APPSC Assistant Engineer Exam: Books to be referred!

After scrutinizing the syllabus, the preparation should be based on the B.Tech or Diploma level academic books related to the respective subjects. The application approach should be followed in preparation. This gives you the practice of practical thinking and the ability to answer any question. Practicing model papers and mock tests will help to excel better talent in the exam. In the same way, it is also useful to practice the questions of engineering sets like ECET, PGECET etc. related to the respective branches. The notification states that the questions in Paper-2 will be at the diploma level only. But experts suggest that the chances of success will be better if candidates focus on subjects at the B.Tech level.
APPSC AE Notification Important Information:
How to apply: Apply online.
Online Application Dates: October 21 – November 11,2021
Last date for payment of application fee: November 10, 2021
Website for full details:
Also check APPSC Assistant Engineer Exam Pattern