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English Language Model and Preparatory Questions for Bank Exams

English Language Model and Preparatory Questions for Bank Exams

Model Questions

Directions (Q.No. 1-5): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical mistake/ error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Mark the number of that part with error as your answer. If there is 'No error', mark (5) as your answer.
1.    India expresses concern (1)/ regarding the ongoing violence (2)/ in Myanmar's Rakhine province that has triggered (3)/ an exodus of the Rohingya into Bangladesh. (4)/ No error (5) 
2.    Despite growing pressure (1)/ from family and visible signs of threats, (2)/ the rationalist say he knows (3)/ no other way but to fight till the end. (4)/ No error (5)
3.    According to Deloitte India is poised to emerge (1)/ an economic superpower, (2)/ driven in part by its young population, (3)/ while China and the Asian Tigers age rapidly. (4)/ No error (5)
4.    The Centre told the Supreme Court (1)/ that the Rohingya Muslims are illegal immigrants in the country (2)/ and there continuous stay posed (3)/ serious national security ramifications. (4)/ No error (5)
5.    To improve its efficiency (1)/ all income tax officers (2)/ will be provided (3)/ with laptops by next year. (4) / No error (5)

Directions (Q.No.6-10): Rearra­nge the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in a proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.
    A) Winds dropped to a quite potent 185 kph by the time Irma made landfall on Marco Island, on the Florida Peninsula, still a major and dangerous hurricane yet not near its 297 kph former self when it set a record on Tuesday for the most powerful storm in the open Atlantic. 
    B) Irma hit the Sunshine State as a big wide beast, though not quite the monster it once was shap­ing up to be. 
    C) And on top of that, Irma avo­i­d­ed what could have been its mo­­­st destructive paths along the Fl­o­­rida Peninsula over Miami an­d the heavily developed Atla­ntic seaboard. 
    D) Irma's assault so soon after Harvey's deluge of Houston marked the first time the U.S. was hit by two Category 4 storms in the same year. 
    E) Before crashing into Florida, Hurricane Irma set all sorts of records for brute strength as it flattened Caribbean islands and swamped the Florida Keys. 
    F) Earlier, it was the most powerful recorded storm in the open Atlantic. 
6.    What is the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) C    4) D    5) E
7.    What is the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) C    4) D    5) F
8.    What is the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) D    4) E    5) F
9.    What is the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) C    4) D    5) F
10.    What is the LAST sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) C    4) D    5) F

Directions (Q. No.11-15): Each question below has a blank/two bla­n­ks, each blank indicating that so­m­­ething has been omitted. Choo­se the word/set of words from the fiv­e opti­ons for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
11.    Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday ____ for innovation and ____ skills among the youth and asked them to work for a modern India.
    1) batted, promoting
    2) tapped, proposing
    3) bet, developing
    4) proposed, primary
    5) enlightened, technical
12.    The Centre has ____ funds for the purchase of bullet-proof vehicles for Jammu and Kashmir Police ____.
    1) allotted, person
    2) located, people
    3) allocated, personnel
    4) altered, populace
    5) owed, body
13.    ____ promises by politicians year after year, VIP culture continues to ____ in India 
    1) Despite, thrive
    2) Inspite, strive
    3) Further, diminish
    4) Although, perish
    5) However, flourish
14.    Mass education system ____ lot of ____ on teaching and very little on learning.
    1) claims, regards
    2) teaches, elements
    3) absorbs, works    4) lays, stress
    5) finds, shortcomings
15.    Hardly ____ he reached the jetty ____ the boat sank. 
    1) did, than    2) as, when
    3) had, when    4) when, than
    5) does, than

