parents concerned > < concerned parents
Sakshi Education
Many people use 'concerned' wrongly. It is used in two different contexts depending on where you put the word 'concerned'. దీన్ని రెండు రకాలుగా వాడవచ్చు, (సందర్భానుసారంగా)
If you put concerned before the noun, it acts as an adjective and means worried.
If you put concerned before the noun, it acts as an adjective and means worried.
- The concerned parents (worried parents) called the office, as their daughter did not come home even by 9.00 pm.
- The concerned clerk (worried clerk) very quickly disposed off the file as the higher officials received a complaint.
- After returning from the excursion, the school staff handed over the children to the parents concerned. (ఎవరి పిల్లల్ని వాళ్లకు) Please give this form to the clerk concerned.
Published date : 18 Jun 2019 02:21PM