Irregular Verbs

Before we know about Irregular Verbs, let's see what are Regular Verbs. Regular verbs అంటే English base verbకి -ed జతపరిస్తే the past simple and past participle వచ్చేవి.
eg. live - lived - lived; work, worked, worked.
ప్రతి verb కి ఇంగ్ల్లిష్‌లో base form, ఒక -ing form, ఒక past simple form and మరి ఒక past participle ఉంటాయి.
e.g. eat, ate, eaten
base formని ఈ కింది విధంగా వాడతాం The present simple tense.
eg. They live in Nellore. South Indians mostly eat rice as staple (ప్రధాన) food.
The infinitive.
eg. I want to learn Spanish
And we use the Past Participle for perfect tenses like the Present Perfect.
Eg. I have finished lunch. I have eaten a nice guava (జామ) fruit.
Also in the Passive Forms.
Eg. It was made in Japan. The table is

ఇంగ్లిష్‌లో ఇంచుమించు 200 irregular verbs ఉన్నాయి. వాటిని మనం 4 types గా విభజించవచ్చు.
1. Verbs which have the same base form, past simple and past participle
eg. let, let, let

2. Verbs which have the same past simple and past participle
eg. jump, jumped, jumped

3. Verbs which have the same base form and past participle
eg. run, ran, run / become, became, become

4. Verbs which have a different base form, past simple and past participle
eg. know, knew, known, / drink, drank, drunk
పైన ఇచ్చిన 4 రకాల verbsతో చాలా మందికి confusion వస్తుంది.
Eg. He built the house in 2009 బదులు He build the house in 2009 అంటారు. లేకపోతే He has became a millionaire in a short time అంటారు.
ఈ కష్టాన్ని అధిగమించాలంటే, పైన ఇచ్చిన verbsని 4 గ్రూపులుగా చదివి, నేర్చుకుంటే, సులభం అవుతుంది.

lie - lay - lain / lay - laid - laid

ఈ రెండు verbs గురించి వచ్చే సంచికలో వివరంగా చర్చిద్దాం.
Group 1
(eg. The apartment has cost us 87 lakhs)

Base form

Simple Past

Past Participle

cost cost cost
cut cut cut
hurt hurt hurt
let let let
put put put

Group 2
(eg. He was caught by the police at last.)

Base form

Simple Past

Past Participle

bind bound bound
breed bred bred
bring brought brought
buy bought bought
catch caught caught
cry cried cried
feel felt felt
find found found
leave left left
lend lent lent
lose lost lost
get got got
make made made
move moved moved
read (రీడ్) read (రెడ్) read (రెడ్)
say said said
sell sold sold
think thought thought
win won won

Group 3
(e.g. After following a good dieting, he became very thin.)

Base form

Simple Past

Past Participle

come came come
become became become
run ran run

Group 4
(eg. The storm wind has blown away the tin roof sheets of the house.)
Base form Simple Past Past Participle
be was been
bear bore born
begin began begun
bite bit bitten
blow blew blown
break broke broken
choose chose chosen
do did done
drink drank drunk
drive drove driven
fall fell fallen
freeze froze frozen
give gave given
go went gone
grow grew grown
know knew known
lean lent lent
see saw seen
show showed shown
speak spoke spoken
swim swam swum
take took taken
wake woke woken
write wrote written