Directions (Q.No. 16-20) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Despite the latest move by the Army to induct 800 women into its ranks, cold facts show that the Indian military is the last bastion of male dominance in the government. Many women in uniform are hoping that the country's first full-time women Defence Minister will take bold decisions against what they allege are systemic discrimination against women. Though Indian military has only a minuscule number of women in service, a noticeably large number of them are fighting court cases or complaints against discrimination in various forums. Over the past three years, with the government's focus on women's empowerment, the three services have taken some steps for expanding avenues for women, but several issues still remain. However, recruitment numbers of the past few years are almost at the same level with a decline in women joining the Army. While the issue of women in combat roles gets traction often, another aspect mostly neglected is the issue of permanent commission. The Navy is now taking women as pilots and observers on fixed-wing aircraft. This is the Short Service Commission (SSC) because they cannot be promoted as they cannot do sea service. The biggest catch is that women officers are taken under the SSC which is up to 14 years. Due to this, those leaving are left without any pension as pensionable service is 20 years. Commander Edayilliam stated that the ATC officers' course that they had undergone at the Air Force Academy in Dindigul was not recognized at par with the civil course at the Civil Aviation Training College, Allahabad. "So it is extremely difficult to get a second career based on it," she told.
"Navy is a wonderful service. We want more and more qualified people to join it," she added, longing for the uniform she once donned.
This is where there would be great expectations from Ms. Sitharaman to understand the intricacies and open the services. A group of Military Nursing Service members have been fighting the government for over a decade, demanding that they be treated as full officers. The Supreme Court has taken a firm stand, asking the military to ameliorate their condition. They are also hoping that the new defence minister will appreciate their plight. Former Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar had stated that the three services would induct women in combat roles in a phased manner as infrastructure had to be created.
The Indian Air Force has long had women pilots in transport and helicopters streams and last year commissioned three women fighter pilots on an experimental basis. Similarly, the Army gives permanent commission for women only in education, law and medical streams. But given the operational conditions and spread, the Army has been the most reluctant to take women in combat roles.
16.    All the sentences are true except one from the following:
    1) The bitter fact is Indian Mili­tary is predominantly mal­e domi­nated
    2) Women are optimistic about bold decisions against discrimination
    3) A large number of women are averse to court cases
    4) Inspite of some steps taken by the three services, several issues still trouble
    5) Recruitment numbers of the past few years see no change
17.    Identify the correct statements from the following:
    a) The army has been keen to take women in combat roles
    b) The state-of-the-art facilities are available for women in the three services
    1) Only a    2) Only b
    3) Both a & b    4) Neither a nor b
    5) Either a or b
18.    The synonym of bastion is:
    1) Citadel    2) Epitaph
    3) Cenotaph    4) Monument
    5) Antique
19.    Donned means:
    1) Take off    2) Put on
    3) Pull out    4) Get in
    5) Throw off
20.    The antonym of ameliorate is:
    1) Modernize    2) Mitigate
    3) Promote    4) Aggravate
    5) Progress
Directions: (Q.No.21-25) Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3), and (4) give­n below each sentence should rep­la­­­ce the phrase underlined in the sentence to make it grammatically corre­ct. If there is no error mark (5) No cor­rection required as your answer.
21.    The book has withstood the adv­ent of the cinema, television, an­d personal computer and are likely to be there in centuries to come
    1) The book has withstood the advent of the cinema, television, personal computer and are likely
    2) The book has withstood the advent of the cinema, television, and personal computer and are liable
    3) Books have withstood the advent of the cinema, television, and personal computer and are likely
    4) The book withstood the advent of the cinema, television, personal computer and is likely
    5) No correction required
22.    We are eliminating languages, tr­a­ditional diets, and eroding cultural practices at an alarming rate.
    1) We are eliminating languages, changing traditional diets, and cultural practices at an alarming rate. 
    2) We are eliminating languages, changing traditional diets, and eroding cultural practices at an alarming rate. 
    3) Languages, traditional diets, and cultural practices are be­ing eroded at an alarming rate.
    4) Languages, traditional diets, and cultural practices are bein­g eliminated alarmingly fast.
    5) No correction required
23.    We decided to begin the meeting till he arrives. 
    1) since he arrives
    2) when he arrives
    3) when he arrived  4) on arrival
    5) No correction required
24.    The employees successfully carried out his instructions.
    1) carried on    2) carried of
    3) carry    4) carry to
    5) No correction required
25.    You cannot dismiss him unless you had a good reason.
    1) until having    2) without
    3) except you have
    4) until to have
    5) No correction required

    1) 1    2) 3    3) 2    4) 3    5) 1
    6) 5    7) 4    8) 5    9) 1    10) 3
    11) 1    12) 3    13) 1    14) 4    15) 3
    16) 3    17) 4    18) 1    19) 2    20) 4
    21) 3    22) 3    23) 3    24) 5    25) 2

Published date : 24 Sep 2024 11:16AM

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