Role of Current Affairs to Succeed in Competitive Exams; Check Important Topics

Prepare for the exams by linking the topics around them on a daily basis to the General Studies subjects. Current Affairs has a lot of priority in Competitive Exams like TSPSC, APPSC Group-1, Group-2, Civils etc.
Authenticity is paramount
Candidates should be careful while collecting and reading current topics from multiple sources. Some of them can make mistakes sometimes. So rely on standard resources. If you have any doubt about any topic, one should confirm the topic twice and the facts contained therein. Concepts should be read in conjunction with the background to the topic. Only then you can get a full grip on it. Also those items will be remembered for a long time. Candidates should make current affairs preparation a part of their daily routine and a continuous process. You should develop curiosity and anxiety to learn new things.
Hold on to the current politics
Analyse on most of the current issues related to politics we see in the news. You should raise awareness on the hijab controversy, love jihad and other controversies that have caused a stir across the country. The 8th Schedule to the Constitution has been in the news frequently in recent times. Amendments and changes to the 8th Schedule, the addition of new languages, the current demand - everything should be learnt from history to the present.
Awareness on economics
When it comes to economics there are definitely two important things to read - budget and economic survey. However, in the case of the budget, the candidates give preference to the statistics in it. But there is a need to know about the specifics of the budget, the new schemes mentioned in this year's budget and the pillars of this year's budget. The survey means that the challenges faced by India in the past financial year, the sectors that have made progress, the sectors that have faced problems should be paid special attention.
Current Trends in General Science
Much of the focus should be on current affairs in general science. As you read about the corona virus that has been affecting the world for the past two years, what are the diseases caused by viruses, DNA based viruses and RNA based viruses, vaccine manufacturers and special attention to the specifics of the vaccine.
Priority for innovations
In science and technology, innovation should be given more priority. More recently IITs have been making headlines by making cutting-edge innovations. Focus on them as well as on ISRO programs. For example PSLV-C52, DRDO experiments, missiles, supercomputers in the news should be studied. The controversial International Space Station, space debris management programs, and research being done by various countries on Mars are a few topics to be focused.
Study on international issues
When it comes to international issues, Russia should be on focus in relation to the Ukraine conflict, its causes, its impact on the rest of the world, the expansion of NATO, and the international organizations that have been in the news for this controversy. For example, read UNSC, IAEA, Council of Europe, International Court of Justice, UNHRC, etc. Learning any international subject should be studied in terms of its impact on India.
- Read Taliban government in Afghanistan, Israel in Palestine, Armenia in Azerbaijan and so on.
- Various operations launched by the Central Government to repatriate Indians - Operation Devishakti (Afghanistan), Operation Ganga (Ukraine).
- Indian foreign policy, important agreements that have been in the news recently as well as historic agreements should be read in conjunction with current agreements.
- In addition to these, important reports, indicators, naval, aviation, military maneuvers, etc. should be specially studied.
- Gather information from standard newspapers, official websites, magazines and prepare for competitive exams.
Questions asked on Current Affairs in various competitive exams on average
- UPSC (Civils Prelims) 14 to 16
- APPSC (Group 1 Prelims) 30
- TSPSC (Group 1 Prelims) 25 to 30
- Nearly 15 percent on other competitive exams
- Bala Latha, Subject Experts