These Govt. Schools to Transition to English Medium!

In a significant move, the Lakshadweep administration has announced a major shift in its education system.

All schools under the Department of Education will be transitioned from the current Malayalam medium to the CBSE English medium curriculum. This change will be implemented starting from the 2024-25 academic year, with grade 1 admissions exclusively offered in the English medium.

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The Director of Education issued an official order on December 12th, 2023, citing the aim of "elevating the standards of education and aligning with the dynamic educational landscape" as the primary motivation for this decision. The order further clarifies that the transition will involve converting all SCERT Kerala Malayalam medium classes to the CBSE English medium.

This announcement has sparked various reactions, with some lauding the decision as a step towards enhancing educational opportunities and others expressing concerns about the potential impact on local language and cultural identity.

While the full scope of this change and its long-term implications are still being debated, it marks a significant shift in the educational landscape of Lakshadweep.

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