Mathematical Induction |
First year
Stoichiometry |
Atomic and Molecularweights, Mole Concept and Equivalent Weights |
Stoichiometric Calculations |
Introduction, Fundamental Particles |
Spectra, Hydrogen Spectrum, Bohr’s Model |
De-Broglie Wave Theory |
Quantum Mechanical Model of Atom |
P-Block Elements |
Organic Chemistry |
Hydrocarbons |
Environmental Pollution and Environmental Segments |
Environmental Chemistry |
Polymers |
Chemistry in Everday Life |
Periodic Classification of Elements |
Periodicity |
Electron Affinity |
Valency, Oxidation State and Diagonal Relationship |
Bond Characteristics |
Vsepr Theory |
Coordinate Covalent Bond |
Hydrogen Bond |
Chemical Bonding |
Ionic Bond, Latice Energy, Characteristic of Ionic Compounds |
Inter Molecular Interactions, Properties Of Gases, Gas Laws .Ideal Gas Equation |
Graham’s Law of Diffusion |
Kinetic Molecular Model of Gas |
Real Gases |
The Liquid State |
Thermodynamics |
Hess’s Law |
Chemical Equilibrium |
Lechtlier`S Principle &Problems on Kc & Kp |
Acids and Bases |
Red-Ox reactions |
Hydrogen and its Compounds |
Alkali Metals |
Alkaline Earth Metals |
Second year
Solid State Introduction |
Solutions-Introduction, Methods of Expressing Concentration |
Vapour Pressure and Colligative Properties |
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers |
Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids |
Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen |
Biomolecules |
Chemical Kinetics |
Order, Molecularity, Determination of Order of Reaction |
Surface Chemistry |
Genaral Principles of Metallurgy |
VI A Group Elements |
VII A Group Elements |
D & F Block Elements |
Coordinate Compounds |
Halo Alkanes and Haloarenes |