Campus Placements and the Skills Required
Sakshi Education

India has built a huge capacity of producing 1.5 million engineers each year, which in a welcome factor for a developing country like us. But our policy makers have not taken into cognizance the challenges confronted by creating such a huge capacity such as adequate infrastructure, qualified faculty and parallel development of industry to engage these graduating engineers.
After economic liberalization, India emerged as the Mecca for IT & IT services industry creating 2.2 million direct jobs in the last two decades clocking US 100billons.ThisconstitutesofUS 90 billion exports and domestic consumption of US $ 10 billion. To create more job avenues a phenomenal spending in domestic IT industry is needed with parallel development of manufacturing sector.
As per the reports of NASSCOM, McKinsey only 25% of our engineers are employable. To improve this employability rate, the student aiming at campus placements should start preparation right from first year.
A typical placement process has following stages
I. Eligibility Criteria
II. Aptitude Test
III. Group Discussion
IV. Technical Interview / HR Interview
1st Stage: to clear the 1st hurdle the student should process following requisites
A1: Consistent Academic Record - 70% For MNCs, 68% for Tier 1 Indian CORPORATES.
A2: Should clear all the papers in first attempt right from the first year.
2nd Stage: Aptitude test is of one hour duration with consisting of quantitative, verbal and logic & reasoning sections.
Quantitative Ability- includes problems on following topics:
Time & Work, Time & Distance, Ratio, Proportion & Variation, Percentages,
Profit & Loss, Numbers, Linear Equations, Special Equations, Plane Geometry
Data Interpretation, Data Sufficiency, Averages, Mixtures & Allegations
Permutations & Combinations & Simple Interest & Compound Interest
Verbal Ability – includes
Vocabulary, Synonyms, Antonyms, Analogies, Sentence Completion
Sentence Correction, Grammar, Reading Comprehension & Critical Reasoning
Logical Ability - includes
Games & Puzzles, Number Series, Letter Series, Analogies, Coding and Decoding, Directions, Symbols & Nations, Odd man, Syllogisms, Connectives, Binary Logic, Calendars, Clocks, Cubes, Blood Relations, Venn Diagrams & Non Verbal Reasoning.
Refer the following websites and books for preparing aptitude test.
3. (contains aptitude papers and interview pattern of all the companies) 4. (contains all the old question papers)
5. (contains all the old question papers)
1. R.S. Aggarwal (Quant, Verbal & Non-Verbal) for Aptitude.
2. Puzzles by Shakuntala Devi for Interview.
3. World Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis for vocabulary.
4 Let Us C by Yashwant Kanetkar. Object Oriented Programming in C/C++ by Robert Lafore.
6. T.I.M.E. Material for Logical Reasoning.
3rd Stage: Group discussion: At this stage the student is evaluated on the following skills:
After economic liberalization, India emerged as the Mecca for IT & IT services industry creating 2.2 million direct jobs in the last two decades clocking US 100billons.ThisconstitutesofUS 90 billion exports and domestic consumption of US $ 10 billion. To create more job avenues a phenomenal spending in domestic IT industry is needed with parallel development of manufacturing sector.
As per the reports of NASSCOM, McKinsey only 25% of our engineers are employable. To improve this employability rate, the student aiming at campus placements should start preparation right from first year.
A typical placement process has following stages
I. Eligibility Criteria
II. Aptitude Test
III. Group Discussion
IV. Technical Interview / HR Interview
1st Stage: to clear the 1st hurdle the student should process following requisites
A1: Consistent Academic Record - 70% For MNCs, 68% for Tier 1 Indian CORPORATES.
A2: Should clear all the papers in first attempt right from the first year.
2nd Stage: Aptitude test is of one hour duration with consisting of quantitative, verbal and logic & reasoning sections.
Quantitative Ability- includes problems on following topics:
Time & Work, Time & Distance, Ratio, Proportion & Variation, Percentages,
Profit & Loss, Numbers, Linear Equations, Special Equations, Plane Geometry
Data Interpretation, Data Sufficiency, Averages, Mixtures & Allegations
Permutations & Combinations & Simple Interest & Compound Interest
Verbal Ability – includes
Vocabulary, Synonyms, Antonyms, Analogies, Sentence Completion
Sentence Correction, Grammar, Reading Comprehension & Critical Reasoning
Logical Ability - includes
Games & Puzzles, Number Series, Letter Series, Analogies, Coding and Decoding, Directions, Symbols & Nations, Odd man, Syllogisms, Connectives, Binary Logic, Calendars, Clocks, Cubes, Blood Relations, Venn Diagrams & Non Verbal Reasoning.
