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-An Article By Shachi Maheshwari
Every time I hear of a bar, I seriously make an effort to analyze; and every time I am successful in finding at least one example to prove the bars wrong. It’s not that I have not realized that sometimes we all fall in the trap of bars.

What are the bars I am indicating?
Are they really restricting our performances?
Do they really affect our mind set?
Are we getting prone to bias because of these bars?

The biggest bar that we confront in today’s world is the age. Everyone seems to have this one bar which stands in making a decision regarding every single bit of their routines.

Physical Fitness- Is it a good idea to do this physically or get it done?

Food- What should I eat as I am ageing? More proteins or nutrition in any other way or may be supplements, etc.

Work- Will I am able to do this myself as I am ageing now my energy levels are low?

Ageing calls for a new mindset and seeing everything around us with new eyes. Those who were energetic the whole day and now getting tired some day, they start feeling they should probably slow down. Those who were able to spend more time in gyms, get a caution advice for the knee caps etc. Age thought disturbs everything whether its being smart, it’s the flexibility to work with others, mind set, thought process, independence, every single thing is affected by this single word “Age Bar”.

As and when people grow they factor the age as if it’s not just the number. What I am trying to stress upon is that it is these glorious moments of this life, which we tend to give prey to this bar. The momentum of life is put to stake because of this bar. A self sabotaging habit of just holding age responsible for everything that we do for the way we do or start making the changes in the way we do certain things is really disturbing sometimes. I equally agree it’s the wheel in motion but it is most of the times imposed by our thought process. The moment a person starts thinking that it’s this way because of my age; the body also starts performing in the same way.

At every moment a person tends to think- “I cannot pursue something because of my age”.

“I cannot wear something because of my age.”

“I cannot eat something because of my age.” The same thought starts affecting each and every cell of the body in a manner like slow poison and every cell start believing in that bar called age. It would be unimaginable repercussion on not only the body but the mind and the spirit to live in the present because of this thought process. What transpires between our mind and body because of this thought process is more damaging than anything else. The endless harmony is put to stake for the body. The thought domination takes over the other important energies to handle simple things just in a simple way. There is a lot of discontent among every person as he grows because he feels that his vision, action and spirit will all be narrowing now and that’s what is just not good. A phenomenon which would take years just starts happening faster because of the thought that everyone is aging up.

Pursue your Dreams
A wonderful example I always remember is that when I was doing CA I was about 23 and there was a person sitting next to me who looked in 65 and I was wondering what his motivation to write this exam is. I wanted to speak to him and I asked him why you want to give exams and clear CA. Even if you clear you may not get enough time to earn and establish this career in a full-fledged way. What makes you feel like giving exams? What he replied I will never forget in my life time. He said, “I always had a dream to do CA as I always had more skills and knowledge than a normal graduate or post graduate while I understand numbers more than others of my league but I was not able to leave my job due to my family responsibility and take risk of leaving job for giving exams as I was not sure of clearing the same.

Now I have completed my responsibilities and I want to complete my dream the only thing I think is I should have gathered courage to do that then but nevertheless now I want to complete it though what is in future I need not worry about it.

A person is never too old to pursue his dreams and never too young to start dreaming. The only thing is we should stop giving excuse and do what we dream to do.

Some beliefs flow to us from our parents, friends, relatives and others and that’s why age is also one of the excuses many people make. What you wear like some people don’t wear certain colors or types of dresses, what you do and what you learn has no bearing and dependence on age and hence do things freely and believe in yourself. If someone says it’s not good or not your age just smile and say, I like it this way and you should also try its great feeling to be yourself irrespective of age.

“See yourself as a person to pursue everything at any point of time and never forget to remain a student……

That is the feeling which keeps you going and feels younger day by day!”

Author: Shachi Maheshwari
You may reach the author at
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Published date : 18 Oct 2017 12:55PM

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