AP TET Paper - 2A Child Development and Pedagogy Syllabus

⦁ Concept& Nature, Differences between Growth and Development
⦁ Principles of development and their educational implication
⦁ Factors influencing Development — Biological, Psychological, Sociological, emotional.
⦁ Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships — Physical & Motor, Cognitive,
⦁ Emotional, Social, Moral, Language relating to Infancy, early Childhood, late Childhood, adolescence.
⦁ Understanding Development — Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers, Erikson
⦁ Theory of emotional Intelligence – Danial Goleman
⦁ Individual differences — Concept, Types of individual differences (intra & inter) Factors of individual differences (heredity& environment).
⦁ Factors influencing individual differences in the areas of Attitudes, Aptitude, interest, Habit,
intelligence, creativity, Values, level of aspiration, self concept, achievement, Learning styles.
A) Intelligence: Concept and meaning of intelligence, Definitions, Types of intelligence, Theories of Intelligence, Measurement of intelligence, IQ, Classification of IQ, Types of Intelligence tests and Uses.
B) Aptitude: Concept and meaning of aptitude, Definitions, Characteristics of aptitude. Types of aptitude, Measurement of aptitude, Uses of aptitude test.
C) Interest: Concept and meaning of interest, Definitions, Characteristics of interest
Measurement of interests. How to develop interest among students – role of teacher.
D) Attitude: Concept and meaning of attitude, Definitions, Characteristics of attitude, Types of attitude Measurement of attitudes. How to develop positive attitudes among children-role of
teacher. Learning Styles: Meaning Types and assessment of learning styles.
E) Creativity: Meaning of creativity, concept and definitions, Characteristics and stages of creativity, Assessment of Creativity, Fostering Creativity among children- Role of Teacher.
F)Thinking: Concept, Meaning, Definition, types of thinking, characteristics of thinking,
factors of thinking, classroom implication.
G) Reasoning: Concept, Meaning, Definition, Characteristics, Reasoning process, types of reasoning classroom implication.
⦁ Development of Personality - Meaning and concept of personality, definitions, characteristics, elements and factors of personality, theories of personality, assessment of personality (Projective and Non Projective)
⦁ Theories of personality – Type theory, Trait Theory, Psycho Analytic
⦁ Mental health, adjustment & behavioral problems, conflicts, frustration, tension, anxiety, maladjustment, defense mechanisms.
⦁ Conflicts - Types
⦁ Methods and Approaches of Child Development — Introspection, Observation, Interview, Case study, Experimental, Cross sectional and Longitudinal Developmental tasks and Hazards
⦁ Learning – Meaning, Concept, Definitions, Characteristics of Learning, Types of Learning, determinants of learning, Readiness, Maturity, needs and Motivation, Learning curves.
⦁ Factors of Learning— Personal and Environmental
⦁ Dimensions of Learning— Cognitive, Affective and Psycho - Motor.
⦁ Motivation — its role in learning, Maslov’s theory of hierarchy of needs
⦁ Concept: meaning, Definition, Formation of concept, Classification of concepts, Types of concepts, Development of concepts, Role of teacher in conceptual development.
⦁ Perception: Concept, Meaning, Definitions, process of perception, Characteristics, Laws of perceptual organization, factors influencing perception.
⦁ Memory& Forgetting
⦁ Transfer of Learning – meaning, types and theories of transfer of learning
⦁ Approaches to Learning and their applicability (Theories).
i. Behaviorism (Skinner, Pavlov, Thorndike)
ii. Gestalt (Kohler, Koffka)
iii. Observational (Bandura),
iv. Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky),
v. Bruner's theory of instruction, Experiential learning
⦁ Teaching and its relationship with learning and learner.
⦁ Learners in Contexts: Situating learner in the socio-political and cultural context
⦁ Children from diverse contexts—Children with Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive Education.
⦁ Understanding of pedagogic methods — Enquiry based learning, Project based learning, Survey,
⦁ Observation and Activity based learning, Cooperative and collaborative learning, Individual and Group learning
⦁ Issues and concerns with respect to organizing learning in class room like Study habits, Self learning and Learning to learn skills.
⦁ Organizing learning in heterogeneous class room groups — Socio-economic background,
⦁ Abilities and Interests.
⦁ Paradigms of organizing Learning-Teachercentric, Subject centric and Learner centric.
⦁ Teaching as Planned activity — Elements of Planning
⦁ Phases of Teaching— Pre active, Interactive and Post active
⦁ General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and attributes of good facilitator.
⦁ Learningresources — Self, Home, School, Community, Technology.
⦁ Class room Management: Role of student, teacher, Leadership style of teacher, Creation of non- threatening learning environment, Managing behaviour problems, Guidance & Counselling,
Punishment and its legal implications, Rights of a child, Time Management.
⦁ Distinction between Assessment for Learning& Assessment of Learning.
⦁ The Concept of ICT, Tools
⦁ Computer Hardware, Internet, Text Documents, Spread Sheets, Presentations.
⦁ Open Education Resources, Handheld devices, Netiquettes(Etiquette in the use of Internet)
⦁ ICT– National and State Policies
⦁ ICT based learning process –Creation of learning Environment, Educational games.
⦁ Exploring for ICT resource (Hardware, Software) evaluate and adoption of ICT resources.
⦁ Pedagogy – Analysis: integrating with ICT and teaching
⦁ Cyber law and protection free software's
⦁ Integrating ICT in Assessment of port folios, rubrics and data management.
⦁ Preparation of multimedia lessons in subjects and planning
⦁ Activities to be conducted in multimedia lessons, the role of the teacher before, during and after multimedia lessons, social media and their role in learning.
⦁ Online learning courses for teacher’s professional development
⦁ Open education resources, ICT platforms and MOOC.
⦁ Assessment, Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation: Perspective & Practice.
⦁ Understanding teaching & learning in the context of NCF, 2005 & Right to Education Act, 2009.
⦁ NEP – 2020 – Introduction, ECCE, Teacher Education.
⦁ New Policies and Programmes implemented by A.P., Government.
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