highest number in new arrangement
Ans: 2
10. If the numbers are arranged in ascending order the second highest number will be second from right in the new arrangement The second highest number is 612 and the sum of its digits
= 6 + 1 + 2 = 9
Ans: 2
11. The symbols satisfying the conditions are = J, $ R, # T, and % A. i.e. four symbols satisfy the condition Ans: 4
12. In each of the options second and third characters are second to the left of and second to the right of first character except in option (3) Ans: 3
13. The numbers satisfying the conditions are
2M �3 5B 7N 6B
Ans: 5
14. 7th to left of 15th from right Þ 7 + 15 = 22nd from right 22nd from right Þ 30 - 22 = 8th from left Þ @ Ans: 1
15. If the position of last 24 elements are reversed then 15th from left end in new arrangement will be 10th letter from right in original arrangement (... First 5 elements remain same)
The 10th element from right = 6
Ans: 3
16. K's gender is unknown. Hence K's relation to m cannot be established Ans: 1
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17. If D is father of M then E is Grandson of D Ans: 2
18. The pairs satisfying the condition are AD, DE, DH and EH Ans: 4
19. Fourth letter from left if the letters arranged in alphabetical order = G
Now G is replaced by next consonant H Ans: 5
20. C G L M
Three persons sit between M and L Ans: 4
21. A's is in Northwest direction with respect to C
Ans: 1
22. B is at a distance of 5m from F
Ans: 2