National Family Health Survey-5 Highlights!!

The National Family Health Survey-5 (NFHS-5) findings were released on November 24, 2021. Report finds that, in Uttar Pradesh, only 1.5% women aged between 30 and 49 years have undergone screening test for cervical cancer in life.
National Family Health Survey-5 Highlights!!

Highlights of the National Family Health Survey-5

  • Many health indicators have improved in the state.
  • Less domestic violence with women was reported.
  • Sex ratio has also improved.
  • Use of family planning methods and institutional delivery has increased.
  • Diarrhoea infection among kids has decreased.
  • As per NFHS-5, 1.1 % women in urban areas and 1.7 % women in rural areas underwent screening. Thus, rural women scored better with respect to awareness and screening for cervical cancer.
  • Number of women (aged 30-49 years) who had undergone breast examination for cancer was just 0.4%, in rural as well as urban areas surveyed.
  • Number of women, who undergone for oral cavity examination for cancer was only 0.6% in rural as well as urban areas.
  • Less domestic violence with women was reported.
  • Overall, 34.8% married women aged 18-49 years had experienced spousal violence.
  • In urban areas, this ratio was 32.7% while in rural areas it was 35.5%.NFHS-5 finds that, sex ratio has improved in the state.
  • Sex ratio of the total population has reached to 1017 in NFHS-5 as opposed to 995 in NFHS 4.