Dr. YSR Architecture and Fine Arts University, Kadapa invites application for admission into B.Arch course for the academic year 2024- 25.
Citizenship: You must be an Indian citizen.
Educational Background:
Passed 10+2 or equivalent exam with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects
Additionally, you must have passed with at least 45% marks in one of the following subjects: Chemistry, Biology, Technical Vocational subject, Computer Science, Information Technology, Informatics Practices, Engineering Graphics, or Business Studies.
OR Passed a 10+3 Diploma Examination with Mathematics as a compulsory subject and at least 45% marks in aggregate.
Entrance Exam: You must qualify the National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) conducted by the Council of Architecture.
Registration Fees:
Open Category (OC): Rs.1,500/-
Backward Classes (BC): Rs.1,300/-
Scheduled Caste (SC)/ Scheduled Tribe (ST): Rs.1,000/-
How to Apply?
Candidates can apply online only at: https://apsche.ap.gov.in/arch
Last Date:August 19th, 2024
Required Documents for B.Arch Admission
Mandatory Documents for All Candidates:
NATA Hall Ticket/Application Number and NATA Valid Score Card (2024): Proof of appearing and qualifying the NATA exam
Provisional (Intermediate/Diploma) Certificate: Temporary certificate indicating completion of intermediate or equivalent qualification
Memorandum of Marks of Intermediate or Equivalent/Diploma: Detailed marks obtained in the qualifying examination
SSC Pass Memo or Equivalent: Proof of date of birth
Transfer Certificate (TC): Mandatory document for all candidates
Aadhaar Card: Unique identification proof
Category-Specific Documents:
Caste Certificate: If applicable, issued by competent authority.
Income Certificate: If applicable, issued on or after 01.06.2024 by the Competent Authority.
Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) Certificate: If claiming EWS reservation, issued by the Competent Authority
Minority Certificate: For Muslim and Christian minority candidates, either in the TC or issued by the Head of the Institution.
Migration Certificate: If required.
Study Certificate: If applicable, from classes VI to XII/Intermediate/Diploma to establish local area.
Residence Certificate: If applicable, for candidates with no institutionalized education.
Equivalency Certificate: If studied Intermediate or equivalent in other states or countries.
Special Category Documents:
PH Certificate: For physically handicapped candidates, issued by the District Medical Board.
CAP Certificate: For Children of Armed Forces Personnel, issued by the respective Regional Sainik Welfare Officer or Unit Commanding Officer.
NCC Certificates: Issued by competent authorities.
Sports (SG) Achievements/Testimonials: With required forms duly certified by the concerned State Sports Associations