The discipline of Actuarial science applies mathematical and statistical methods to weigh risk in insurance, finance and other industries and occupations. Actuarial science comprises interrelated subjects, including mathematics, statistics, finance, economics and computer science.
1. PG Diploma in Actuarial sciences (PGDAS) International Post Graduate Diploma in Life Insurance (IPGDLI)
2. International Post Graduate Diploma in General Insurance (IPGDGI
3. International Post Graduate Diploma in Risk Management (IPGDRM)
Actuarial exams by IAI Stage
1: Core Technical (CT) Stage
2: Core Application (CA) Stage
3: Specialist Technical (ST) Stage
4: Specialist Application (SA)
Actuarial Common Entrance Test (ACET exam) -10+2 or equivalent exam with English. After ACET, apply at to become a student member of IAI.
IPGDLI, IPGDGI, IPGDRM- Graduate Degree in any discipline (including Engg and Management) from a recognised university / Institute candidates with professional qualifications like CA, ICWAI, CS are also eligible.
PGDAS- B.Com. (With Statistics) or B.Sc.(With Maths/Statistics) or B.Com. /B.Sc. in Actuarial Science or BCA or B.Sc. (Computer Science)
1. VNS Gujrat University, Surat
2. IIRM Hyderabad
3. Institute of Actuaries of India, Mumbai
**Disclaimer: The list of courses and that of Institutes/Universities is in no way exhaustive. These lists are only illustrative and are expected to generate enough curiosity in the child to want to inquire/explore further on the scope, possibilities, avenues, etc. for each of these courses and/or for looking for other options/areas that go beyond these courses. It may also be noted that most of these courses are also offered by several private institutions/universities. The reader is expected to further research on this. Efforts will be made to update the content to the extent possible.