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US allows H-1B visa holders to return to same jobs

US President Donald Trump's administration has relaxed the ban on H-1B visa, allowing H-1B visas holders to enter the United States to return to the same jobs they had prior to the proclamation of the visa ban.
Current Affairs The US Department of State advisory announced that the dependents of the H-1B visas holders including spouses and children will also be allowed to travel along with primary visa holders.

The Trump administration has also allowed travel by technical specialists, senior-level managers, and other workers holding H-1B visas, as their travel is necessary to facilitate the immediate and continued economic recovery of the United States.

The administration has also permitted travel of visa holders who are working as public health or healthcare professional, or as researchers to alleviate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic or conduct medical research in an area that would have substantial public health benefits.
Published date : 14 Aug 2020 05:00PM

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