Reported Speech

Reported Speech ని కొంతమంది Indirect Speech అని కూడా అంటారు.
Reported Speech is a better expression.మనం వేరే వాళ్ల మాటలను report చేయాలంటే రెండు రకాలుగా చెయ్యవచ్చు
(1) We can use direct speech with quotation marks ("I live in Hyderabad''), or we can use Reported Speech (He said that he lives in Hyderabad.) In Reported Speech the tenses, word-order and pronouns సాధారణంగా మారుతాయి. కానీ original sentence అర్థం మారకూడదు. సాధారణ వాక్యాల్ని 'that' తో కనెక్ట్ చేస్తాం.

Eg.The boy explained that his classmate had threatened him. మనం report చేసే సందర్భాన్ని బట్టి, టaid, explained, wondered, questioned, shouted, exclaimed, threatened లాంటి పదాల్ని వాడతాం.
ఇదేకాకుండా tenseను సందర్భానుసారంగా మార్చాలి. కొన్ని పదాలు కూడా మారతాయి. జరిగిన ఒక సంఘటన గురించి చెప్పేటప్పుడు today, now అని వస్తే, రెండు రోజుల తర్వాత దాన్ని చెప్పేటప్పుడు today, now అని చెప్పలే ం. ఆరోజు, అప్పుడు అని చెప్పాలి.
We will see how words change and also how the verb changes.
may > might
shall > should
can > could
yesterday > the day before
tomorrow > the next day
today > that day
now > then
we > they
I > he/she
this > that
these > those
here > there

Reporting Questions
Reporting questions is done slightly differently. All "Yes/No'' type questions are reported with the link words "if'' or "whether''. If a question can be answered with a YES or NO, it is a Y/N type question.
Eg. Do you like this?Are you married?

Yes/No Type Questions
Sheila asked me, "Are you married?''
Sheila asked me whether I am married.
The boss angrily said to his secretary,
"Don't you read the letter after you have
keyed in (typed) it?''
The boss angrily asked his secretary if she doesn't read the letter after she had typed it.

Wh - Questions

Questions which have "Wh-" word (how is included in this) in them are reported with the same "Wh-" word. (what, when, why, whose, how) This type of questions cannot be answered with just YES or NO. You have to give full answer.

The teacher said to the student, "Why are you late today?''
The teacher asked the student why she was late that day.
The wife angrily said to her husband, "When are we buying a flat?''
The wife angrily asked her husband when theywere buying a flat.
The tourist said to a pedestrian, "How do I go to Ameerpet from here?
The tourist enquired with a pedestrian how he could go to Ameerpet from there.
The children said to the parents, "When are we going to Goa?''
The children asked the parents when they were going to Goa.

Direct Speech


Simple present Simple past
He said, "I never smoke.'' He said that he never smokes.
Present progressive Past progressive
"I'm working'', she said. She said that she was working.
Present perfect Past perfect
He screamed, "I've got a job.'" He screamed that he had got a job.
Present perfect progressive Past perfect progressive
Amba said, "I've been waiting for years.'' Amba said that she had been waiting for years.
Simple past Past perfect
Dey said, "I warned him about it.'' Dey said that he had warned him about it.
Future Conditional Future
Seeta said, "My lord will rescue me and kill you.'' Seeta said that her lord would rescue her and kill him.
Future continuous Conditional continuous
Raghu said, "I will be visiting Delhi on the 18th Raghu said that he would be visiting Delhi on the 18th.''