Refer the following websites and books for preparing aptitude test.
3. (contains aptitude papers and interview pattern of all the companies) 4. (contains all the old question papers)
5. (contains all the old question papers)
1. R.S. Aggarwal (Quant, Verbal & Non-Verbal) for Aptitude.
2. Puzzles by Shakuntala Devi for Interview.
3. World Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis for vocabulary.
4 Let Us C by Yashwant Kanetkar. Object Oriented Programming in C/C++ by Robert Lafore.
6. T.I.M.E. Material for Logical Reasoning.
3rd Stage: Group discussion: At this stage the student is evaluated on the following skills:
- Verbal Communication.
- Non-verbal Communication.
- Team Playing.
- Discussion & Presentation Skills.
- Adaptability to cross cultural, transcontinental environs.
- Learnability,
- Leadership.
- Initiation.
- Content.
In GD, the interviewer look for overall knowledge and approach of the applicants, hence student has to update himself on contemporary political, technical and social developments by following news papers and reputed magazines on regular basis.
Team building skills can be improved by organizing and participating is group events in the college.
Improve Your Communication skills
Communication Skills: Reading, listing, speaking & writing are the four pillars of the communication. English is today’s global business language and it is adapted by the corporates across the geographies, hence it is the key differentiator for the success in campus placement recruitment process.
Reading skills can be improved by reading MAGAZINES like Business India, India today and Outlook and NEWSPAPERS like The Hindu and The Economic Times.
Listening skills can be improved by listening to CHANNELS like CNBC-TVI8, NDTV-PROFIT and CNN-IBN.
Speaking skills can be improved by presentation & discussions in various inter- college events.
Writing skills by writing articles on social issues in magazines and newspapers and technical papers
4th Stage: Interview Skills: - The following traits of the student are evaluated by the interviewer.
1. Leadership Skills: Leadership is about positively influencing people and events. It develops and uses effective strategies and interpersonal styles to influence and guide others towards the accomplishment of identified objectives and goals. Ability to modify one’s own behavior according to the task and individuals involved. A leader shall become a role model to others, demonstrating the commitment and vision of challenging goals and objectives .He/she guides the team when it goes astray and supports the team members in times of crisis.
2. Communication Skills – The ideal communication is about presenting information clearly, openly, effectively and concisely, both orally and verbally. It actively seeks to understand the information communicated by others, responds to spontaneous and often challenging questions by providing clear, concise and accurate information; and cultivates effective two-way communication.
3. Problem Solving Ability – It is the ability to asses options and implications in order to identify a solution to the given problem. It helps to get a logical approach to address problems or identify opportunities or manage the situation at hand. It helps to undertake a complex task, breaking it down into manageable parts in a systematic, detailed fashion. It anticipates the consequences of situations, rapidly identifies key issues in a complex situation and gathers the information needed to solve a problem effectively. This ability also involves taking the decisions even when limited information, by using a variety of analytical techniques to solve problems.
4. Work Discipline – A person with ethical principles and values prevails in the organization. They are aware of the importance of fairness, equity, respect, and dignity in the treatment of their team members land ensure that their human resource management practices are guided by those principles. Such people maintain sound ethical standards, maintain confidentiality and/or security, detect potential dilemmas and seeks advice to resolve them.
5. Time Management - Establishes a systematic course of action for self or others to assure accomplishment of a specific objective. It determines priorities and allocates time effectively. It develops or users systems to organize and keep track of information, manages time effectively to accomplish the things within expected time frames. Time management keeps clear, detailed records of own or others activities related to the accomplishment of stated accomplishments, plans with an appropriate and realistic sense of the time. It makes sure that we respect the others’ times and adheres to the allotted time.
6. Team Player - Working cooperatively and productively with others to achieve results is the spirit of an accepting team player. One must able to seek and value the input of others, and shall recognize that a diversity of expertise, competencies and backgrounds are important for enhancement of the quality of the team work. Work collaboratively rather than competitively with the team members. Share experiences, knowledge and best practices with them. Sense the abilities of various team members, understand the common purpose of the team. Team winning is paramount, so in times of need one must subjugates individual goal to the team goal.
