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APPSC Group-1 Prelims 2022 Paper-1 Exam Day Question Paper Instructions

Here are the exam day question paper instructions to be followed by the candidates for APPSC group-1 prelims paper-1 exam.
APPSC Grou-1 Prelims Exam Day

APPSC has released the exam day question paper instructions to be followed by candidates for APPSC group-1 prelims paper-1 exam.

Group-1 Prelims Paper-1 Instructions:

1.    Please write your Register Number on the Test Booklet, immediately on recepit of the same and check the Test Booklet and ensure that it contains all the questions. If you find any defect in the Test Booklet or Answer Sheet, please get it replaced immediately.

2.    The Test Booklet contains of four parts and 120 questions. Part A has questions on History and Culture, Part B has questions on Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International Relations, Part C has questions on Indian and Andhra Pradesh Economy and Planning and Part D has questions on Geography. Each part carries 30 marks.


3.    The Question Paper is set in English and translated into Telugu language. The English version will be considered as the authentic version for valuation purpose.

4.    The Test Booklet is printed in four (4) Series, viz.  A    B    C    D . The Series,  A  or  B  or  C  or   D  is printed on the right-hand corner of the cover page of the Test Booklet. Mark your Test Booklet Series A or B or C or  D  in Part C on side 1 of the Answer Sheet by darkening the appropriate  circle with Blue/Black Ball point pen.


If you have not marked the Test Booklet Series at Part C of side 1 of the Answer Sheet or marked in a way that it leads to discrepancy in determining the exact Test Booklet Series, then, in all such cases, your Answer Sheet will be invalidated without any further notice. No correspondence will be entertained in the matter.
5.    Each question is followed by 4 answer choices. Of these, you have to select one correct answer and mark it on the Answer Sheet by darkening the appropriate circle for the question. If more than one circle is darkened, the answer will not be valued at all. Use Blue or Black Ball point pen to make heavy black marks to fill the circle completely. Make no other stray marks. Use of whitener is prohibited. If used, it will lead to invalidation.


E.g. : If the answer for Question No. 1 is Answer choice (2), it should be marked as follows :

6.    Use Blue or Black Ball Point Pen only, failing which your Answer Sheet will be invalidated. Gel pens/pencils are not allowed. It is not required to darken the second copy separately.

7.    Please get the signature of the Invigilator affixed in the space provided in the Answer Sheet. An Answer Sheet without the signature of the Invigilator is liable for invalidation.

8.    DO NOT fold, tear, wrinkle, tie, staple, do any rough work or make any stray marks on the OMR Answer Sheet, otherwise your Answer Sheet will be invalidated.

Check APPSC Groups Study Material and Bitbank

9.    Using the Whitener/Blade/Eraser or any kind of tampering to change the answers on OMR Answer Sheet will lead to invalidation.

10.    Do not mark answer choices on the Test Booklet. Violation of this will be viewed seriously.

11.    Before leaving the examination hall, the candidate should hand over the original OMR Answer Sheet (top sheet) to the Invigilator and carry the bottom sheet (duplicate) for his/her record.

12.    Calculators, Mathematical/Log  Tables,  Mobile  Phones, Bluetooth  instruments or any  other Electronic Devices will not be allowed into the Examination Hall.

13.    Candidates should stay in the Examination Hall till expiry of Full Time i.e. 2 Hours. No candidate shall be allowed to leave the Hall in the middle of the examination under any circumstances.

14.    If any candidate attempts to use any means to cheat/copy etc., he/she is liable for prosecution and debarment.

15.    Rough work may be done on the last page of the Question Booklet only. It should not be done anywhere else.

16.    As per G.O. Ms. No. 235, Finance (HR-I, Plg & Policy) Dept., Date 06/12/2016, each wrong answer will be penalized with 1/3rd of the marks prescribed for the question and that would be deducted from their total marks.

Published date : 07 Jan 2023 05:27PM

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