Python Basics for Data Science Online Course
The Python Basics for Data Science is a free online course offered by IBM conducted by the Edx. This Python course provides a beginner-friendly introduction to Python for Data Science. Practice through lab exercises, and you'll be ready to create your first Python scripts on your own!

About this course
- Kickstart your learning of Python for data science, as well as programming in general with this introduction to Python course.
- This beginner-friendly Python course will quickly take you from zero to programming in Python in a matter of hours and give you a taste of how to start working with data in Python.
- Upon its completion, you'll be able to write your own Python scripts and perform basic hands-on data analysis using our Jupyter-based lab environment.
- If you want to learn Python from scratch, this course is for you.
- You can start creating your own data science projects and collaborating with other data scientists using IBM Watson Studio.
- When you sign up, you will receive free access to Watson Studio.
- Start now and take advantage of this platform and learn the basics of programming, machine learning, and data visualization with this introductory course.
What you'll learn
- What Python is and why it is useful
- The application of Python to Data Science
- How to define variables in Python
- Sets and conditional statements in Python
- The purpose of having functions in Python
- How to operate on files to read and write data in Python
- How to use pandas, a must have package for anyone attempting data analysis in Python.
Duration: 03 weeks
Timings: 4 – 10 hours per week
Self Paced
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