Climate Change Performance Index- India’s Rank

In the index, India maintained its 10th rank. India continued to be among top-performing countries within G20.
As per report, while United States has been ranked at 55th position among 66 countries with very low rating, despite USA is improving since it re-entered global climate negotiation process after President Joe Biden came to power. China has moved down four places as compared to 2020 ranking. It is ranked at 37th. European Union is ranked at 22nd position, six places down as compared to 2020 ranking. It has been given ‘medium’ rating.UK is occupying 7th slot.
Denmark emerged as the topper in the list with 76.92 per cent score. Denmark is followed by Sweden and Norway.
CCPI is an independent monitoring tool, playing a leading role in providing information on implementation phase of Paris Agreement. It has provided analysis of climate protection performance of countries since 2005. The index evaluates 60 countries and European Union, which generate about 90 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. It analyses countries in four categories comprising of 14 indicators:
- Greenhouse gas emissions (40 per cent of total score),
- Renewable energy (20 per cent),
- Energy use (20 per cent) and
- Climate policy (20 per cent).