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Odisha space agency moots use of artificial intelligence to detect cannabis cultivation

OSAC - (Odisha Space Application Centre) has proposed to help law enforcement agencies detect illicit cannabis cultivation using remote sensing & artificial intelligence technologies.
Current AffairsThe proposal - high-resolution satellite imagery may be used for detecting cultivation of hemp (a variety of cannabis).

Apart from developing mobile-based applications (mobile app) for field-level officials, OSAC has also proposed to make a mechanism for citizen reporting through a mobile app

The state of Odisha is one of the leading cannabis-producing states in the country of India.

Cannabis is grown in forest regions of Boudh, Rayagada, Gajapati, Malkangiri, Sambalpur, Deogarh, Kandhamal, Nayagarh and Angul and districts.

Although law enforcement agencies have intensified their raids, it is difficult to trace the cultivation on a real-time basis.
Published date : 05 Nov 2020 04:17PM

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