7. Interpersonal Skills – are the abilities to interact effectively with the team, supervisors and clients even in complex situations. It’s our ability to understand the importance of relationships, be empathetic when interacting with Individuals. One can resolve issues and understand and value the unique contributions of the others, if one processes proper interpersonal skills. He/she shall recognize and diffuses potentially confrontational situations and be tolerant to differing needs and viewpoints. They shall anticipate the negative reactions of others and adapt behavior accordingly; foster an environment in which diverse personalities and backgrounds are valued.
Initiative - Taking risks, adapting quickly to change, leading the change process is called initiative. Those who have initiative would evaluate, select and act on various methods and strategies for solving problems and meeting objectives before being asked or required to do so. They would act self-motivated rather than passively complying with instructions or assignments. They demonstrate the ability to generate innovative and valuable ideas and to use the ideas to develop new or improved processes, methods, systems, products or services.
They refine their methods until a “better way” has been determined. They identify new ideas, solutions, or directions in dealing with daily problems. They always hold to a particular approach even in testing times and shows and group about the new way of working, do not give up or abandon their positions or ideas even when others appear to hold opposite opinions on an issue, but compromise when it becomes appropriate and communicate a vision to pull others through a changing environment effectively.
Image carrier - is an ability to represent the organization positively with representing the values of one’s organization by embodying them in the way they present themselves. This gives an indication to others on the organizations values and culture, which leaves a positive and lasting Impression. Knowledge of the area that he/she is taking about, engaging others in an inspiring way, mode of effective presentation even in unpleasant situations and conviction in one’s talk are the few qualities of this trait.
Presently, students and their parents are numerable problems in choosing the right branch due to inadequate information about the branch, colleges, job prospects and future market trends. As of now, job avenues exist only in service sector. Opportunities in manufacturing sector is not still encouraging and promising.
Hence, students of any branch of engineering should align to existing opportunities by default. I predict that the following sectors will have better placement opportunities in the coming decade.
Prospective Sectors of Employment:
?. Energy [Total 1,73,626 MW – Thermal – 1,12,824 MW, Hydro 37,567 MW, Renewable – 18,400 MW, Nuclear – 4,780 MW]
II. Solar – 900 MW (600 MW Only Gujarat)
III. Environment
IV. Entertainment – Media, Animation, Gaming & Hospitality (Arundati, Magadheera)
V. Education: According to present Higher Education policy, enrollment in higher education should be increased to 30% from present 12% by 2030, for which the number of universities shall increase to 800 from present 350 and the number of colleges to 35,000 from present 22,000.
VI. Health
VII. Entrepreneurship
Quote: Strong concepts lead to Confidence which lead to better communication skills and enhanced competitive edge.
“Think local, be focal, act social, communicate vocal then you are global.”
“Education give you a job –self education give you fortune”.
Students please keep away from four C’s for a successful career – Cinema, Cell Phone, Chatting and Cars.
Team building skills can be improved by organizing and participating is group events in the college.
Improve Your Communication skills
Communication Skills: Reading, listing, speaking & writing are the four pillars of the communication. English is today’s global business language and it is adapted by the corporates across the geographies, hence it is the key differentiator for the success in campus placement recruitment process.
Reading skills can be improved by reading MAGAZINES like Business India, India today and Outlook and NEWSPAPERS like The Hindu and The Economic Times.
Listening skills can be improved by listening to CHANNELS like CNBC-TVI8, NDTV-PROFIT and CNN-IBN.
Speaking skills can be improved by presentation & discussions in various inter- college events.
Writing skills by writing articles on social issues in magazines and newspapers and technical papers
4th Stage: Interview Skills: - The following traits of the student are evaluated by the interviewer.
1. Leadership Skills: Leadership is about positively influencing people and events. It develops and uses effective strategies and interpersonal styles to influence and guide others towards the accomplishment of identified objectives and goals. Ability to modify one’s own behavior according to the task and individuals involved. A leader shall become a role model to others, demonstrating the commitment and vision of challenging goals and objectives .He/she guides the team when it goes astray and supports the team members in times of crisis.
2. Communication Skills – The ideal communication is about presenting information clearly, openly, effectively and concisely, both orally and verbally. It actively seeks to understand the information communicated by others, responds to spontaneous and often challenging questions by providing clear, concise and accurate information; and cultivates effective two-way communication.
