Dr. YSRUHS UG Student Research Scholarships 2023
Dr.YSR University of Health Sciences Vijayawada inviting applications for the Under Graduate Student Research Scholarships (UGSRS - 2023)

No of Scholarships: 500 (MBBS - 300, BDS - 100, AYUSH – 40, Nursing - 25, Physiotherapy – 25, B.Sc MLT& Other Paramedical - 10)
Scholarships Amount: Rs.5,000/- per month for two month’s duration (Total Rs.10,000/- only) and is meant to be a stipend for the student
- The student must carry out research in his/ her own Institute (MBBS/ BDS/AYUSH/ NURSING/ PHYSIOTHERAPY/ B.Sc MLT/ Other Paramedical courses under the guide who is employed in the same institute as a permanent faculty.
- Only permanent faculty members working in any of the department of the institute, where the student is enrolled can act as the guide. Part-time consultants/visiting faculty/ residents/ tutors/ PG students cannot be the guide.
- Only one student will be allowed to work under one guide. Similarly, one guide can take up only one student under UGSRS in any given year. Two or more students are not permitted to work on the same topic together. The student may have one Guide and other Co-Guides. However, Dr. YSRUHS will recognize only ONE main Guide for all purposes.
- Clinical trial protocols will not be considered under UGSRS and should not be submitted.
How to Apply?
The completed application form along with all necessary documents should be submitted to Dr.YSR University of Health Sciences Vijayawada.
Last Date: July 31, 2023
For more details, please visit: https://drysr.uhsap.in/index.html
For any queries, please contact through email: ysruhsugsrs@gmail.com
Last Date