Elementary Education in Canada

Canada is housing some of the world’s best educational institutions. It has a strong and hugely funded public education system and largely these are managed provincially.
Naturally the system of education varies from one province to other. But the standard of education is very high throughout the country. Both the private and public education system is there in Canada. The Canadian Government subsidizes highly in education sector starting from kindergarten to post secondary level. The government almost spends 6% of its GDP which even the highest in OECD countries.

The system of education in Canada is divided into three levels –
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Post secondary
Even the private religious schools have all these three levels of education system. It is considered as the most literate state in the world. Education to children is available when they turn four to five. Kindergarten is optional depending upon the provinces.

Primary or Elementary Education
The elementary education starts from Grade I or Kindergarten level and runs through to Grade 8 (aged about 13 to 14). The school runs through from September to the following June.

Secondary Education
Secondary Education is also known as High School. This level runs from 9 (Grade (ages 14-15) to Grade 12 (ages 17 to 18). In Quebec the students attend high school until the age of 16. After completion at the high school, they can join the CEGEP, a publicly funded two year diploma course.
Post Secondary Education
Canada has a wide range of colleges and universities and even some internationally recognized universities, offering best post secondary education worldwide. These world class universities are located in both urban and rural regions throughout Canada. Degrees awarded by these universities are recognized worldwide. Therefore, study in Canada after 10th has plenty of options. The university years generally start from September to next April or May and the course of study is comprised of two semesters. There are many universities who offer the course in three semesters or terms in the summer months. Options are available for admission throughout the year.

In terms of quality of education Canada ranks 3rd amongst the world’s wealthiest countries. Its great strength is delivering excellent learning programme at the elementary level and secondary level of education in reading, science and mathematics. Primary students achieve some great heights because the teachers here are of high quality and passionate about their work ethics. Their interactive support, integrated innovative learning methods and technologies used for favourable learning environments for children make them strengthen their learning skills. These teachers have a bachelor’s degree and practical teachers’ training before they are appointed in the profession. They are also encouraged to go for further studies or higher studies to upgrade their professional skills.

All the provincial administrations or territorial administrations oversee the educational development and it’s functioning amongst the children to maintain high standards to ensure high quality and consistency in the educational system. These territorial administrations decide the beginning and end of each session, though the schools normally start in September and ends in June. The school hours start from 8.00 a.m.  to 3.00 p.m. , or 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. from Monday to Friday. In all Canadian Schools education is free.

Many public schools accept the international students in their programmes. These public schools are managed by the local administrations or elected boards who maintain a standard curriculum of study. Private schools charge fees and maintain the same curriculum of studies as in public schools in the same territory. Both English and French are the medium of instructions for international students. To enter these schools certain criteria are maintained like proficiency in language skills in English or in French for their medium of teaching and report cards or school results from their home countries. The legal status of private schools is different across Canada. These private schools are required to register themselves with the local administrations or ministries of education in that territory. These private schools are also having boarding schools providing accommodation to their students such as Montessori or Waldorf Schools for students with learning disabilities.

The deadlines for applying to certain schools are entirely different. This is also in the case of private schools. The local school boards often decide the enrolment of students in public elementary schools.