3. Problem Solving Ability – It is the ability to asses options and implications in order to identify a solution to the given problem. It helps to get a logical approach to address problems or identify opportunities or manage the situation at hand. It helps to undertake a complex task, breaking it down into manageable parts in a systematic, detailed fashion. It anticipates the consequences of situations, rapidly identifies key issues in a complex situation and gathers the information needed to solve a problem effectively. This ability also involves taking the decisions even when limited information, by using a variety of analytical techniques to solve problems.
4. Work Discipline – A person with ethical principles and values prevails in the organization. They are aware of the importance of fairness, equity, respect, and dignity in the treatment of their team members land ensure that their human resource management practices are guided by those principles. Such people maintain sound ethical standards, maintain confidentiality and/or security, detect potential dilemmas and seeks advice to resolve them.
5. Time Management - Establishes a systematic course of action for self or others to assure accomplishment of a specific objective. It determines priorities and allocates time effectively. It develops or users systems to organize and keep track of information, manages time effectively to accomplish the things within expected time frames. Time management keeps clear, detailed records of own or others activities related to the accomplishment of stated accomplishments, plans with an appropriate and realistic sense of the time. It makes sure that we respect the others’ times and adheres to the allotted time.
6. Team Player - Working cooperatively and productively with others to achieve results is the spirit of an accepting team player. One must able to seek and value the input of others, and shall recognize that a diversity of expertise, competencies and backgrounds are important for enhancement of the quality of the team work. Work collaboratively rather than competitively with the team members. Share experiences, knowledge and best practices with them. Sense the abilities of various team members, understand the common purpose of the team. Team winning is paramount, so in times of need one must subjugates individual goal to the team goal.
7. Interpersonal Skills – are the abilities to interact effectively with the team, supervisors and clients even in complex situations. It’s our ability to understand the importance of relationships, be empathetic when interacting with Individuals. One can resolve issues and understand and value the unique contributions of the others, if one processes proper interpersonal skills. He/she shall recognize and diffuses potentially confrontational situations and be tolerant to differing needs and viewpoints. They shall anticipate the negative reactions of others and adapt behavior accordingly; foster an environment in which diverse personalities and backgrounds are valued.
Initiative - Taking risks, adapting quickly to change, leading the change process is called initiative. Those who have initiative would evaluate, select and act on various methods and strategies for solving problems and meeting objectives before being asked or required to do so. They would act self-motivated rather than passively complying with instructions or assignments. They demonstrate the ability to generate innovative and valuable ideas and to use the ideas to develop new or improved processes, methods, systems, products or services.
They refine their methods until a “better way” has been determined. They identify new ideas, solutions, or directions in dealing with daily problems. They always hold to a particular approach even in testing times and shows and group about the new way of working, do not give up or abandon their positions or ideas even when others appear to hold opposite opinions on an issue, but compromise when it becomes appropriate and communicate a vision to pull others through a changing environment effectively.
Image carrier - is an ability to represent the organization positively with representing the values of one’s organization by embodying them in the way they present themselves. This gives an indication to others on the organizations values and culture, which leaves a positive and lasting Impression. Knowledge of the area that he/she is taking about, engaging others in an inspiring way, mode of effective presentation even in unpleasant situations and conviction in one’s talk are the few qualities of this trait.
Presently, students and their parents are numerable problems in choosing the right branch due to inadequate information about the branch, colleges, job prospects and future market trends. As of now, job avenues exist only in service sector. Opportunities in manufacturing sector is not still encouraging and promising.
Hence, students of any branch of engineering should align to existing opportunities by default. I predict that the following sectors will have better placement opportunities in the coming decade.
Prospective Sectors of Employment:
?. Energy [Total 1,73,626 MW – Thermal – 1,12,824 MW, Hydro 37,567 MW, Renewable – 18,400 MW, Nuclear – 4,780 MW]
II. Solar – 900 MW (600 MW Only Gujarat)
III. Environment
IV. Entertainment – Media, Animation, Gaming & Hospitality (Arundati, Magadheera)
V. Education: According to present Higher Education policy, enrollment in higher education should be increased to 30% from present 12% by 2030, for which the number of universities shall increase to 800 from present 350 and the number of colleges to 35,000 from present 22,000.
VI. Health
VII. Entrepreneurship
Quote: Strong concepts lead to Confidence which lead to better communication skills and enhanced competitive edge.
“Think local, be focal, act social, communicate vocal then you are global.”
“Education give you a job –self education give you fortune”.
Students please keep away from four C’s for a successful career – Cinema, Cell Phone, Chatting and Cars.
Published date : 25 May 2013 08:30PM