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AP TET 2024 Paper - 1A Child Development and Pedagogy Complete Syllabus

AP TET 2024 Syllabus focuses on Child Development and Pedagogy, Language I and II, Mathematics, and Environmental Studies. Here's the complete syllabus for Paper-1A
AP Teacher Eligibility Test 2024 Paper - 1A Exam Structure and Complete Syllabus

Each section focuses on core concepts, theories, methods, and practical applications related to child development and pedagogy, ICT, and educational policies.

AP TET 2024 Paper-1A Structure

Section Subjects MCQs Marks
Child Development and Pedagogy   30 30
Language I (Telugu/Urdu/Hindi/Kannada/Tamil/Odia) 30 30
Language II English 30 30
Mathematics   30 30
Environmental Studies   30 30
Total   150 150

Child Development and Pedagogy (30 Marks)

1. Development of Child

  • Childhood: Meaning, multiple childhoods, parenting, child rearing styles, and their impact on the development of a child.
  • Development, Growth & Maturation: Concept & nature, differences between growth and development.
  • Principles of Development: Educational implications.
  • Factors Influencing Development: Biological, psychological, sociological, and emotional.
  • Dimensions of Development: Physical & motor, cognitive, emotional, social, moral, and language; relating to infancy, early childhood, late childhood, and adolescence.
  • Understanding Development: Theories by Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Erikson.
  • Individual Differences: Concept, types (intra & inter), factors (heredity & environment).
  • Factors Influencing Individual Differences: Attitudes, aptitude, interest, intelligence, creativity, values, level of aspiration, self-concept, achievement.
    • Intelligence: Concept and meaning, definitions, types, theories, measurement, IQ classification, types of tests and uses.
    • Aptitude: Concept and meaning, definitions, characteristics, measurement, and uses.
    • Interest: Concept and meaning, definitions, characteristics, measurement, and how to develop interest among students; the role of the teacher.
    • Attitude: Concept and meaning, definitions, characteristics, scales, measurement, and how to develop positive attitudes among children; the role of the teacher.
    • Creativity: Concept and meaning, definitions, characteristics, stages, assessment, and the role of the teacher in fostering creativity among children.
    • Thinking: Concept, meaning, definition, types, characteristics, classroom implications.
    • Reasoning: Concept, meaning, definition, characteristics, reasoning process, types, classroom implications.
  • Metacognition: Meaning, concept, nature, uses, aspects in the metacognition process.
  • Development of Personality: Meaning, concept, definitions, characteristics, elements, factors, theories, assessment (projective and non-projective).
  • Mental Health: Adjustment, behavioral problems, conflicts, frustration, tension, anxiety, maladjustment, defense mechanisms.
  • Methods and Approaches of Child Development: Introspection, observation, interview, case study, experimental method, action research in education.
  • Developmental Tasks and Hazards: Cross-sectional and longitudinal.

2. Understanding Learning

  • Learning: Meaning, concept, definitions, characteristics, types, determinants (readiness, maturity, motivation), learning curves.
  • Factors of Learning: Personal and environmental.
  • Dimensions of Learning: Cognitive, affective, and psycho-motor.
  • Motivation: Role in learning.
  • Concept: Meaning, definition, formation, classification, types, development, role of the teacher in conceptual development.
  • Perception: Meaning, definitions, process, characteristics, principles of perceptual organization, influencing factors.
  • Memory & Forgetting: Key aspects.
  • Transfer of Learning: Approaches and their applicability.
    • Behaviorism: Skinner, Pavlov, Thorndike.
    • Gestalt: Kohler, Koffka.
    • Observational: Bandura.
    • Constructivism: Piaget, Vygotsky.
    • Bruner's Theory of Instruction: Key points.
  • Experiential Learning: Concepts and applications.

3. Pedagogical Concerns

  • Teaching and Learning Relationship: Understanding their interconnection.
  • Learners in Contexts: Situating learners in socio-political and cultural contexts.
  • Children from Diverse Contexts: Inclusive education for Children With Special Needs (CWSN).
  • Pedagogic Methods: Enquiry-based, project-based, survey, observation, activity-based, cooperative, and collaborative learning; individual and group learning.
  • Classroom Learning Issues: Study habits, self-learning skills, learning to learn skills, learning styles.
  • Organizing Learning: In heterogeneous classroom groups.
  • Learning Paradigms: Teacher-centric, subject-centric, and learner-centric.
  • Teaching as a Planned Activity: Elements of planning.
  • Phases of Teaching: Pre-active, interactive, and post-active phases.
  • Teaching Skills and Competencies: General and subject-related skills, attributes of a good facilitator.
  • Learning Resources: Self, home, school, community, technology.
  • Classroom Management: Role of students and teachers, leadership styles, creating a non-threatening learning environment, managing behavior problems, guidance & counseling, punishment and its legal implications, child rights, time management.
  • Assessment: Distinction between assessment for learning and assessment of learning.


  • Concept of ICT: Tools and applications.
  • Computer Hardware: Basics.
  • Internet: Usage and applications.
  • Text Documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations: Basic knowledge.
  • Open Education Resources: Handheld devices, netiquette.
  • ICT Policies: National and state levels.
  • ICT-based Learning: Creation of learning environments, educational games.


  • Exploring ICT Resources: Hardware, software evaluation, and adoption.
  • Integrating ICT in Teaching: Analysis and pedagogy.
  • Cyber Law and Protection: Free software.
  • ICT in Assessment: Portfolios, rubrics, data management.
  • Multimedia Lessons: Preparation, activities, teacher's role before, during, and after lessons, social media in learning.
  • Professional Development: Online courses for teachers.
  • Open Education Resources: ICT platforms and MOOC.
  • Assessment: Continuous comprehensive evaluation; perspectives and practices.
  • Educational Contexts: Understanding teaching-learning in the context of NCF 2005 and Right to Education Act 2009.
  • NEP 2020: Introduction, ECCE, teacher education.
  • New Policies and Programs: Implemented by the A.P. Government.


Published date : 25 Jul 2024 05:56PM

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